Enabling a Compute Instance for Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service and ADW

Steps to authorize your compute instance to perform actions on the NoSQL Service, ObjectStorage, and ADW.

Create a Dynamic Group for the Compute Instance and the ADW Database

Although you can execute the Oracle NoSQL Database Analytics Integrator using your own credentials exclusively, it is recommended that you execute the utility from an Oracle Cloud Compute Instance authorized to perform actions on the Oracle NoSQL Cloud Service, Object Storage, and the Autonomous Data Warehouse. Similarly, although you can use an Object Storage AUTH_TOKEN to allow the ADW database to access Object Storage, it is recommended that you use the OCI Resource Principal to authenticate the ADW database with Object Storage. It is important to note though, that because the database you create in ADW requires authentication using the database’s username and password, your user credentials still must be supplied to the utility to access that resource.

To authorize your compute instance to perform actions on the NoSQL Service, ObjectStorage, and ADW, a dynamic group must be created and a set of matching rules must be added for your instance. To allow the ADW database to use the OCI Resource Principal to access Object Storage, a dynamic group with the appropriate set of rules must also be created. If you wish, the same dynamic group you create for your compute instance can also be used for the ADW database. This is shown in the example below.

Create a Policy with appropriate permissions for the dynamic group

Once a dynamic group is created, you must create a policy that grants permissions to it that allows members of that group (for example, the compute instance) to read tables in the NoSQL Cloud Service, read and write objects in ObjectStorage, and execute procedures in the Autonomous Data Warehouse.
An example set of policies that allow the compute instance from the dynamic group to access the NoSQL Cloud Service, ObjectStorage, and ADW is given below.
Allow dynamic-group <dyn-grp-name> to manage nosql-tables in compartment <compartment-name>
Allow dynamic-group <dyn-grp-name> to manage nosql-rows in compartment <compartment-name>
Allow dynamic-group <dyn-grp-name> to manage nosql-indexes in compartment <compartment-name>
Allow dynamic-group <dyn-grp-name> to read buckets in compartment <compartment-name>
Allow dynamic-group <dyn-grp-name> to read objects in compartment <compartment-name>
Allow dynamic-group <dyn-grp-name> to manage buckets in compartment <compartment-name>
Allow dynamic-group <dyn-grp-name> to manage objects in compartment <compartment-name>
Allow dynamic-group <dyn-grp-name> to manage autonomous-database in compartment <compartment-name>

After this configuration, you should be able to execute the utility from a compute instance using Instance Principal authentication.