OMCConversation Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in OMCConversation.h


The OMCConversation class provides an interface to interact with the current user’s conversation.

To obtain an instance, use [Bots conversation]. +initWithSettings:completionHandler: must have been called prior to retrieving the shared conversation object.

To send a message, use -sendMessage: with an OMCMessage object


[[Bots conversation] sendMessage:[[OMCMessage alloc] initWithText:@"Hello World!"]];

A notification will be fired indicating the success or failure of the message. To subscribe to these notifications, use NSNotificationCenter.


[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(messageUploaded:) name:OMCMessageUploadCompletedNotification object:nil];

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(messageFailed:) name:OMCMessageUploadFailedNotification object:nil];


The array of OMCMessage objects representing the conversation.

@property (readonly, nullable) NSArray *messages

See Also

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The total number of messages in the conversation, including user-generated messages.

@property (readonly) NSUInteger messageCount

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Count of unread messages in the conversation.

@property (readonly) NSUInteger unreadCount


The primary use of this property is to be able to display an indicator / badge when the conversation has unread messages.

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Date when the business last read the user messages

@property (readonly) NSDate *appMakerLastRead

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A delegate object for receiving notifications related to the conversation.

@property (weak, nullable) id<OMCConversationDelegate> delegate

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Boolean representing whether there are previous messages in the conversation that can be fetched or not

@property (readonly) BOOL hasPreviousMessages


Returns YES if there are previous messages in the conversation, NO otherwise. For fetching previous messages, use [OMCConversation loadPreviousMessages]

Declared In


– markAllAsRead

Marks all unread messages as read.

- (void)markAllAsRead


Marks all unread messages as read, and notifies that the unread count changed.

See Also

Declared In


– loadPreviousMessages

Loads previous messages for this conversation, if any

@dicussion Will get previous messages for this conversation based on the timestamp of the current oldest message and will notify the delegate of new incoming messages through [OMCConversationDelegate conversation:didReceivePreviousMessages:]

- (void)loadPreviousMessages

Declared In


– sendMessage:

Adds a new message to the conversation.

- (void)sendMessage:(OMCMessage *)message


For each message added using sendMessage, a notification will be fired indicating the success or failure status of the upload.

Declared In


– sendImage:withProgress:completion:

Adds an image message to the conversation.

- (void)sendImage:(UIImage *)image withProgress:(nullable OMCImageUploadProgressBlock)progressBlock completion:(nullable OMCImageUploadCompletionBlock)completionBlock



The image to upload. Must not be nil.


Called to report progress updates. May be nil.


Called when the upload completes or fails. May be nil.


Use the progress block to track the progress of the upload. Progress is reported as a number between 0 and 1.

The completion block is called when the operation completes, either in success or failure. Both blocks are guaranteed to be called on the main thread.

In case of success, the error parameter will be nil, and the message parameter will contain the newly created message. The message will already be part of the messages array when this block is called.

In case of failure, the message parameter will be nil, and the error parameter will contain the error that occurred.

Declared In


– postback:completion:

Sends a postback to the server.

- (void)postback:(OMCMessageAction *)messageAction completion:(nullable void ( ^ ) ( NSError *_Nullable error ))completionBlock



The messageAction for which to send the postback. Must not be nil.


Called when the postback completes or fails. May be nil.


The completion block is called when the operation completes, either in success or failure.

In case of success, the error parameter will be nil.

In case of failure, the error parameter will contain the error that occurred.

Declared In


– retryMessage:

Retries a message that failed to send.

- (void)retryMessage:(OMCMessage *)failedMessage


The failed message will be removed from the messages array, and a new message will be constructed with the same text as the failed message. A notification will be fired indicating the success or failure status of the upload.

Declared In


– startTyping

Notify the server that the user is typing.

- (void)startTyping


This method is called automatically when using the default conversation view controller. Only call this method if your application implements its own conversation view.

Typing updates are automatically throttled, so you may call this method as often as necessary. The typing stop event will automatically fire 10 seconds after the most recent call to this method.

Declared In


– stopTyping

Notify the server that the user has finished typing.

- (void)stopTyping


This method is called automatically when using the default conversation view controller. Only call this method if your application implements its own conversation view.

If the user was not flagged as typing recently, this method will result in a no-op.

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