Database Management REST Endpoints

Database Management
The Database Management API enables team members who have an Administrator or Developer role to add, view, replace, and drop tables that are created (and updated) automatically when you POST or PUT a JSON object to the Database Access API.
Create a Table
Method: post
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables
Create an Index
Method: post
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables/{table}/indexes
Remove a Table
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables/{table}
Remove an Index
Method: delete
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables/{table}/indexes/{index}
Remove and Re-create a Table
Method: put
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables/{table}
Return Metadata About All Tables
Method: get
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables
Return Metadata for a Table
Method: get
Path: /mobile/system/databaseManagement/tables/{table}