Oracle® Cloud

Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise Known Issues

Release 18.2.3


October 2018

Supported Browsers

This table describes the minimum requirements for web browsers that Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise supports.
Web Browser Version

Microsoft Internet Explorer


Google Chrome


Mozilla Firefox

37, 38

Apple Safari



Region Must be Selected for New Stack

The Region field must be selected in the Cloud Stack Manager during stack provisioning, and can't be left at the default "No Preference" (this option is only available in dev environments).

If the Region field is left at the default “No Preference” stack provisioning will fail with an error like the following:

The service [stack920152OEHPCS] exists in a different site than other selected services in domain [idcs-13b6c30b935944ffb51926c396a53669]]"

Services Must be Restarted Individually After Stopping Stack

Services must be restarted individually. After stopping the stack, restarting the stack fails.

If the Spark enrich job is stopped when another service is restarted, the enrich job must be restarted individually.

Workaround: Start and stop services individually instead of stopping the whole stack. To restart the Spark enrich job, log into the Analytics Pod Service VM, and execute the following: sudo su oracle cd ~/../../cxpf/Manager/service_scripts/provisioning_check/ python


Can’t Connect to RAC Stack

Analytics doesn’t support Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) database association.

Enrich Must be Running to Register Events

If the Enrich job is not running, no events will be displayed in the Analytics UI.

Workaround: Start the Enrich Spark process manually as described in Administering Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise in a Customer-Managed Environment.

Scaling Operations Disabled in PSM Menu

The CxAPOD VM and CxACFG service types are greyed out in the PSM menu. Scaling will be enabled in a future release.


Collection Access Required for All Resources Used As References

When setting up a resource in the Express API wizard, if you attempt to add a reference to another resource that doesn’t have the Include Resource Collection option enabled, the API can’t be saved. If the resource being used as a reference is set up for collection access, it saves without any issue.

Workaround: Enable Include Resource Collection for all resources used as references.

Oracle-Mobile-Name Header Doesn’t Accept HTML Special Characters

The Oracle-Mobile-Name header can’t contain HTML special characters, including <>!*’();:@&=+$,/?%#[].

During a Storage API call, if there are any HTML special characters in the Oracle-Mobile-Name header, the section of the string after the first special character will be removed. For example, if your Oracle-Mobile-Name is TEST<STORAGE>, the “<” character is interpreted as the start of an HTML section, so it trims off the string <STORAGE> and uses TEST for the header value.

Workaround: If you want to include HTML special characters, encode the header value. There are many HTML encoders available online.


Can't Modify or Delete CSF Key Containing Special Characters

When you try to delete a CSF key that contains special characters, a success message appears, but the key is still present in the list with empty content. This empty key can’t be accessed to be modified or deleted.

Workaround: Do not create CSF keys with special characters.

Social Login Requires HTTP Basic Authentication

If you enable social login for your mobile app, you must also enable HTTP basic authentication in the mobile backend's Settings page. Note that if you disable HTTP basic authentication, there is no warning message to alert you that social login won’t work.


Add Components Popup Not Anchored in Safari Browser

In a Safari browser, when you click the Components button to add a component, the popup shows at the bottom lower corner of the screen and isn’t anchored to the button.

Instant Apps Callback URL Isn't Configured

The Instant Apps callback URL isn’t configured by default.

Workaround: Define the callback URL in global config using the steps below.
  1. Get the connectors URL.
    1. In Bots, edit an existing bot with a Webhook or Facebook channel. (If you don’t have one, create a bot and create a Webhook channel.)

    2. Navigate to the Channels page.

    3. Make a note of the Webhook URL. The connectors URL you need for global config is the first part of the Webhook URL, ending with /connectors/v1 (https://......./connectors/v1).

  2. Add the Instant Apps callback URL to the global config settings.

    1. Do a GET to obtain the current global config. The URL to use is <baseURL>/management-api/v1/settings where <baseURL> is the Bots URL without /botsui at the end.

    2. Do a PUT to update the global config and add the Instant Apps callback URL. In the example below, <connectors URL> is the URL you got in step c above (https://......./connectors/v1).


      If the settings and configProperties objects aren’t in the existing global config, you need to create them.
      	"settings": {
      		"configProperties": {
      			"chatbox.urls.callback": "<connectors URL>/callback?state={stateValue}"

Restarting Intent Server During Training Causes Failure

If you restart the intent server or start a new intent server during training, it invalidates the management API, and training must be manually cancelled and restarted.

Workaround: When an intent server fails and a new intent server is started, make the following updates to the BOTS_TRAINING_MODEL table in OMCE_BOTS DB:
  • Change the TRAINING_STATUS for the model from TRAINING to NO_DATA.



Fusion Applications Connector

Fusion Apps Connector: Can't Type Space in Attribute Description

When you enter a description in the property panel for a selected attribute in the Fusion Applications Connector wizard, pressing the keyboard 'Space bar' causes the panel to close.

Workaround: Avoid using spaces in attribute descriptions.

Fusion Apps Connector: Property Panel for Attributes Can't Be Hidden

When you click on an attribute in the Selected Attributes column on the Attributes page of the Fusion Applications Connector wizard, a property panel opens. The only way to close that panel is to click on another attribute in the list to open a different property panel.

Fusion Apps Connector: Test Page Returns 415 When Using POST or PUT

In the Fusion Applications Connector wizard, testing PUT and POST endpoints results in errors.

Workaround: Invoke PUT and POST endpoints directly from custom code.

SOAP Connector

SOAP Connector: RC4 Cipher Suites Not Supported

SOAP connectors use Java 7u85, which doesn’t support RC4 cipher suites.

If you are using a SOAP Connector with a SOAP endpoint that requires a SSL certificate, you may get an exception like the following that indicates an issue with the RC4 cipher: Server selected improper ciphersuite SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5

Workaround: Delete the RC4 ciphers from the SSL implementation. For example, if you are using Oracle HTTP Server, remove them from the configuration file.

SOAP Connector: WSDL URL Contains SOA Service ID

After migrating a SOAP Connector, you must remove the SOA service ID from the WSDL URL listed as the service location.

If you don’t update the service location, the response code will be 500. For example, if after migration the service location is listed as “!1.0*soa_b9b086e0-1a5b-4988-b87d-3397ef81d98e/client” you must remove the following section: “!1.0*soa_b9b086e0-1a5b-4988-b87d-3397ef81d98e” to leave the following as the correct service location WSDL URL: “”.

MAX (Mobile Application Accelerator)

Don't Delete APIs with MAX Dependencies

If a MAX app on a mobile backend is dependent on an API, deleting the API can corrupt the mobile backend. To avoid errors and unintended data loss, don’t delete an API if a MAX app is dependent on it.

Security Tab Isn’t Displayed for Express APIs

MAX applications don’t support alternative security methods, so the Security tab isn’t displayed by default.

Workaround: If you want to use the Express API with a different security method outside of MAX, complete the Express API, export the RAML, and use it as the input for a custom API.


Campaign Notifications Fail for Analytics Apps

Campaign notifications aren’t currently supported for analytics apps.

Campaign notifications for analytics apps fail with a 500 error. There is no known workaround at this time.

Metrics API Returns Error When Scheduled Campaign Expires

After a scheduled campaign is launched, the metrics API returns an error that the scheduled date has expired, instead of showing metrics for the campaign.

Social Users Can't Register for Notifications

The Notifications Device Registry doesn’t show the unique Facebook user ID after a user is registered, so notifications can’t be sent to a single Facebook user.


Linking App in Xcode Causes iOS SDK Warning

When linking an iOS app in Xcode, you may get warnings from the SDK's IDM library. These warnings can be ignored.

Here is an example of the warning:

while processing /Users/username/Documents/thirdParty/oamms_sdk_for_ios/libIDMMobileSDK.a(OMOAMOAuthMobileSecurityConfiguration.o): warning: /var/folders/xl/qqnv59k114l8s8lw4cxpgd8w0000gq/C/ No such file or directory

Workaround: No workaround is necessary, as these warnings shouldn't cause any problems in your app.

React Native SDK’s POST requests for BLOB format fail in storage

There is a bug in ReactNative which causes an exception when uploading blob files.


Can't Create New Version of Collection from More Menu

When you select a collection on the Storage page and click More > New Version or Update Version Number the New Version popup doesn’t open.

Workaround: To create a new version of a collection:
  1. Select the collection on the Storage page.

  2. Click Open to go to the collection.

  3. Click Storage in the breadcrumb to go back to the collection list.

  4. With the collection still selected, click More > New Version or Update Version Number.

  5. The New Version popup opens. Fill out the version information and click Create.

User-Isolated Collections Aren’t Currently Supported

Only shared storage collections are supported. The documentation also includes information about user-isolated collections, but this option isn’t currently available.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Cloud Oracle Mobile Cloud Enterprise Known Issues, Release 18.2.3


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Primary Author: Jennifer Shipman

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