Accessing the Oracle Cloud Autonomous Data Warehouse

Steps to access the Oracle Cloud Autonomous Data Warehouse from Oracle NoSQL Database Analytics Integrator.

Create a database in the Autonomous Data Warehouse

You need to create a database to access the Oracle Cloud Autonomous Data Warehouse from Oracle NoSQL Database Analytics Integrator. To create a database in the Oracle Cloud Autonomous Data Warehouse, go to the Oracle Cloud Console and do the following:

Install credentials needed for a secure database connection

Connections to the database you created in the Autonomous Data Warehouse must be secure. In order for the Oracle NoSQL Database Analytics Integrator to connect securely to the ADW database, the utility uses the credentials contained in an Oracle Wallet.

To obtain the Oracle Wallet, go to the Oracle Cloud Console and do the following:
The zip file that is produced includes the following items:
  • The network configuration files (tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora) needed to connect to the database.
  • The auto-open SSO wallet file, cwallet.sso.
  • The PKCS12 file, ewallet.p12 which is protected by the wallet password you provided when you downloaded the zip file via the Oracle Cloud Console.
  • The Java keystore and trustore files, keystore.js and truststore.jks; protected by the wallet password.
  • The file, which specifies the wallet-related Java system property required for connecting to the database via JDBC.
  • A README file containing wallet expiration information.

After obtaining the wallet zip file, make note of the password and store the wallet in any environment from where you will be connecting to the database. Additionally, to use the Oracle NoSQL Database Analytics Integrator, the extracted contents of the wallet zip file must be installed in the environment where you will be executing the utility. For example, if you are executing the utility from an Oracle Cloud Compute Instance, you should extract the contents of the zip file in any directory on that instance. Then use the path to that directory as the value of the parameter databaseWallet in the database section of the utility’s configuration file.

Enable the Resource Principal Credential or Store/Enable the User's Object Storage AUTH_TOKEN in the ADW Database

After retrieving data from the desired NoSQL Cloud Service table and writing that data to Parquet files in Object Storage, the Oracle NoSQL Database Analytics Integrator uses subprograms from the Oracle PL/SQL DBMS_CLOUD package to retrieve the Parquet files from Object Storage. It then loads the data contained in those files to a table in the database you created in the Oracle Cloud Autonomous Data Warehouse.

Before the Oracle NoSQL Database Analytics Integrator can do this, you must provide a way for the ADW database to authenticate with Object Storage for access to those Parquet files. The ADW database can authenticate with the Object Storage service in one of two ways: using the OCI Resource Principal or a user-specific AUTH_TOKEN that either you or the system administrator generates. The authentication mechanism you decide to use is enabled by executing the following steps from the Oracle Cloud Console.
The DBMS_CLOUD_ADMIN.ENABLE_RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL procedure enables the OCI Resource Principal (named OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL) for use by the ADW database when authenticating with an OCI resource such as Object Storage. The DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL procedure encrypts the specified AUTH_TOKEN credential and stores it in a table in the database named adwc_user. Whichever procedure you employ, that procedure needs to be executed only once; after which the same credential name can be specified for all transfers from Object Storage to the ADW database.


When the ADW database uses the OCI Resource Principal to authenticate with Object Storage, the name of the credential is OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL. Alternatively, when using the AUTH_TOKEN to authenticate with Object Storage, the name of the credential is the value you specify for the credential_name parameter in the DBMS_CLOUD.CREATE_CREDENTIAL procedure. But note that the value shown above (NOSQLADWDB_OBJ_STORE_CREDENTIAL) is only an example. You can use any name you wish. Thus, the dbmsCredentialName parameter in the configuration file should contain either the value OCI$RESOURCE_PRINCIPAL, or the name you specify here for the credential_name parameter; depending on the authentication mechanism you choose to employ for authenticating the ADW database with Object Storage.