Oracle Mobile Cloud, Enterpise Bots Client SDK for JavaScript

Release 18.2.3


Use the OMCe Bots Client SDK for JavaScript to add live messaging to your web site or web app.


To improve performance, the Bots library, which is composed of multiple resources, is fetched at runtime. For that reason, the URL where the library's static files are hosted (that is, the public path), is hard coded in many places.

To configure the library for your environment, run:

./configure <public-path>

The script will generate a folder with the configured project in it.


Local Testing Setup

The files will be available at /home/your-name/http:__localhost:8000_static_/.

Production Setup

The Files will be available at /home/your-name/https:__cdn.acme.org_/.


  1. Put all of the files from the generated folder at the root of the storage after https://placeholder.public.path/.
    For example, if your files are hosted at http://localhost:8000/static/, copy all the files to the static folder on your local server.
  2. If your storage is behind a CDN, make sure to issue a cache invalidation for https://placeholder.public.path/loader.json.
  3. Make sure your server allows CORS requests.
  4. Test your deployment by initializing the SDK.


Script Tag

Add the following code towards the end of the head section on your page and replace <sdk-folder-url> with the URL where the SDK is hosted.

function s() {
try {
var e;
if ((e = "string" == typeof this.response ? JSON.parse(this.response) : this.response).url) {
var n = t.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]
, r = t.createElement("script");
r.async = !0, r.src = e.url, n.parentNode.insertBefore(r, n)
} catch (e) {}
var o, p, a, i = []
, c = [];
e[n] = {
init: function () {
o = arguments;
var e = {
then: function (t) {
return c.push({
type: "t"
, next: t
}), e
, catch: function (t) {
return c.push({
type: "c"
, next: t
}), e
return e
, on: function () {
, render: function () {
p = arguments
, destroy: function () {
a = arguments
}, e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__ = function (t) {
if (delete e.__onWebMessengerHostReady__, e[n] = t, o)
for (var r = t.init.apply(t, o), s = 0; s < c.length; s++) {
var u = c[s];
r = "t" === u.type ? r.then( : r.catch(
p && t.render.apply(t, p), a && t.destroy.apply(t, a);
for (s = 0; s < i.length; s++) t.on.apply(t, i[s])
var u = new XMLHttpRequest;
u.addEventListener("load", s),"GET", r + "/loader.json", !0), u.responseType = "json", u.send()
} (window, document, "Bots", "<SDK_FOLDER_URL>");

Then initialize the SDK by placing this snippet towards the end of the body section of your page.

    Bots.init({appId: '<app-id>'});

Browser support

The Bots Client JavaScript SDK supports all popular browsers.

Desktop Versions

Mobile Versions

Other Browsers

Although we only tested the SDK against these versions, it may be compatible with older browsers as well.


Individual functions


Initializes the Bots widget (the Web Messenger) in the web page using the specified options. It returns a promise that will resolve when the SDK is ready.
Note: Except for on and off, all methods must be called after a successful init. For more about Bots.on and, see Events.

Option Optional? Default value Description
appId No   The App ID generated by Intelligent Bots when you create a channel.
locale Yes en-US

The locale that formats date using the <language>-<COUNTRY> format. You can find language codes here and the country codes here.
Note 1: The country code is optional. If a country is either not recognized or not supported, then it will fallback to the generic language for the locale.
If that language is not supported, it will fallback to en-US.
Note 2: This option just formats the date. It does not provide built-in translations for widget.

soundNotificationEnabled Yes true Enables the sound notification for new messages.
imageUploadEnabled Yes true Enables the image upload feature.
embedded Yes false Tells the widget that it will be embedded. See Embedded Mode.
customText Yes See the following example.

The strings used in the widget UI. You can use these to either customize the text or translate it. Anything enclosed in curly braces ({}) is a variable and can only be used within the customized text.

displayStyle Yes   How the messenger widget appears on your web site. This is defined as either a button or tab. You can style the button’s size and icon
buttonIconUrl Yes   The URL that points to the button icon. The icon image must be:
  1. At least 200 x 200 pixels
  2. JPG, PNG, or GIF format
buttonWidth Yes 8px The button width, in pixels.
buttonHeight Yes 58px The button height, in pixels.
businessName Yes   The business name. For example: businessName: “Oracle”
businessIconUrl Yes   The URL that points to the business’ icon image. This image must be:
  1. At least 200 x 200 pixels
  2. JPG, PNG, or GIF format
backgroundImageUrl Yes   The URL that points to the image that appears in the background of the conversation. This image is tiled to fit the chat window.

An array of integration IDs. When set, only integrations from this list will be displayed. If the array is empty, then no integrations will be displayed.

Note: Listing an integration in the array doesn't guarantee that it will be displayed in the widget.

customColors Yes   The colors used in the UI.
brandColor Yes 65758e The color used in the messenger header and for the button or tab in idle state.
conversationColor Yes 0099ff This color used for customer messages, quick replies and actions in the footer.
actionColor Yes 0099ff

The color used to change the appearance of selected actions inside your messages, like tapped buttons or links. This color is also used for the Send button when it is in active state.

var initPromise = Bots.init({
    appId: '<app-id>',
    locale: 'en-US',
    customText: {
        actionPostbackError: 'An error occurred while processing your action. Please try again.',
        clickToRetry: 'Message not delivered. Click to retry.',
        conversationTimestampHeaderFormat: 'MMMM D YYYY, h:mm A',
        fetchHistory: 'Load more',
        fetchingHistory: 'Retrieving history...',
        headerText: 'How can we help?',
        inputPlaceholder: 'Type a message...',
        invalidFileError: 'Only images are supported. Choose a file with a supported extension (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, or bmp).',
        locationNotSupported: 'Your browser does not support location services or it’s been disabled. Please type your location instead.',
        locationSecurityRestriction: 'This website cannot access your location. Please type your location instead.',
        locationSendingFailed: 'Could not send location',
        locationServicesDenied: 'This website cannot access your location. Allow access in your settings or type your location instead.',
        messageError: 'An error occurred while sending your message. Please try again.',
        messageIndicatorTitlePlural: '({count}) New messages',
        messageIndicatorTitleSingular: '({count}) New message',
        messageRelativeTimeDay: '{value}d ago',
        messageRelativeTimeHour: '{value}h ago',
        messageRelativeTimeJustNow: 'just now',
        messageRelativeTimeMinute: '{value}m ago',
        messageTimestampFormat: 'hh:mm A',
        sendButtonText: 'Send',
        settingsHeaderText: 'Settings',
        tapToRetry: 'Message not delivered. Tap to retry.'


Opens the conversation widget (no-op when embedded).;


Closes the conversation widget (no-op when embedded).



Tells if the widget is currently opened or closed.



Destroys the widget, making it disappear. To get it back, reinitialize the widget with init. This also clears the App ID from the widget and unbinds all of the listeners you might have bound to it using Bots.on. See Events.



Sends a message on the user’s behalf.

    type: 'text',
    text: 'hello'

// OR



Returns the conversation (if it exists).

var conversation = Bots.getConversation();


Creates a user and a conversation on the server, allowing the business to reach out proactively to the user through the public API.

Important: Only call this method when a message is likely to be sent.

This method is called automatically when starting a conversation with the sendMessage method, or when a user sends a message through the conversation view.

If a conversation already exists for the current user, this call is a no-op.



Triggers a postback action on the user's behalf.

const actionId = '5a747faa065bbe4e7804f2a4';


Updates user information.

    givenName: 'Updated',
    surname: 'Name',
    email: '',
    properties: {
      'justGotUpdated': true


If you want to make sure your events are triggered, bind them before calling Bots.init.

To bind an event, use Bots.on(<event name>, <handler>);. To unbind events, you can either:


This event triggers when init completes successfully. Be sure to bind before calling init.

Bots.on('ready', function(){
    console.log('the init has completed!');



This event triggers when the widget is destroyed.

Bots.on('destroy', function(){
    console.log('the widget is destroyed!');



This event triggers when the user receives a message.

Bots.on('message:received', function(message) {
    console.log('the user received a message', message);


This event triggers when the user sends a message.

Bots.on('message:sent', function(message) {
    console.log('the user sent a message', message);


This event triggers when a message was added to the conversation.

Bots.on('message', function(message) {
    console.log('a message was added to the conversation', message);


This event triggers when the number of unread messages changes.

Bots.on('unreadCount', function(unreadCount) {
    console.log('the number of unread messages was updated', unreadCount);


This event triggers when the widget is opened.

Bots.on('widget:opened', function() {
    console.log('Widget is opened!');


This event triggers when the widget is closed.

Bots.on('widget:closed', function() {
    console.log('Widget is closed!');

Embedded mode

As described above, to activate the embedded mode, you need to pass embedded: true when calling Bots.init. This disables the auto-rendering mechanism, so you will need to call Bots.render manually. This method accepts a DOM element which will be used as the container where the widget will be rendered.

The embedded widget will occupy the full width and height of the container. You must specify a height or else the widget will collapse.

Message Types

Text Message

A text type message is a message that is sent with text and/or actions.

     * The text content of the message. Optional only if actions are provided.
    text?: string,
     * Message type
    type: 'text',
     * Message role can be 'appUser' or 'appMaker'
     * Added by SDK when send through the sendMessage method
    role?: 'appMaker',
     * Array of action buttons.
    actions?: MessageAction[],
     * Url to the avatar for this message sender
    avatarUrl?: string

Carousel Message

Carousel messages are a horizontally scrollable set of items that may each contain text, an image, and action buttons.

     * Message type
    type: 'carousel',
     * Message role can be 'appUser' or 'appMaker'
     * Added by SDK when send through the sendMessage method
    role?: 'appMaker',
     * Url to the avatar for this message sender
    avatarUrl?: string,
    * Array of message items. The array is limited to 10 items.
    items: Item[],
    * Settings to adjust the carousel layout.
    displaySettings?: {
        imageAspectRatio: 'horizontal' | 'square'

Image Message

An image type message is a message that is sent with an image, and, optionally, text and/or actions.

     * Message type
    type: 'image',
     * Message role can be 'appUser' or 'appMaker'
     * Added by SDK when send through the sendMessage method
    role?: 'appMaker',
     * Url to the avatar for this message sender
    avatarUrl?: string,
    * The text content of the message. Optional only if actions are provided.
    text?: string,
    * The media type is defined here, for example image/jpeg. If mediaType is not specified, the media type will be resolved with the mediaUrl.
    mediaType?: string;
    * The image URL used for the image message.
    mediaUrl: string;
    * Array of action buttons.
    actions?: MessageAction[]

File Message

     * Message type
    type: 'file',
     * Message role can be 'appUser' or 'appMaker'
     * Added by SDK when send through the sendMessage method
    role?: 'appMaker',
     * Url to the avatar for this message sender
    avatarUrl?: string,
    * The text content of the message. Optional only if actions are provided.
    text?: string,
    * The media type is defined here, for example application/pdf. If mediaType is not specified, the media type will be resolved with the mediaUrl.
    mediaType?: string;
    * The URL of the file attachment.
    mediaUrl: string;

Location Message

A location type message includes the coordinates (latitude and longitude) of a location. Typically, this type of message is sent in response to a location request.

     * Message type
    type: 'location',
     * Message role can be 'appUser' or 'appMaker'
     * Added by SDK when send through the sendMessage method
    role?: 'appMaker',
     * Url to the avatar for this message sender
    avatarUrl?: string,
    * The coordinates of the location.
    coordinates?: {
        * A floating point value representing the latitude of the location
        lat: number,
        * A floating point value representing the longitude of the location
        long: number

Message Actions

Postback Action

A postback action posts the action payload to the server when tapped.

    _id: string,
     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'postback',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any,
    * A string payload to help you identify the action context. You can also use metadata for more complex needs.
    payload: string

Link Action

A link action opens the specified URI when tapped.

     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'link',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any,
    * The action URI. This is the link that will be used in the clients when clicking the button.
    uri: string
    * Extra options to pass directly to the channel API.
    extraChannelOptions?: any

Location Request Action

A locationRequest action prompts a user to share his location.

     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'locationRequest',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any,

Reply Action

A reply action echoes the user’s choice as a message.

Tip: You can optionally specify an iconUrl which will render as an icon for each option.

     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'reply',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any,
    * A string payload to help you identify the action context. Used when posting the reply. You can also use metadata for more complex needs.
    payload: string,
    * An icon to render next to the reply option
    iconUrl?: string

Webview Action

When a webview action is clicked or tapped, the provided URI will be loaded in a webview.

     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'webview',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any,
    * The webview URI. This is the URI that will open in the webview when clicking the button.
    uri: string,
    * The webview fallback URI. This is the link that will be opened when not support webviews.
    fallback: string,
    * Controls the webview height.
    size?: 'compact' | 'tall' | 'full',
    * Extra options to pass directly to the channel API.
    extraChannelOptions?: any

Share Action

The share button.

     * The button text.
    text: string,
     * Type of the action
    type: 'share',
     * Value indicating whether the action is the default action for a message item.
    default: boolean,
     * Flat object containing any custom properties associated with the action.
    metadata?: any

Message Item

     * The image URL to be shown in the carousel/list item.
    mediaUrl?: string,
     * The text description, or subtitle.
    description?: string,
     * The title of the carousel item.
    title: string,
     * If a mediaUrl was specified, the media type is defined here, for example image/jpeg. If mediaType is not specified, the media type will be resolved with the mediaUrl.
    mediaType: string,
     * Array of action buttons. At least 1 is required, a maximum of 3 are allowed. link and postback and share actions are supported.
    actions: IBotsSDKMessageAction[],
     * The size of the image to be shown in the carousel/list item
    size: 'compact' | 'large'