Retrieve Packaging Dependencies



Returns the packaging dependencies for multiple root artifacts.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
Body Parameter
Multiple asset dependencies for the packaging request.
Root Schema : multiplePackageDependenciesRequest
Type: object
Multiple asset dependencies for the packaging request.
Nested Schema : stringArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of string values.


Supported Media Types
  • application/json
200 Response
The asset dependencies to use to export a package were returned.
Information about the asset and its dependencies.
Root Schema : dependencies
Type: object
Information about the asset and its dependencies.
Nested Schema : apiDependencyArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Unique Items Required: true
An array of APIs as dependencies.
Nested Schema : collectionDependencyArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Unique Items Required: true
An array of storage collections as dependencies.
Nested Schema : connectorDependencyArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Unique Items Required: true
An array of connectors as dependencies.
Nested Schema : implDependencyArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Unique Items Required: true
An array of API implementations as dependencies.
Nested Schema : mbeDependencyArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Unique Items Required: true
An array of backends as dependencies.
Nested Schema : packageDependencyArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Unique Items Required: true
An array of packages as dependencies.
Nested Schema : roleArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Unique Items Required: true
An array of role elements.
Nested Schema : unresolvedDependencyArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Unique Items Required: true
An array of unresolved dependencies for a custom API implementation.
Nested Schema : apiDependency
Type: object
API as a dependency.
Nested Schema : apiShort
Type: object
The short API definition representation.
Nested Schema : apiDependency-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : assetGet
Type: object
The asset representation for GET requests.
Nested Schema : apiShort-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : assetUpdate
Type: object
The asset representation for PUT requests.
Nested Schema : assetIdEtag
Type: object
The asset ID and entity tag (ETag) values.
Nested Schema : trash
Type: object
Indicator of whether the asset is in the trash.
Nested Schema : assetGet-allOf[3]
Nested Schema : entityLinksArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of links for an entity's metadata.
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Link to the entity's metadata.
Nested Schema : icon
Type: object
Information about the icon that's associated with the API or connector.
Nested Schema : assetShort
Type: object
Asset information (short form).
Nested Schema : assetShortQualifiedArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Unique Items Required: true
An array of qualified assets.
Nested Schema : assetShortQualified
Type: object
An asset's information in qualified short form, which includes type and qualifiers.
Nested Schema : assetQualifiers
Type: object
Asset type name and qualifiers.
Nested Schema : collectionDependency
Type: object
Storage collection as a dependency.
Nested Schema : mosCollectionGet
Type: object
The storage collection representation for GET requests.
Nested Schema : collectionDependency-allOf[2]
Nested Schema : mosCollectionGet-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : connectorDependency
Type: object
Connector as a dependency.
Nested Schema : connectorGet
Type: object
The connector representation for GET requests.
Nested Schema : connectorDependency-allOf[2]
Nested Schema : connectorShort
Type: object
The short connector definition representation.
Nested Schema : connectorGet-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : connectorBase
Type: object
Base connector properties.
Nested Schema : connectorGetRest
Type: object
REST connector get payload.
Nested Schema : connectorUpdateSoap
Type: object
SOAP connector update payload.
Nested Schema : connectorUpdateDatabase
Type: object
MOB DB connector update payload.
Nested Schema : connectorUpdateIcsRest
Type: object
ICS REST connector update payload.
Nested Schema : connectorUpdateIcsSoap
Type: object
ICS SOAP connector update payload.
Nested Schema : connectorUpdateRest
Type: object
REST connector update payload.
Nested Schema : connectorGetRest-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : restRuleArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of REST rules.
Nested Schema : securityPolicyArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of security policy elements.
Nested Schema : restRule
Type: object
REST connector rule definition.
Nested Schema : defaultParameters
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Unique Items Required: true
Nested Schema : methods
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Unique Items Required: true
Nested Schema : restParameter
Type: object
REST connector rule default parameter.
Nested Schema : securityPolicy
Type: object
Connector OWSM security policy.
Nested Schema : securityPolicyOverrideArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of security-policy override elements.
Nested Schema : securityPolicyOverride
Type: object
Security policy override property.
Nested Schema : connectorDescriptorInfo
Type: object
Connector descriptor information.
Nested Schema : connectorCreateSoap
Type: object
SOAP connector creation payload.
Nested Schema : connectorUpdateSoap-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : operations
Type: array
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Nested Schema : connectorCreateDatabase
Type: object
REST connector creation payload.
Nested Schema : connectorUpdateDatabase-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : dbConnectorMetadata
Type: object
Database connector metadata model.
Nested Schema : calls
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Nested Schema : tableInfo
Type: object
Database connector table/view metadata.
Nested Schema : allColumns
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Nested Schema : primaryKeys
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Nested Schema : requiredColumns
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Nested Schema : selectedColumns
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Nested Schema : tableNameInfo
Type: object
Database connector table/view name/type metadata.
Nested Schema : connectorUpdateIcsRest-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : icsConnectionReference
Type: object
ICS configuration. This holds state about an ICS instance that should persist across connector sessions.
Nested Schema : integration
Type: object
ICS integration flow metadata.
Nested Schema : connectorUpdateIcsSoap-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : implDependency
Type: object
API implementation as a dependency.
Nested Schema : apiImplementationGet
Type: object
The API implementation service details.
Nested Schema : implDependency-allOf[2]
Nested Schema : apiImplementationGet-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : artifactArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of artifact information.
Nested Schema : artifact
Type: object
The artifact information.
Nested Schema : properties
Type: object
Nested Schema : mbeDependency
Type: object
Backend as a dependency.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendGet
Type: object
The backend representation for GET requests.
Nested Schema : mbeDependency-allOf[2]
Nested Schema : mobilebackendShortGet
Type: object
The backend representation for GET requests.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendGet-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : mobilebackendOAuthKeys
Type: object
The client keys (client_id/client_secret) that are required for backend access using OAuth.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendBasicAuthKeys
Type: object
The mobile backend ID that's required for backend access when you use Basic access authorization.
Nested Schema : mobilebackendShortGet-allOf[3]
Nested Schema : mobilebackendRoleAccess
Type: object
The backend's role-access details.
Nested Schema : stringArray
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
An array of string values.
Nested Schema : localizedMessage
Type: object
Localized error message for generic purposes.
Nested Schema : params
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Nested Schema : packageDependency
Type: object
Package as a dependency.
Nested Schema : packageGet
Type: object
The package representation for GET requests.
Nested Schema : packageGet-allOf[1]
Nested Schema : roleGet
Type: object
The role representation.
Nested Schema : unresolvedDependency
Type: object
Unresolved dependency for the custom API implementation.


The following example shows how to get packaging dependencies using cURL. For more information about cURL, see Use cURL.

curl -i -X POST -d @body.json -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$BASE_URL/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/packageDependencies"

Example of Request Body

The following shows an example of the request body, which is requesting the packaging dependencies for a backend.

    "ids": ["2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b"]

Example of Response Header

The following shows an example of the response headers:

200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2017 02:04:05 GMT

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body in JSON format:

    "mobilebackends": [
            "id": "2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b",
            "name": "motd",
            "version": "1.0",
            "qualifier": "self",
            "desc": "Message of the Day",
            "links": [
                    "rel": "canonical",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b"
                    "rel": "purgeDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/purgeDependencies"
                    "rel": "purging",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/purging"
                    "rel": "trashDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/trashDependencies"
                    "rel": "trashing",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/trashing"
                    "rel": "untrashDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/untrashDependencies"
                    "rel": "untrashing",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/untrashing"
                    "rel": "dependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/dependencies"
                    "rel": "history",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/history"
                    "rel": "publication",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/publication"
                    "rel": "reverseDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/reverseDependencies"
                    "rel": "notifications",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/notifications/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/notifications"
                    "rel": "apis",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/apis"
                    "rel": "collections",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/collections"
                    "rel": "basicAuthentication",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/security/basic"
                    "rel": "basicAuthenticationKeys",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/security/basic/keys"
                    "rel": "identityProviders",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/security/identityproviders"
                    "rel": "oauthKeys",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/mobilebackends/2ec3d6d7-4cbe-4785-8303-6b4221602c8b/security/oauth/keys"
            "published": false,
            "inTrash": false,
            "actionComment": null,
            "etag": "2",
            "createdOn": "2017-10-05T01:21:10.158Z",
            "modifiedOn": "2017-10-05T01:54:51.541Z",
            "modifiedBy": "jdoe",
            "deletedOn": null,
            "deletedBy": null,
            "clientId": "2e7325ad6d744e2c9f9f7d8c4d638d2e",
            "clientSecret": "f2bba628-3a94-44f0-a97a-f2f826e86dcb",
            "basicAuthBackendId": "4db53cf9-4ac6-444f-890c-ae8e263a866c",
            "oauth": true,
            "basicAuth": true,
            "inactive": false,
            "roleAccess": {
                "enabled": false,
                "roles": []
            "includes": [
                    "id": "3f89c1e2-a6bc-4afc-a575-801475825b3f",
                    "namespace": "custom",
                    "name": "motd",
                    "version": "1.0",
                    "type": "API"
            "roles": []
    "apis": [
            "id": "3f89c1e2-a6bc-4afc-a575-801475825b3f",
            "namespace": "custom",
            "name": "motd",
            "version": "1.0",
            "desc": "Message to display on the home page.",
            "links": [
                    "rel": "canonical",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/apis/3f89c1e2-a6bc-4afc-a575-801475825b3f"
                    "rel": "purgeDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/purgeDependencies"
                    "rel": "purging",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/purging"
                    "rel": "trashDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/trashDependencies"
                    "rel": "trashing",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/trashing"
                    "rel": "untrashDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/untrashDependencies"
                    "rel": "untrashing",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/untrashing"
                    "rel": "dependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/apis/3f89c1e2-a6bc-4afc-a575-801475825b3f/dependencies"
                    "rel": "history",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/apis/3f89c1e2-a6bc-4afc-a575-801475825b3f/history"
                    "rel": "publication",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/apis/3f89c1e2-a6bc-4afc-a575-801475825b3f/publication"
                    "rel": "reverseDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/apis/3f89c1e2-a6bc-4afc-a575-801475825b3f/reverseDependencies"
                    "rel": "implementations",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/apis/3f89c1e2-a6bc-4afc-a575-801475825b3f/implementations"
            "published": false,
            "inTrash": false,
            "actionComment": null,
            "etag": "2",
            "createdOn": "2017-10-03T02:56:59.295Z",
            "modifiedOn": "2017-10-03T02:58:04.194Z",
            "modifiedBy": "jdoe",
            "deletedOn": null,
            "deletedBy": null,
            "title": "Message of the Day",
            "basePath": "/mobile/custom/motd",
            "icon": null,
            "category": "CUSTOM",
            "hasBusinessObjects": false,
            "mock": false,
            "implementations": [],
            "implementation": {
                "id": "27cc82938880eb24bfe0720d02bee623",
                "name": "MockService",
                "version": "1.0"
            "roles": []
    "implementations": [
            "id": "27cc82938880eb24bfe0720d02bee623",
            "namespace": "system",
            "name": "MockService",
            "version": "1.0",
            "desc": null,
            "links": [
                    "rel": "canonical",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/implementations/27cc82938880eb24bfe0720d02bee623"
                    "rel": "purgeDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/purgeDependencies"
                    "rel": "purging",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/purging"
                    "rel": "trashDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/trashDependencies"
                    "rel": "trashing",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/trashing"
                    "rel": "untrashDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/untrashDependencies"
                    "rel": "untrashing",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/assets/untrashing"
                    "rel": "dependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/implementations/27cc82938880eb24bfe0720d02bee623/dependencies"
                    "rel": "history",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/implementations/27cc82938880eb24bfe0720d02bee623/history"
                    "rel": "publication",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/implementations/27cc82938880eb24bfe0720d02bee623/publication"
                    "rel": "reverseDependencies",
                    "href": "/mobile/tools/1.0/implementations/27cc82938880eb24bfe0720d02bee623/reverseDependencies"
            "published": true,
            "inTrash": false,
            "actionComment": null,
            "etag": "0",
            "createdOn": "2017-08-29T17:55:36.471Z",
            "modifiedOn": "2017-08-29T17:55:36.471Z",
            "modifiedBy": null,
            "deletedOn": null,
            "deletedBy": null,
            "artifacts": [],
            "api": null,
            "uses": []
    "connectors": [],
    "collections": [],
    "unresolvedDependencies": [],
    "roles": [],
    "packages": [],
    "clients": [],
    "policies": [
            "name": "*.custom/motd(1.0).Routing_BindApiToImpl",
            "value": "system/MockService(1.0)",
            "desc": null