OMCCustomCodeClient Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in OMCCustomCodeClient.h


This class provides convenience methods to invoke custom API endpoints for the currently active mobile backend. These are not intended to exhaustively cover all possible endpoints. For example, it is assumed only JSON payloads will be sent or received.


A property that configures whether or not to use URL caching. URL Caching will increase performance for large data objects such as images that are frequently retrieved, but will increase the memory footprint. It may also cause problems if some sort of caching is already being implemented locally by the app. This setting will be applied to every REST invocation, and may be changed at any time in between invocations.

@property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL useURLCaching


It is assumed that for most OMCe custom API methods, caching is not desired, so the default is NO.

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– invokeCustomRequest:method:data:completion:

Invoke a custom API HTTP request on the supplied data with a callback handler. If the completion handler is set, it will be invoked in the UI (main) thread upon completion of the method invocation, allowing update of UI items. The call assumes any input or expected output will be in JSON format. Given the completion handler, this is an asynchronous function.

- (void)invokeCustomRequest:(NSString *)function method:(NSString *)method data:(nullable id)data completion:(nullable OMCCustomRequestCompletionHandler)completionHandler



The “function” is the relative part of the URL to invoke (everything after “/mobile/custom/”).


The HTTP method: “PUT”, “POST”, “GET”, etc..


a JSON object represented as a dictionary or array for the request. Note, for a GET call, the data value must be nil, or the iOS HTTP stack will incur a network error.


the handler called asynchronously on successful or unsuccessful completion.


The completion block will contain the format-specific data for a JSON object, namely an NSDictionary or NSArray. Use the completion block for any returned data or errors, HTTP or system.

All of the required OMCe headers, such as Authorization (assuming the user has authenticated) and Diagnostics headers will automatically be inserted into the request.

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