Overview of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation Service Metrics

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation service metrics help you measure the number of activities and users in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. You can use metrics data to view and diagnose issues.

To view a default set of metrics charts in the Console, navigate to the service instance you're interested in, and then click Metrics. You can also use the Monitoring service to create custom queries.


Metrics are automatically available for any Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation service instance you create. You do not need to enable monitoring on the resource to get the metrics. However, you must meet the following prerequisites.

  1. To get any metrics, at least one of the following events must happen:
    • One or more processes must run on the instance.
    • One or more users must access the instance.

    Note that Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation instances with no running processes and no user activity emit no metric data.

  2. To monitor resources, you must have permission to view message metrics for the compartment.
    • If you are an administrator with manage access, you can automatically view message metrics for the compartment. For manage access, you must be part of an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure group assigned a manage policy.
    • If you are an administrator or a non-admin user with read only access, you must be part of an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure group assigned a read metrics policy.

      For example:

      • Syntax: allow group group_name to verb resource-type in compartment compartment-name
      • Policy: allow group OpaMetricReaders to read metrics in compartment OCIPACompartment

      As an administrator, you can further restrict the scope of access to the specified metric namespace.

      For example:

      • Syntax: allow group group_name to verb resource-type in compartment compartment-name where target.metrics.namespace='oci_process_automation'
      • Policy: allow group OpaMetricReaders to read metrics in compartment OCIPACompartment where target.metrics.namespace='oci_process_automation'

      However, note that if you specify metric namespace in the policy, then as a non-admin user you won't be able to view namespace under Metrics Explorer.

      See Manage Access and Assign Roles.

Available Metrics: oci_process_automation

Metric Metric Display Name Unit Description Emitted Information Dimensions
ExecutedActivityCount Activity Execution Count Count The number of activities that run per hour. "displayName": "Executed Activity Count" "unit": "Activities" resourceId
ActiveUserCount Active User Count Count The number of active users per hour. "displayName": "Active User Count" "unit": "Active Users Count" resourceId

Each metric includes the following dimensions:

  • RESOURCEID: Oracle Cloud ID (OCID), which is the identifier for the service instance.
  • RESOURCENAME: The name of the service instance, as specified when you created the instance.


Valid alarm intervals are 60 minutes or greater because of the frequency at which these metrics are emitted.