Oracle by Example brandingGet Started with Tables in Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service

section 0Before You Begin

This 15-minute tutorial walks you through the steps to connect to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service and do basic table level operations using a sample application.


Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service is a fully managed database cloud service that handles large amounts of data at high velocity. As a developer, you can connect to the Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service and work with NoSQL tables using the NoSQL SDKs available in multiple languages.

Developers can start using this service in minutes by following the simple steps outlined in this tutorial. To get started with the service, you create a table.

Select the language of your choice for creating a table:

After you sign up for an Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service account, you can easily create and populate a table by following these steps:

  • Generate required keys and get the Tenancy ID and User ID
  • Create a Java application with the required credentials
  • Create a Python application with the required credentials
  • Create a Go application with the required credentials
  • Create a Node.js application with the required credentials
  • Execute the application to connect to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service

What Do You Need?

section 1Acquire the Credentials

  1. Acquire the following credentials that are required for running this sample application. See Acquiring Credentials.
    • OCID of the tenancy.
    • OCID of the user calling the API.
    • Fingerprint for the key pair being used.
    • Full path and filename of the private key.
    • The passphrase used for the key, if it is encrypted.

section 2Update the Sample Application

  1. Copy the application to an editor of your choice. You use this application to connect to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service.

    You can access the JavaAPI Reference Guide to reference Java classes, methods, and interfaces included in this sample application.

    import oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandle;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleConfig;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.NoSQLHandleFactory;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.Region;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.iam.SignatureProvider;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetRequest;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.ops.GetResult;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutRequest;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.ops.PutResult;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableLimits;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableRequest;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.ops.TableResult;
    import oracle.nosql.driver.values.MapValue;
    public class HelloWorld {
        /* Name of your table */
        final static String tableName = "HelloWorldTable";
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            NoSQLHandle handle = null;
            try {
                handle = generateNoSQLHandle();
            } catch (Exception e) {
            } finally {
        /* Create a NoSQL handle to access the cloud service */
        private static NoSQLHandle generateNoSQLHandle() throws Exception {
            SignatureProvider ap = new SignatureProvider();
                    "<your tenancy OCID>",
                    "<your user OCID>",
                    "<fingerprint of your public key>",
                    new File("<full path to your private key file>"),
                    "<optional passphrase>".toCharArray());
            /* Create a NoSQL handle to access the cloud service */
            NoSQLHandleConfig config = new NoSQLHandleConfig(
                    Region.US_PHOENIX_1, ap);
            NoSQLHandle handle = NoSQLHandleFactory.createNoSQLHandle(config);
            return handle;
          * Create a simple table with an integer key
          * and a single string data field
          * and set your desired table capacity
        private static void createTable(NoSQLHandle handle) throws Exception {
            String createTableDDL = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " +
                    tableName + "(employeeid INTEGER, name STRING, " +
                    "PRIMARY KEY(employeeid))";
            TableLimits limits = new TableLimits(1, 2, 1);
            TableRequest treq = new TableRequest()
            System.out.println("Creating table " + tableName);
            TableResult tres = handle.tableRequest(treq);
            /* The request is async,
              * so wait for the table to become active.
            System.out.println("Waiting for "
                    + tableName + " to become active");
            tres.waitForCompletion(handle, 60000, /* wait 60 sec */
                    1000); /* delay ms for poll */
            System.out.println("Table " + tableName + " is active");
          * Make a row in the table and write it
        private static void writeRows(NoSQLHandle handle) throws Exception {
            MapValue value =
                    new MapValue().put("employeeid", 1).put("name", "Tracy");
            PutRequest putRequest =
                    new PutRequest().setValue(value).setTableName(tableName);
            PutResult putResult = handle.put(putRequest);
            if (putResult.getVersion() != null) {
                System.out.println("Wrote " + value);
            } else {
                System.out.println("Put failed");
          * Make a key and read the row from the table
        private static void readRows(NoSQLHandle handle) throws Exception {
            MapValue key = new MapValue().put("employeeid", 1);
            GetRequest getRequest =
                    new GetRequest().setKey(key).setTableName(tableName);
            GetResult getResult = handle.get(getRequest);
            if (getResult.getVersion() != null) {
                System.out.println("Wrote " + getResult.getValue());
            } else {
                System.out.println("Get failed");
          * Drop the table and wait for the table to move to dropped state
        private static void dropTable(NoSQLHandle handle) throws Exception {
            System.out.println("Dropping table " + tableName);
            TableRequest treq = new TableRequest()
                    .setStatement("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tableName);
            TableResult tres = handle.tableRequest(treq);
            System.out.println("Waiting for " + tableName + " to be dropped");
            tres.waitForCompletion(handle, 60000, /* wait 60 sec */
                    1000); /* delay ms for poll */
            System.out.println("Table " + tableName + " has been dropped");
  2. In the generateNoSQLHandle method, update the appropriate Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region.
  3. In the generateNoSQLHandle method, update the parameters of the SignatureProvider constructor with the following values.
    • OCID of the tenancy.
    • OCID of the user calling the API.
    • Fingerprint for the key pair being used.
    • Full path and filename of the private key.
    • The passphrase used for the key, if it is encrypted. This should be a character array.
  4. Save the application as in your local system.

  1. Copy the code given below to an editor of your choice. You use this program to connect to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service and create a simple NoSQL Table.

    You can access the Python API Reference Guide to reference Python classes, methods, and interfaces included in this sample application.

    import os
    from borneo import (Regions, NoSQLHandle, NoSQLHandleConfig, PutRequest, 
                        TableRequest, GetRequest, TableLimits, State)
    from borneo.iam import SignatureProvider
    # Given a region, and compartment, instantiate a connection to the
    # cloud service and return it
    def get_connection(region, compartment):
        print("Connecting to the Oracle NoSQL Cloud Service")
        provider = SignatureProvider(
            tenant_id='<your tenancy OCID>',
            user_id='<your user OCID>',
            private_key='<full path to your private key file>',
            fingerprint='<fingerprint of your public key>',
            pass_phrase='<optional passphrase>')
        config = NoSQLHandleConfig(region, provider)
    # Given a handle to the Oracle NoSQL Database cloud service,
    # this function will create the hello_world table with two columns
    # and set the read units to 1, write units to 1, and GB storage to 1
    def create_table(handle):
        statement = 'create table if not exists hello_world (id integer, content JSON,  primary key(id))'
        print('Creating table: ' + statement)
        request = TableRequest().set_statement(statement).set_table_limits(TableLimits(1, 1, 1))
        # Ask the cloud service to create the table, waiting for a total of 40000 milliseconds
        # and polling the service every 3000 milliseconds to see if the table is active
        table_result = handle.do_table_request(request, 40000, 3000)
        table_result.wait_for_completion(handle, 40000, 3000)
        if (table_result.get_state() != State.ACTIVE):
            raise NameError('Table hello_world is in an unexpected state ' + str(table_result.get_state()))
    # Given a handle to the Oracle NoSQL Database cloud service, the name of the table
    # to write the record to, and an instance of a dictionary, formatted as a
    # record for the table, this function will write the record to the table
    def write_a_record(handle, table_name, record):
        request = PutRequest().set_table_name(table_name)
    # Given a handle to the Oracle NoSQL Database cloud service, the name of the table
    # to read from, and the primary key value for the table, this function will
    # read the record from the table and return it
    def read_a_record(handle, table_name, pk):
        request = GetRequest().set_table_name(table_name)
        request.set_key({'id' : pk})
    def main():
        handle = get_connection(Regions.your-region-id,'your-compartment-id')
        record = {'id' : 1, 'content' : {'hello' : 'world'}}
        write_a_record(handle, 'hello_world', record)
        print('Wrote record: \n\t'  + str(record))
        the_written_record = read_a_record(handle, 'hello_world', 1)
        print('Read record: \n\t' + str(record))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
  2. In the get_connection method, set the following values:
    • OCID of the tenancy.
    • OCID of the user calling the API.
    • Full path and filename of the private key.
    • Fingerprint for the key pair being used.
    • The passphrase used for the key, if it is encrypted. This should be a character array.
  3. Set the parameters for invoking the get_connection method with the following values:
    • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region ID. For example, Regions.US_ASHBURN_1
    • Compartment ID where you want to create your table. This can be a dot separated path.
  4. Save the program as in your local system.

  1. Copy the code given below to an editor of your choice. You use this program to connect to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service and create a simple NOSQL Table.

    You can access the online godoc to reference Go classes, types, and methods included in this sample application.

    package main
    import (
    // createClient creates a client with the supplied configurations.
    func createClient() (*nosqldb.Client, error) {
        var cfg nosqldb.Config
        // This program demonstrates two approaches for supplying configurations
        // for cloud service.
        //   1. Directly in this program.
        //   2. Use a configuration file.
        // If you use the second approach, set "useConfigFile" to true.
        useConfigFile := false
        // Set desired region id for NoSQL cloud service. e.g. us-ashburn-1
        region := "<your region ID>"
        // Set desired compartment name or id.
        // Set to an empty string to use the default compartment, that is
        // the root compartment of the tenancy.
        // If using a nested compartment, specify the full compartment path
        // relative to the root compartment as compartmentID.
        // For example, if using rootCompartment.compartmentA.compartmentB, the
        // compartmentID should be set to compartmentA.compartmentB.
        // Alternatively you can use the compartment OCID as the
        // string value.
        compartmentID := "<your compartment ID>"
        if !useConfigFile {
          // Set the following information accordingly:
          //   tenancy OCID
          //   user OCID
          //   fingerprint of your public key
          //   your private key file or private key content
          //   passphrase of your private key
          tenancy := "<your tenancy OCID>"
          user := "<your user OCID>"
          fingerprint := "<fingerprint of your public key>"
          privateKey := "<full path to your private key file>"
          // If passphrase is not required, use an empty string
          privateKeyPassphrase := "<optional passphrase>"
          sp, err := iam.NewRawSignatureProvider(tenancy, user, region, fingerprint,
            compartmentID, privateKey, &privateKeyPassphrase)
          if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create a Signature Provider: %v", err)
          cfg = nosqldb.Config{
            Region:                nosqldb.Region(region),
            AuthorizationProvider: sp,
        } else {
          // Modify and save the following content into the
          // configuration file $HOME/.oci/config.
          // [DEFAULT]
          // tenancy=<your tenancy OCID>
          // user=<your user OCID>
          // fingerprint=<fingerprint of your public key>
          // key_file=<full path to your private key file>
          // pass_phrase=<optional passphrase>
          sp, err := iam.NewSignatureProviderFromFile("~/.oci/config", "", "", compartmentID)
          if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot create a Signature Provider: %v", err)
          cfg = nosqldb.Config{
            Mode:                  "cloud",
            Region:                nosqldb.Region(region),
            AuthorizationProvider: sp,
            HTTPConfig: httputil.HTTPConfig{
              InsecureSkipVerify: true,
      client, err := nosqldb.NewClient(cfg)
      return client, err
    func main() {
      client, err := createClient()
      if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("cannot create NoSQL client: %v\n", err)
      defer client.Close()
      // Creates a simple table with a LONG key and a single STRING field.
      tableName := "go_quick_start"
      stmt := fmt.Sprintf("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s ("+
        "id LONG, "+
        "test_data STRING, "+
        "PRIMARY KEY(id))",
      tableReq := &nosqldb.TableRequest{
        Statement: stmt,
        TableLimits: &nosqldb.TableLimits{
          ReadUnits:  50,
          WriteUnits: 50,
          StorageGB:  2,
      tableRes, err := client.DoTableRequest(tableReq)
      if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("cannot initiate CREATE TABLE request: %v\n", err)
      // The create table request is asynchronous, wait for table creation to complete.
      _, err = tableRes.WaitForCompletion(client, 60*time.Second, time.Second)
      if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Error finishing CREATE TABLE request: %v\n", err)
      fmt.Println("Created table ", tableName)
      // put a simple set of string data
      mapVals := types.ToMapValue("id", 12345)
      mapVals.Put("test_data", "This is a sample string of test data")
      putReq := &nosqldb.PutRequest{
        TableName: tableName,
        Value:     mapVals,
      putRes, err := client.Put(putReq)
      if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("failed to put single row: %v\n", err)
      fmt.Printf("Put row: %v\nresult: %v\n", putReq.Value.Map(), putRes)
      // get data back
      key := &types.MapValue{}
      key.Put("id", 12345)
      getReq := &nosqldb.GetRequest{
        TableName: tableName,
        Key:       key,
      getRes, err := client.Get(getReq)
      if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("failed to get single row: %v\n", err)
      if getRes.RowExists() {
        fmt.Printf("Got row: %v\n", getRes.ValueAsJSON())
      } else {
        fmt.Printf("The row does not exist.\n")
      // Delete the row
      delReq := &nosqldb.DeleteRequest{
        TableName: tableName,
        Key:       key,
      delRes, err := client.Delete(delReq)
      if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("failed to delete single row: %v\n", err)
      if delRes.Success {
        fmt.Printf("Deleted key: %v\nresult: %v\n", jsonutil.AsJSON(delReq.Key.Map()), delRes)
      // Drop the table
      dropReq := &nosqldb.TableRequest{
        Statement: "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tableName,
      tableRes, err = client.DoTableRequestAndWait(dropReq, 60*time.Second, time.Second)
      if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("failed to drop table: %v\n", err)
      fmt.Println("Dropped table ", tableName) }
  2. Set the following values under case "cloud": in the createClient function:
    • Region identifier
    • Optional compartment ID
    • OCID of the tenancy.
    • OCID of the user calling the API.
    • Fingerprint for the key pair being used.
    • Full path and filename of the private key.
    • The passphrase used for the key, if it is encrypted. This should be a character array.
  3. Create a directory quickstart, and save the example program as quickstart.go in the directory.

  1. Copy the code given below to an editor of your choice. You use this application to connect to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service.

    You can access the Node.js API Reference Guide to reference Node.js classes, events, and global objects.

    'use strict';
    const NoSQLClient = require('oracle-nosqldb').NoSQLClient;
    const Region = require('oracle-nosqldb').Region;
      * Call the main function tfor this example
    /** This function will authenticate with the cloud service,
      * create a table, write a record to the table, then read that record back
    async function doHelloWorld() {
        try {
            let handle = await getConnection(Region.'your-service-region');
            await createTable(handle);
            await writeARecord(handle, {
                id : 1,
                content : {
                    'hello' : 'world'
            console.log("Wrote a record with primary key 1")
            let theRecord = await readARecord(handle, 1);
            console.log('Successfully read the record: ' + JSON.stringify(theRecord.row));
        } catch (error) {
      * Create and return an instance of a NoSQLCLient object. NOTE that 
      * you need to fill in your cloud credentials and the compartment 
      * where you want your table created. Compartments can be dot seperated 
      * paths.  For example: developers.dave.
      * @param {Region} which Region An element in the Region enumeration 
      * indicating the cloud region you wish to connect to
    function getConnection(whichRegion) {
        return new NoSQLClient({
            compartment: 'your-compartment-id',
            region: whichRegion,
            auth: {
                    iam: {
                        tenantId: '<your tenancy OCID>',
                        userId: '<your user OCID>',
                        fingerprint: '<fingerprint of your public key>',
                        privateKeyFile: '<full path to your private key file>',
                        passphrase: '<optional passphrase>'
      * This function will create the hello_world table with two columns, 
      * one long column which will be the primary key and one JSON column.
      * @param {NoSQLClient} handle An instance of NoSQLClient
      async function createTable(handle) {
        const createDDL = `CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hello_world (id LONG, content JSON, PRIMARY KEY(id))`;
        console.log('Create table: ' + createDDL);
            let res =  await handle.tableDDL(createDDL, {
                complete: true,
                tableLimits: {
                    readUnits: 1,
                    writeUnits: 1,
                    storageGB: 1
      * Writes a single record to the hello_world table
      * @param {NoSQLClient} handle an instance of NoSQLClient
      * @param {Object} record A JSON object representing 
      * record to write to hello_world.  
    async function writeARecord(handle, record) {
        await handle.put('hello_world', record);
      * Reads and returns a record from the hello_world table
      * @param {NoSQLClient} handle an instance of NoSQLClient
      * @param {number} pk The primary key of the record to retrieve
    async function readARecord(handle, pk) {
        return await handle.get('hello_world', {
            'id' : pk
  2. In the function doHelloWorld, replace 'your-service-region' with the appropriate Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region. For example:
    let handle = await getConnection(Region.US_ASHBURN_1);
  3. Set the following values in the getConnection function:
    • Compartment ID where you want to create your table. This can be a dot separated path.
    • OCID of the tenancy.
    • OCID of the user calling the API.
    • Fingerprint for the key pair being used.
    • Full path and filename of the private key.
    • The passphrase used for the key, if it is encrypted. This should be a character array.
  4. Save the example program as HelloWorld.js in your local system.

section 3Add the Credentials in OCI Configuration File

Alternatively, instead of hard coding OCID, fingerprint & key credentials in the program, you can add this information in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure configuration file and add that configuration file in the application.

Note: This section is required only if you want to execute the example using OCI credential file. Else, you can skip this section and go to the Execute the Sample Application section.

  1. Create a directory named ~/.oci.
  2. Create an OCI configuration file named config and place it in the above directory.

    Note: The default configuration file name and location should be always ~/.oci/config .

  3. Open the config file and add the following code in it, and replace the placeholder values with actual values.
    fingerprint=<fingerprint of your public key>
    pass_phrase=<optional passphrase>

    Note: This is the DEFAULT profile. The OCI configuration file can contain several profiles.

  4. Update the details in the config file with the following values.
    • OCID of the tenancy.
    • OCID of the user calling the API.
    • Fingerprint for the key pair being used.
    • Full path and filename of the private key.
    • The passphrase used for the key, if it is encrypted.
  5. In the program, in the generateNoSQLHandle method, update the SignatureProvider parametrized constructor as described below.
    • If using the DEFAULT profile with the config file in default location ~/.oci/config.
       SignatureProvider ap = new SignatureProvider();
    • If using non-default profile TEST with the config file in default location ~/.oci/config.
       SignatureProvider ap = new SignatureProvider("TEST");
    • If using non-default profile DEV with the config file at non-default location such as /home/users/config
       SignatureProvider ap = new SignatureProvider("/home/users/config","DEV");
  6. Save the application.

Alternatively, instead of hard coding OCID, fingerprint & key credentials in the program, you can add this information in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure configuration file and add that configuration file in the application.

Note: This section is required only if you want to execute the example using OCI credential file. Else, you can skip this section and go to the Execute the Sample Application section.

  1. Create a directory named ~/.oci.
  2. Create an OCI configuration file named config and place it in the above directory.

    Note: The default configuration file name and location should be always ~/.oci/config .

  3. Open the config file and add the following code in it, and replace the placeholder values with actual values.
    fingerprint=<fingerprint of your public key>
    pass_phrase=<optional passphrase>

    Note: This is the DEFAULT profile. The OCI configuration file can contain several profiles.

  4. Update the details in the config file with the following values.
    • OCID of the tenancy.
    • OCID of the user calling the API.
    • Fingerprint for the key pair being used.
    • Full path and filename of the private key.
    • The passphrase used for the key, if it is encrypted.
  5. In the program, in the get_connection method, update the SignatureProvider parametrized constructor as described below.
    • If using the DEFAULT profile with the config file in default location ~/.oci/config.
       provider = SignatureProvider()
    • If using non-default profile myprofile with the config file in non-default location.
       provider = SignatureProvider(config_file='myconfigfile',
  6. Save the application.

Alternatively, instead of hard coding OCID, fingerprint & key credentials in the program, you can add this information in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure configuration file and add that configuration file in the quickstart.go program.

Note: This section is required only if you want to execute the example using OCI credential file. Else, you can skip this section and go to the Execute the Sample Application section.

  1. Create a directory named ~/.oci.
  2. Create an OCI configuration file named config and place it in the above directory.

    Note: The default configuration file name and location should be always ~/.oci/config .

  3. Open the config file and add the following code in it, and replace the placeholder values with actual values.
    fingerprint=<fingerprint of your public key>
    pass_phrase=<optional passphrase>

    Note: This is the DEFAULT profile. The OCI configuration file can contain several profiles.

  4. Update the details in the config file with the following values.
    • OCID of the tenancy.
    • OCID of the user calling the API.
    • Fingerprint for the key pair being used.
    • Full path and filename of the private key.
    • The passphrase used for the key, if it is encrypted.
  5. In the quickstart.go program, set the flag useConfigFile to true, under case "cloud"
     useConfigFile := true
  6. Provide appropriate parameters for iam.NewSignatureProviderFromFile method:
    • If using the DEFAULT profile with the config file in default location ~/.oci/config.
        sp, err := iam.NewSignatureProviderFromFile("~/.oci/config", "", "", compartmentID)
    • If using non-default profile TEST with the config file in default location ~/.oci/config.
        sp, err := iam.NewSignatureProviderFromFile("~/.oci/config", "TEST", "", compartmentID)
    • If using non-default profile DEV with the config file at non-default location such as /home/users/config
        sp, err := iam.NewSignatureProviderFromFile("/home/users/config", "DEV", "", compartmentID)
  7. Save the quickstart.go program.

Alternatively, instead of hard coding OCID, fingerprint & key credentials in the program, you can add this information in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure configuration file and add that configuration file in the HelloWorld.js program.

Note: This section is required only if you want to execute the example using OCI credential file. Else, you can skip this section and go to the Execute the Sample Application section.

  1. Create a directory named ~/.oci.
  2. Create an OCI configuration file named config and place it in the above directory.

    Note: The default configuration file name and location should be always ~/.oci/config .

  3. Open the config file and add the following code in it, and replace the placeholder values with actual values.
    fingerprint=<fingerprint of your public key>
    pass_phrase=<optional passphrase>

    Note: This is the DEFAULT profile. The OCI configuration file can contain several profiles.

  4. Update the details in the config file with the following values.
    • OCID of the tenancy.
    • OCID of the user calling the API.
    • Fingerprint for the key pair being used.
    • Full path and filename of the private key.
    • The passphrase used for the key, if it is encrypted.
  5. In the HelloWorld.js program, in the getConnection function, modify the code as described below:
    • If using the DEFAULT profile with the config file in default location ~/.oci/config, you need not provide authentication details explicitly. Therefore, comment the following lines of code in the HelloWorld.js program.
       /* auth: {
          iam: {
              tenantId: 'your-tenancy-OCID',
              userId: 'your-user-OCID',
              fingerprint: 'fingerprint-for-your-key-pair',
              privateKeyFile: 'fully-qualified-path-to-your-private-key-file',
              passphrase: 'passphrase-used-to-create-your-private-key'
      } */
    • If using non-default profile TEST with the config file in default location ~/.oci/config.
       auth: {
          iam: {
            profileName: 'TEST'
    • If using non-default profile DEV with the config file at non-default location such as /home/users/config
       auth: {
          iam: {
            configFile: '/home/users/config',
            profileName: 'DEV'
  6. Save the HelloWorld.js program.

section 4Execute the Sample Application

  1. Open the Command Prompt.
  2. Build the application.
    javac -cp oracle-nosql-java-sdk-X.X.X/lib/*

    Note: Update oracle-nosql-java-sdk-X.X.X with the Java driver version number that you have downloaded.

    For Example:

    javac -cp oracle-nosql-java-sdk-5.2.9/lib/*
  3. Execute the application.
    java -cp ".:oracle-nosql-java-sdk-X.X.X/lib/*" HelloWorld

    Note: Update oracle-nosql-java-sdk-X.X.X with the Java driver version number that you have downloaded.

    For Example:

    java -cp ".:oracle-nosql-java-sdk-5.2.9/lib/*" HelloWorld

    Expected Output:

    Using region: oracle.nosql.driver.Region@14ae5a5
    Creating table HelloWorldTable
    Waiting for HelloWorldTable to become active
    Table HelloWorldTable is active
    Wrote {"name":"Tracy","employeeid":1}
    Read {"employeeid":1,"name":"Tracy"}
    Dropping table HelloWorldTable
    Waiting for HelloWorldTable to be dropped
    Table HelloWorldTable has been dropped

    Note: In the main method, you can remove the method calls you don't want to execute. For example, if you want to create a table, write the rows and read those rows but don't want to drop the table, you can remove the dropTable(handle) method call before building the application.

  1. Open the Command Prompt, and navigate to the directory where you saved the program.
  2. Execute the HelloWorld program.
    python cloud

    Expected Output:

    Connecting to the Oracle NoSQL Cloud Service
    Creating table: create table if not exists hello_world (id integer, content JSON,  primary key(id))
    Wrote record:
            {'id': 1, 'content': {'hello': 'world'}}
    Read record:
            {'id': 1, 'content': {'hello': 'world'}}
  1. Open the Command Prompt.
  2. Initialize a new module for the example program.
    go mod init
  3. Build the quickstart application.
    go build -o quickstart
  4. Run the quickstart application.

    Expected Output:

    Created table  go_quick_start
    Put row: map[id:12345 test_data:This is a sample string of test data]
    result: {"readKB":0,"writeKB":1,"readUnits":0,"existingVersion":null,"existingValue":null,"version":"rO0ABXcsABU0XG/CPt1KFpeLA0xx6KY/AAAAAC9lq0cBAwAAAAsAAAABAAAEjAV5Rpc=","generatedValue":null}
    Got row: {"id":12345,"test_data":"This is a sample string of test data"}
    Deleted key: {"id":12345}
    result: {"readKB":1,"writeKB":1,"readUnits":2,"existingVersion":null,"existingValue":null,"success":true}
    Dropped table  go_quick_start
  1. Open the Command Prompt, and navigate to the directory where you saved the HelloWorld.js program.
  2. Execute the HelloWorld program.
    node HelloWorld.js

    Expected Output:

    Create table: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hello_world (id LONG, content JSON, PRIMARY KEY(id))
    Wrote a record with primary key 1
    Successfully read the record: {"id":1,"content":{"hello":"world"}}

    Note: You can modify the program as per your requirement. For example, if you want to create a table, write the rows and read those rows but don't want to drop the table, you can delete the code to drop the table before building the application.

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