Using APIs to add table data

Add rows to your table. When you store data in table rows, your application can easily retrieve, add to, or delete information from a table.

You can use the PutRequest class / put method to perform unconditional and conditional puts to:
  • Overwrite any existing row. Overwrite is the default functionality.
  • Succeed only if the row does not exist. Use the IfAbsent method in this case.
  • Succeed only if the row exists. Use the IfPresent method in this case.
  • Succeed only if the row exists and the version matches a specific version. Use IfVersion method for this case and the setMatchVersion method to specify the version to match.

The PutRequest class provides the setValueFromJson method which takes a JSON string and uses that to populate a row to insert into the table. The JSON string should specify field names that correspond to the table field names.

Download the full code from the examples here.
private static void writeRows(NoSQLHandle handle, MapValue value) 
                                               throws Exception {
   PutRequest putRequest =
     new PutRequest().setValue(value).setTableName(tableName);
   PutResult putResult = handle.put(putRequest);

   if (putResult.getVersion() != null) {
      System.out.println("Added a row to the stream_acct table");
   } else {
      System.out.println("Put failed");

The borneo.PutRequest class represents input to the borneo.NoSQLHandle.put() method which is used to insert single rows.

You can also add JSON data to your table. In the case of a fixed-schema table the JSON is converted to the target schema. JSON data can be directly inserted into a column of type JSON. The use of the JSON data type allows you to create table data without a fixed schema, allowing more flexible use of the data.

Download the full code from the examples here.
def insert_record(handle,table_name,acct_data):
  request = PutRequest().set_table_name(table_name)

  print('Added a row to the stream_acct table')

The nosqldb.PutRequest represents an input to the nosqldb.Put() function and is used to insert single rows.

The data value provided for a row (in PutRequest) is a *types.MapValue. The key portion of each entry in the MapValue must match the column name of target table, and the value portion must be a valid value for the column. JSON data can also be directly inserted into a column of type JSON. The use of the JSON data type allows you to create table data without a fixed schema, allowing more flexible use of the data.

Download the full code AddData.go from the examples here.
func insertData(client *nosqldb.Client, err error, 
                tableName string,value1 *types.MapValue )(){
  putReq := &nosqldb.PutRequest{
    	TableName: tableName,
    	Value: value1,
  putRes, err := client.Put(putReq)
  if err != nil {
     fmt.Printf("failed to put single row: %v\n", err)
  fmt.Printf("Added a row to the stream_acct table\n")

You use the put method to insert a single row into the table. For method details, see NoSQLClient class.

JavaScript: Download the full code AddData.js from the examples here.
/* Adding 3 records in acct_stream table */
let putResult = await handle.put(TABLE_NAME, JSON.parse(acct1));
let putResult1 = await handle.put(TABLE_NAME, JSON.parse(acct2));
let putResult2 = await handle.put(TABLE_NAME, JSON.parse(acct3));

console.log("Added rows to the stream_acct table");
TypeScript: Download the full code AddData.ts from the examples here.
interface StreamInt {
   acct_Id: Integer;
   profile_name: String;
   account_expiry: TIMESTAMP;
   acct_data: JSON;
/* Adding 3 records in acct_stream table */
let putResult = await handle.put<StreamInt>(TABLE_NAME, JSON.parse(acct1));
let putResult1 = await handle.put<StreamInt>(TABLE_NAME, JSON.parse(acct2));
let putResult2 = await handle.put<StreamInt>(TABLE_NAME, JSON.parse(acct3));

console.log("Added rows to the stream_acct table");

The method PutAsync and related methods PutIfAbsentAsync , PutIfPresentAsync and PutIfVersionAsync are used to insert a single row into the table or update a single row.

Each of the Put methods above returns Task<PutResult<RecordValue>>. PutResult instance contains info about a completed Put operation, such as success status (conditional put operations may fail if the corresponding condition was not met) and the resulting RowVersion. Note that Success property of the result only indicates successful completion as related to conditional Put operations and is always true for unconditional Puts. If the Put operation fails for any other reason, an exception will be thrown. Using fields of data type JSON allows more flexibility in the use of data as the data in JSON field does not have a predefined schema. To put value into a JSON field, supply a MapValue instance as its field value as part of the row value. You may also create its value from a JSON string via FieldValue.FromJsonString.

Download the full code AddData.cs from the examples here.
private static async Task insertData(NoSQLClient client, String acctdet){
   var putResult = await client.PutAsync(TableName, 
   if (putResult.ConsumedCapacity != null)
      Console.WriteLine(" Added a row to the stream_acct table");      

You can add more than a row of data in a single database operation using MultiWrite API.

You can perform a sequence of PutRequest operations associated with a table that share the same shard key portion of their primary keys as a single atomic write operation using the WriteMultipleRequest class. You can also simultaneously add data to a parent and child table using the WriteMultipleRequest class. This is an efficient way to atomically modify multiple related rows. If the operation is successful, the WriteMultipleResult.getSuccess() method returns true.

See Oracle NoSQL Java SDK API Reference for more details on the various classes and methods.

Download the full code from the examples here.
private static void writeMul(NoSQLHandle handle,String parent_tblname, 
String parent_data, String child_tblname, String child_data){
      WriteMultipleRequest umRequest = new WriteMultipleRequest();
      PutRequest putRequest =
         new PutRequest().setValueFromJson(parent_data,null).setTableName(parent_tblname);
      umRequest.add(putRequest, false);
      putRequest =
         new PutRequest().setValueFromJson(child_data,null).setTableName(child_tblname);
      umRequest.add(putRequest, false);
      WriteMultipleResult umResult = handle.writeMultiple(umRequest);

You can perform a sequence of PutRequest operations associated with a table that share the same shard key portion of their primary keys as a single atomic write operation using the borneo.WriteMultipleRequest class. You can also simultaneously add data to a parent and child table using the borneo.WriteMultipleRequest class. This is an efficient way to atomically modify multiple related rows.

See Oracle NoSQL Python SDK API Reference for more details on the various classes and methods.

Download the full code from the examples here.
def mul_write(handle,parent_tblname,parent_data,
child_tblname, child_data):
    request = PutRequest()
    wm_req.add(request, True)
    request1 = PutRequest()
    wm_req.add(request1, True)
    result = handle.write_multiple(wm_req)

You can perform a sequence of PutRequest operations associated with a table that share the same shard key portion of their primary keys as a single atomic write operation using the WriteMultipleRequest class. You can also simultaneously add data to a parent and child table using the WriteMultipleRequest class. This is an efficient way to atomically modify multiple related rows.

See Oracle NoSQL Go SDK API Reference for more details on the various classes and methods.

Download the full code MultiWrite.go from the examples here.
//multiple write from the table
func mul_write(client *nosqldb.Client, err error, parenttbl_name string,
parent_data string, childtbl_name string, child_data string)(){
   value, err := types.NewMapValueFromJSON(parent_data)
	putReq := &nosqldb.PutRequest{
      TableName: parenttbl_name,
      Value:     value,
	wmReq := &nosqldb.WriteMultipleRequest{
		TableName: "",
		Timeout:   10 * time.Second,
   wmReq.AddPutRequest(putReq, true)

	value1, err := types.NewMapValueFromJSON(child_data)
	putReq1 := &nosqldb.PutRequest{
      TableName: childtbl_name,
      Value:     value1,
   wmReq.AddPutRequest(putReq1, true)
	wmRes, err := client.WriteMultiple(wmReq)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("WriteMultiple() failed: %v\n", err)
	if wmRes.IsSuccess() {
		fmt.Printf("WriteMultiple() succeeded\n")
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("WriteMultiple() failed\n")

You can perform a sequence of put operations associated with a table that share the same shard key portion of their primary keys as a single atomic write operation using the writeMany method. You can also simultaneously add data to a parent and child table using the writeMany method. This is an efficient way to atomically modify multiple related rows.

For method details, see NoSQLClient class.

JavaScript: Download the full code MultiWrite.js from the examples here.
const ops = [
                  tableName: 'ticket',
                  put: {
                     "ticketNo": "1762344493810",
                     "confNo" : "LE6J4Z"
                  abortOnFail: true
                  tableName: 'ticket.bagInfo',
                  put: {
                  abortOnFail: true

const res = await handle.writeMany(ops, null);
TypeScript: Download the full code MultiWrite.ts from the examples here.
const ops = [
                  tableName: 'ticket',
                  put: {
                     "ticketNo": "1762344493810",
                     "confNo" : "LE6J4Z"
                  abortOnFail: true
                  tableName: 'ticket.bagInfo',
                  put: {
                  abortOnFail: true

const res = await handle.writeMany(ops, null);

You can perform a sequence of put operations associated with a table that share the same shard key portion of their primary keys as a single atomic write operation using the PutManyAsync method. You can also simultaneously add data to a parent and child table using the PutManyAsync method. This is an efficient way to atomically modify multiple related rows.

See Oracle NoSQL Dotnet SDK API Reference for more details of all classes and methods.

Download the full code MultiWrite.cs from the examples here.
private static async Task mul_write(NoSQLClient client,string parentbl_name,
string data1, string childtbl_name, string data2){
    var result = await client.WriteManyAsync(
        new WriteOperationCollection()
          .AddPut(parentbl_name, FieldValue.FromJsonString(data1).AsMapValue)
          .AddPut(childtbl_name, FieldValue.FromJsonString(data2).AsMapValue)