Using IntelliJ Plugin for Development
Browse tables and execute queries on your Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service instance or simulator from IntelliJ.
- View the tables in a well-defined tree structure with Table Explorer.
- View information on columns, indexes, primary key(s), and shard key(s) for a table.
- View column data in a well-formatted JSON Structure.
- Create tables using form-based schema entry or supply DDL statements.
- Drop tables.
- Add new columns using form-based entry or supply DDL statements.
- Drop Columns.
- Create Indexes.
- Drop Indexes.
- Execute SELECT SQL queries on a table and view query results in tabular format.
- Execute DML statements to update, insert, and delete data from a table.
This article has the following topics:
Setting Up IntelliJ Plug-in
Learn how to set up the IntelliJ plug-in for Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service instance or simulator.
Creating a NoSQL Project in IntelliJ
Learn how to create a NoSQL project in IntelliJ.
- Open IntelliJ IDEA. Click File > New > Project.
- Enter a value for Project Name and Project Location, and click Create.
- Once your NoSQL project is created, you can browse the example java files from the Project Explorer window.
- Make sure Notifications are enabled for your Oracle NoSQL project. To enable
Notifications, press
to open Main Menu. Click View, expand Tool Windows > Notifications. A Notification Iconappears on the right tool window bar.
Connecting to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service from IntelliJ
Learn how to connect your NoSQL project to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service using the IntelliJ plugin
Connecting to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator from IntelliJ
Learn how to connect your NoSQL project to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator using the IntelliJ plugin.
Managing Tables Using the IntelliJ Plugin
Learn how to create tables and view table data in Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service or Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Simulator from IntelliJ.
Perform DDL operations using IntelliJ
You can use IntelliJ to perform DDL operations.
- Locate the Schema Explorer, and click the Refresh icon to reload the schema.
- Right click the connection name and choose Create Table.
- In the prompt, enter the details for your new table. You can create the
Oracle NoSQL Database table in two modes:
- **Simple DDL Input** : You can use this mode to create the table declaratively, that is, without writing a DDL statement.
- **Advanced DDL Input** : You can use this mode to create the table using a DDL statement.
- You have the option to view the DDL statement before creating. Click Show DDL to view the DDL statement formed based on the values entered in the fields in the Simple DDL input mode. This DDL statement gets executed when you click Create.
- Click Create to create the table.
- To create a child table, right click on the desired table and
choose Create Child Table. You can create a child
table in two modes:
- **Simple DDL Input** : You can use this mode to create a child table by simply entering a table name along with other required details.
- **Advanced DDL Input** : You can use this mode to create a child table using a DDL statement.
For more details on child tables, see Table Hierarchies in Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service Guide.
- Click Create to create a child table.
- You have an option to the view the DDL statement after creating a table. Right click on the existing table. Choose View Table DDL. To copy the DDL statement, click Copy to Clipboard. Click OK to close the dialog box.
- Locate the Schema Explorer, and click the Refresh icon to reload the schema.
- Right click on the table that you want to drop. Choose Drop Table.
- A confirmation window appears, click Ok to confirm the drop action.
- Locate the Schema Explorer, and click the Refresh icon to reload the schema.
- Right click on the table where index need to be created. Choose Create Index.
- In the Create Index panel, you have an option to create index in
two modes:
- **Form Based Index Creation(Simple DDL Input)** : Enter
the details for creating an index without writing any DDL statement.
Specify the name of the index and the columns to be part of the
index. If the column is of JSON data type, you see an additional
field called "
JSON Path to Index Field
" appear. Enter the path to the location of the JSON field, and choose the data type for it. - **Create Index as DDL Statement (For Advanced DDL input)** : Enter a valid DDL statement to create an index. It can also include complex data type i.e. array, map, and record.
- **Form Based Index Creation(Simple DDL Input)** : Enter
the details for creating an index without writing any DDL statement.
Specify the name of the index and the columns to be part of the
index. If the column is of JSON data type, you see an additional
field called "
- Click Add Index.
- Locate the Schema Explorer, and click the Refresh icon to reload the schema.
- Click on the target table to see the listed columns, Primary Keys, Indexes and Shard Keys.
- Locate the target-index which has to be dropped and right-click on it. Click Drop Index.
- A confirmation window appears, click Ok to confirm the drop action.
- Locate the Schema Explorer, and click the Refresh icon to reload the schema.
- Right click on the table where column needs to be added. Choose Add Column.
- You can add new COLUMNs in two modes:
- Simple DDL Input : You can use this mode to add new
columns without writing a DDL statement. In case of binary or fixed
binary select the data type as
. For fixed binary, enter the size of the file in theSize
field and keep the field null in case of binary data type. - Advanced DDL Input : You can use this mode to add new columns into the table by supplying a valid DDL statement. This mode can also create columns of complex data type. For example, array, map, or record and also in nested format.
- Simple DDL Input : You can use this mode to add new
columns without writing a DDL statement. In case of binary or fixed
binary select the data type as
- In both the modes, specify the name of the column and define the column with its properties - datatype, default value and whether it is nullable.
- Click Add Column.
- Locate the Schema Explorer, and click the Refresh icon to reload the schema.
- Click on the target table to see the listed columns, Primary Keys, Indexes and Shard Keys.
- Locate the target-column which has to be dropped and right-click on it. Click Drop Column.
- A confirmation window appears, click Ok to confirm the drop action.
Freeze/UnFreeze Schema
The table regional replicas need to be dropped (the table must be a singleton table) before the unfreeze operation can be performed.Manage Replicas
See Regional Table Replicas to understand what are replicas and how to convert a singleton table to a Global active table by adding regional replicas.
You can add a regional replica to a singleton table, to make it a Global active table or add a replica to an existing Global active table. The table should be frozen before you add a replica to it. Right-click on the table and choose Add Replica from Regional Replicas. You can choose a replica from the dropdown of the Replication region. You can decide on the Read Units and Write Units of the table in that replication region. The Disk Storage value for the table cannot be changed/edited in the replica. Click Add Replica. The table gets replicated in the region.
Right-click on the table and choose View Replicas from Regional Replicas. You can view the list of replicas for the table.
Right-click on the table and choose Drop Replicas from Regional Replicas. Click Add and choose a replica to be removed. You can choose more than one replica to be dropped at a single time. Click Remove if you want to remove the replica from the list of replicas that need to be dropped. Click Drop Replicas. Once you confirm, the table is dropped from all the selected replicas.
Edit Reserved Capacity
You can edit the reserved capacity and the usage model of a table. Right-click on the table and choose Edit Reserved Capacity. You can choose one of the two capacity modes - Provisioned capacity or On-demand capacity. Edit the values and click Apply Changes.
- Change in storage capacity has a global scope (change in one regional table replica is automatically propagated to all regional table replicas).
- Change in read units, write units or change in capacity mode from On-Demand to provisioned or vice-versa has a local scope (change only in the regional table replica where it is initiated).
Perform DML operations using IntelliJ
You can add data, modify existing data and query data from tables using IntelliJ plugin.
Insert data
- Locate the Schema Explorer, and click the Refresh icon to reload the schema.
- Right click on the table where a row needs to be inserted. Choose Insert Row.
- In the Insert Row panel, enter the details for inserting a new row. You can
INSERT a new ROW in two modes:
- Simple Input : You can use this mode to insert the new
row without writing a DML statement. Here a form based row fields
entry is loaded, where you can enter the value of every field in the
- For binary data type, the string typed in should be a valid Base64 encoding of a binary value or select the file to upload in the desired column.
- For fixed binary data type, the string typed in should be a valid Base64 encoding of a binary value or upload the file of size defined during the creation of the particular column.
The file format you upload for binary data type should only have.bin
extension. - Advanced JSON Input : You can use this mode to insert a new row into the table by supplying a JSON Object containing the column name and its corresponding value as key-value pairs. The input can also be of complex data type i.e. array, map, record.
- Simple Input : You can use this mode to insert the new
row without writing a DML statement. Here a form based row fields
entry is loaded, where you can enter the value of every field in the
- Click Insert Row.
- Locate the Schema Explorer, and click the Refresh icon to reload the schema.
- Right click on the table where a row needs to be inserted. Choose Browse Table.
- In the textbox on the left, enter the SQL statement to fetch data from your table. Click Execute to run the query.
- To view individual cell data separately, click the table cell.
- To perform DML operations like Update and Delete Row, right-click on the
particular row. Pick your option from the context-menu that appears.
- Delete Row : A confirmation window appears, click Ok to delete the row.
- Update Row : A separate HTML panel opens below the listed rows,
containing the column names and its corresponding value in a
form-based entry and as a JSON key-pair object. You can choose
either of the two methods and supply new values.
In any row, PRIMARY KEY and GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY columns cannot be updated.
Query tables
- Locate the Schema Explorer, and click the Refresh icon to reload the schema.
- Right click on the table and choose Browse Table.
- In the textbox on the left, enter the SELECT statement to fetch data from your table.
- Click Execute to run the query. The corresponding data is retrieved from the table.
- Right click on any row and click Download
JSON. In the dialog box, navigate to the location where you
want to save the file and click Save. Once the file
is downloaded, a notification appears at the bottom-right of the screen.
Click the link to open the downloaded file. The file opens in the
- In case of Binary data type, simply click Download Binary Object in the output.
- Click Download Query Result, to download all the data in the query result. In the dialog box, navigate to the location where you want to save the file and click Save. In case of multiple rows, a progress bar appears on the bottom-right of the screen to showing the number of rows downloaded in real time. Once the file is downloaded, a notification appears at the bottom-right of the screen. Click the link to open the downloaded file. The file opens in the browser.
- Click Show Query Plan to view the execution plan of the query.
- Click the Previous Commands dropdown, to
view the top 20 recently executed SQL statements that had provided an
The dropdown will only show SQL statements related to the table you are working on.
Schema Explorer
- In the Schema Explorer window, you can verify the full data type of a particular column. Locate the particular column and the data type is followed by the column name.