Interface RateLimiter

public interface RateLimiter
RateLimiter interface provides default methods that all rate limiters must implement.

In NoSQL Cloud, rate limiters are used internally in NoSQLHandle operations when enabled using NoSQLHandleConfig#setRateLimitingEnabled}.

Typical usage: The simplest use of the rate limiter is to consume a number of units, blocking until they are successfully consumed:

    int delayMs = rateLimiter.consumeUnits(units);
    // delayMs indicates how long the consume delayed

To poll a limiter to see if it is currently over the limit:

    if (rateLimiter.tryConsumeUnits(0)) {
        // limiter is below its limit

To attempt to consume units, only if they can be immediately consumed without waiting:

    if (ratelimiter.tryConsumeUnits(units)) {
        // successful consume
    } else {
        // could not consume units without waiting

Usages that involve waiting with timeouts:

In cases where the number of units an operation will consume is already known before the operation, a simple one-shot method can be used:

    long units = (known units the operation will use)
    try {
        boolean alwaysConsume=false; // don't consume if we time out
        int delayMs = rateLimiter.consumeUnitsWithTimeout(units,
                      timeoutMs, alwaysConsume);
        // we waited delayMs for the units to be consumed, and the
        // consume was successful operation...
    } catch (TimeoutException e) {
        // we could not do the operation within the given timeframe.
        ...skip operation...

In cases where the number of units an operation will consume is not known before the operation, typically two rate limiter calls would be used: one to wait till the limiter is below it limit, and a second to update the limiter with used units:

    // wait until we're under the limit
    try {
        // note here we don't consume units if we time out
        int delayMs = rateLimiter.consumeUnitsWithTimeout(0,
                      timeoutMs, false);
    } catch (TimeoutException e) {
        // we could not go below the limit within the given timeframe.
        ...skip operation...
    // we waited delayMs to be under the limit, and were successful
    long units = operation, get number of units used...
    // update rate limiter with consumed units. Next operation on this
    // limiter may delay due to it being over its limit.

Alternately, the operation could be always performed, and then the limiter could try to wait for the units to be consumed:

    long units = operation, get number of units used...
    try {
        boolean alwaysConsume=true; // consume, even if we time out
        int delayMs = rateLimiter.consumeUnitsWithTimeout(units,
                      timeoutMs, alwaysConsume);
        // we waited delayMs for the units to be consumed, and the
        // consume was successful
    } catch (TimeoutException e) {
        // the rate limiter could not consume the units and go
        // below the limit in the given timeframe. Units are
        // consumed anyway, and the next call to this limiter
        // will likely delay

Limiter duration: Implementing rate limiters should support a configurable "duration". This is sometimes referred to as a "burst mode", or a "window time", or "burst duration". This will allow consumes of units that were not consumed in the recent past. For example, if a limiter allows for 100 units per second, and is not used for 5 seconds, it should allow an immediate consume of 500 units with no delay upon a consume call, assuming that the limiter's duration is set to at least 5 seconds. The maximum length of time for this duration should be configurable. In all cases a limiter should set a reasonable minimum duration, such that a call to

has a chance of succeeding. It is up to the limiter implementation to determine if units from the past before the limiter was created or reset are available for use. If a limiter implemetation does not allow setting a duration, it must throw an UnsupportedOperationException when its setDuration() method is called.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    consumeUnits(long units)
    Consumes a number of units, blocking until the units are available.
    Consumes units without checking or waiting.
    consumeUnitsWithTimeout(long units, int timeoutMs, boolean alwaysConsume)
    Attempts to consume a number of units, blocking until the units are available or the specified timeout expires.
    Returns the current rate as a percentage of current limit.
    default double
    Returns the duration configured for this rate limiter instance
    Returns the number of units configured for this rate limiter instance
    Resets the rate limiter as if it was newly constructed.
    setCurrentRate(double rateToSet)
    Sets the current rate as a percentage of current limit.
    default void
    setDuration(double durationSecs)
    Sets the duration for this rate limiter instance.
    setLimitPerSecond(double rateLimitPerSecond)
    Sets a new limit (units per second) on the limiter.
    tryConsumeUnits(long units)
    Consumes the specified number of units if they can be returned immediately without waiting.
  • Method Details

    • consumeUnits

      int consumeUnits(long units)
      Consumes a number of units, blocking until the units are available.
      units - the number of units to consume. This can be a negative value to "give back" units.
      the amount of time blocked in milliseconds. If not blocked, 0 is returned.
    • tryConsumeUnits

      boolean tryConsumeUnits(long units)
      Consumes the specified number of units if they can be returned immediately without waiting.
      units - The number of units to consume. Pass zero to poll if the limiter is currently over its limit. Pass negative values to "give back" units (same as calling consumeUnits(long) with a negative value).
      true if the units were consumed, false if they were not immediately available. If units was zero, true means the limiter is currently below its limit.
    • consumeUnitsWithTimeout

      int consumeUnitsWithTimeout(long units, int timeoutMs, boolean alwaysConsume) throws TimeoutException, IllegalArgumentException
      Attempts to consume a number of units, blocking until the units are available or the specified timeout expires.
      units - the number of units to consume. This can be a negative value to "give back" units.
      timeoutMs - the timeout in milliseconds. Pass 0 to block indefinitely. To poll if the limiter is currently over its limit, use tryConsumeUnits(long) instead.
      alwaysConsume - if true, consume units even on timeout
      the amount of time blocked in milliseconds. If not blocked, 0 is returned.
      TimeoutException - if the timeout expires before the units can be acquired by the limiter.
      IllegalArgumentException - if the timeout is negative
    • getLimitPerSecond

      double getLimitPerSecond()
      Returns the number of units configured for this rate limiter instance
      the max number of units per second this limiter allows
    • setDuration

      default void setDuration(double durationSecs)
      Sets the duration for this rate limiter instance.

      The duration specifies how far back in time the limiter will go to consume previously unused units.

      For example, if a limiter had a limit of 1000 units and a duration of 5 seconds, and had no units consumed for at least 5 seconds, a call to

      will succeed immediately with no waiting.

      durationSecs - the duration in seconds
      UnsupportedOperationException - if duration is not supported by this limiter.
    • getDuration

      default double getDuration()
      Returns the duration configured for this rate limiter instance
      the duration in seconds
      UnsupportedOperationException - if duration is not supported by this limiter.
    • reset

      void reset()
      Resets the rate limiter as if it was newly constructed.

      Allows reuse.

    • setLimitPerSecond

      void setLimitPerSecond(double rateLimitPerSecond)
      Sets a new limit (units per second) on the limiter.

      Note that implementing rate limiters should fully support non-integer (double) values internally, to avoid issues when the limits are set very low. Changing the limit may lead to unexpected spiky behavior, and may affect other threads currently operating on the same limiter instance.

      rateLimitPerSecond - the new number of units to allow
    • consumeUnitsUnconditionally

      void consumeUnitsUnconditionally(long units)
      Consumes units without checking or waiting. the internal amount of units consumed will be updated by the given amount, regardless of its current over/under limit state.
      units - the number of units to consume (may be negative to give back units)
    • getCurrentRate

      double getCurrentRate()
      Returns the current rate as a percentage of current limit.
      the rate as of this instant in time.
    • setCurrentRate

      void setCurrentRate(double rateToSet)
      Sets the current rate as a percentage of current limit.

      This modifies the internal limiter values; it does not modify the rate limit.

      rateToSet - percentage to set the current rate to. This may be greater than 100.0 to set the limiter to "over its limit".