Description of the illustration rest_security.png

Screenshot of the Security page of the REST Connector API wizard. Top of the page shows the Back button, Cancel button, the navigation links (General, Rules, Security, and Test), the Save button, the Save and Close button, and the Next button.

Below the page buttons is the title of the page, Security Configuration, and instructional text. The text informs you that you have the option of selecting and configuring the Oracle Web Services Management policies displayed on the page. If no security policies are needed, you can click Next to continue.

Below the instructional text is the Available Policies pane that displays the available security policies and is followed by a column of selection buttons (move a single item to the selected policies list, move multiple items to the selected policies list, move a single item to the available policies list, and move multiple items to the available policies list). After the selection buttons is the Selected Policies pane that displays the policies that have been selected for this connector API.

Below the policy lists is the Policy Description area that displays a description of the selected policy in the Available Policies pane. Next to the Policy Description is the Policy Overrides section. This section lists all the attributes of the selected policy. Each attribute has a text field where you can optionally provide a value relevant to the attribute type.