Using console to create an index

Learn how to create indexes in Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service tables from the NoSQL console.

To create indexes:
  1. Access the NoSQL console from the Infrastructure Console. See Accessing the Service from the Infrastructure Console .
  2. The NoSQL console lists all the tables in the tenancy.
  3. In the Table Details page, select the Indexes tab under Resources.
    You will see a list of all the indexes added to the table.
  4. Click Add Index.
  5. In the Create Index window, enter a name for the index that is unique within the table. See Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service Limits to learn about the naming restrictions for indexes.
  6. In the Index Columns section, enter index details:
    • Index Column Name: Select the column that you would like included in the index.
    • + Another Index Column: Click this button to include another column in the index.
    • Use the up and down arrow to change the sequence of the columns in the index being created.
    • Click the delete icon next to any column to remove it from the index being created.
  7. Click Create Index.
    The index is created.
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Viewing Indexes

You can view Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service the list of indexes created for a NoSQL table from the NoSQL console.

To view indexes:
  1. Access the NoSQL console from the Infrastructure Console. See Accessing the Service from the Infrastructure Console .
  2. The NoSQL console lists all the tables in the tenancy.
  3. In the Table Details page, select the Indexes tab under Resources.
    You will see a list of all the indexes added to the table.