12 Analytics

Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise provides an Analytics API to help you measure patterns in app performance and usage. As a business development manager or mobile program manager, you can use analytics to find out how to improve your apps.

What Can I Do with Analytics?

Use analytics to gain insight into how (and how often) users use a mobile app at any given time. The analytics reports generated by Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise enable you to see an application's adoption rate, and find out which functions are used the most (or the least). SeeLegacy Analytics API for information on how to define sessions and events in your app code.

How Does Create Analytics Reports?

creates analytics reports from events, which describe how users interact with the mobile app.

A mobile app developer can track the mobile app’s entire usage by raising events in the mobile app code. For example, a mobile app for repair technicians might track events like Work Order Dispatched, Work Order Accepted, Work Order Resolved, and Work Order on Hold. To add further detail to an event, you can define properties that describe an event’s characteristics. For the Work Order on Hold event, for example, you might add properties for Customer Not Home or Parts on Order.


Mobile program managers should decide which aspects of an app to track by events early in the app development process.
Mobile backends receive events from the REST calls made from mobile apps. A mobile app makes a single call, which includes a JSON payload that describes the events along with such contextual information like a user’s location, the start and end of a user session, and details about the user’s mobile device. You can craft the payload yourself if you use straight REST calls, or use the mobile client SDK to construct one for you. The SDK defines the user session and automatically applies the user and system context that allows to generate reports that describe the number of users of the app, and how (and from where) they’re using it.


While the SDK enables Analytics to automatically generate reports that tell you how many users your app has, or how much time they’re spending on it, you must define events in the mobile app’s code if you want to see these reports.

API Call Analytics

OMCe provides API call analytics to help you measure patterns in app usage and performance. As a developer, you can use these analytics to find out how to improve your app design and performance.

API call analytics are raw code-centric metrics that give you insight into how your app is functioning. These are distinct from the “customer experience” analytics that are based on user events that you track by instrumenting your app. Information on using the latter type of analytics is covered in Analyzing Customer Data with Oracle Mobile Cloud, Enterprise.


There may be a lag in the reported data. When you enter a date range that includes the current day, that day’s data may not appear.

API Calls Count and Response Time

You can use the API Calls page to generate reports to show the following type of data:

  • Traffic for one or more APIs.

    These reports include both successful and failed calls. You can filter the reports by backend, APIs, and API endpoints.

  • Response time for API calls.

    OMCe measures the response time (in milliseconds) for an API call as starting when the server receives the request and ending when the call returns the data to the mobile app. The response time includes the time dispatching the call.

    You can compare the response time for one (or all), APIs for a selected period of time. The bar graph compares the response time against the number of calls.

To access the API Calls page:

  • Click icon to open the side menu to open the side menu and select Analytics > Operations.

Adding Locations in China

If you want to add locations in China to your analytics you have to use Baidu Maps, a service provider for maps of China. This lets you to track where your app users are, and allow other map related functions like browsing for specific locations.

Before you add Baidu Maps, make sure your application ID is set. This is the app key that is generated when you create an analytics app.

  1. Click icon to open the side menu to open the side menu and select Mobile Apps > Backends.

  2. Open your backend and click Settings to get the application ID.

To add Baidu Maps:

  1. Click icon to open the side menu to open the side menu and select Settings > Credentials > Keys > New CSF Key.

    Enter a descriptive key name you want to use to store the Baidu Map application key. For example, CsfKeyName_For_BaidumapAK.

  2. In a text editor, create a policy file policies.properties that sets Analytics_BaiduMapCsfKeyName to the CSF file you just created.

    For example, here is how you would set the Analytics_BaiduMapCsfKeyName policy to CsfKeyName_For_BaidumapAK and apply it to version 1.0 of the MyTestBackend backend:
  3. Import the policy by selecting Settings > Policies > Import a policies file.

Make sure the checkbox Delete all policies before import is not selected before you import the policies file, unless you want to delete all policies.