What's New

Learn about new and changed endpoints for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation REST API.

August 2024

REST API Category Changes in REST API
Oracle Integration Generation 2 Migration

The following Oracle Integration Generation 2 migration related APIs have been added:

You can use the migration APIs to move in bulk all the process artifacts from Oracle Integration Generation 2 instances to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation. These APIs allow you to:
  • Export all process applications in Oracle Integration Generation 2 to OCI Object Storage.
  • Use a bulk migration job to import all the process applications into Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation.
  • Check the status of the bulk migration job.

For more information, see Migrate Process Applications to OCI Process Automation

February 2024

REST API Category Changes in REST API


The Send Message to Process Instance API has been added.

User Configurations

Workspace users can create multiple records of their leave periods so that their assigned tasks can be automatically reassigned to other users or roles during their absence. The following Out Of Office related APIs have been added:

October 2023

REST API Category Changes in REST API

The following new APIs have been added:

June 2023

The documentation in this guide has been reorganized and grouped according to resources.

April 2023

REST API Category Changes in REST API
Alter Flow

Process owners and administrators with MANAGE permission on the process application can change the course of a running process instance that has encountered a problem and needs manual intervention. The following new APIs have been added:


  • You can use these APIs only on structured processes.
  • While altering the flow, ensure that all the related process instances are not be in terminal state such as COMPLETED or TERMINATED.
To change the course of a running process, do one of the following:
  • Move the process instance forward or backward to any eligible activity in the flow.

    Before performing this action, ensure that the process instance is in a SUSPENDED state.

  • Modify the existing data attributes of the process instance and retry the current activity.

A new ALTER_FLOW property action has been added to the Request Body schema of the Perform an Action on Process Instance API.

The following new APIs have been added:

Adhoc Tasks

You can now create and assign adhoc human tasks in runtime environment without the prerequisite of modeling and deploying process applications. A typical use case in a document management system is when a document is uploaded, you can create an adhoc task and assign to a user for review comments. Adhoc tasks are not associated with any structured or dynamic process. You can define possible outcomes, and include information such as due date, priority, title, summary, and assignee details. After it is created, the assignee is notified, and the task appears in the assignee's list of tasks. The following new APIs have been added:


Members are dynamically assigned users to a specific process instance. You can add, delete or update members in a process instance. Members do not require roles to work in an instance. You cannot add members to child instances and child adhoc tasks. You can give any of the available permissions like INSPECT, READ, USE or MANAGE to members so that they can work in the assigned process instance. If a member is added to a parent process instance, the child process instance also inherits the members.

The following new APIs have been added:

User Tasks
  • In the List Task Comments API, the isTaskLevelComments query parameter has been deprecated. Instead, use the isTaskSpecificComments query parameter.
  • In the List Task Documents API, the isTaskLevelComments query parameter has been deprecated. Instead, use the isTaskSpecificComments query parameter.

February 2023

REST API Category Changes in REST API
Processes A new property terminateChildInstances has been added in the Perform an Action on Process Instance function. When a dynamic process is terminated, this flag controls the termination of the child structured processes.

September 2022

REST API Category Changes in REST API
Authentication A new authentication section has been added that shows how to access Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Process Automation REST APIs.
Credentials The following new REST APIs have been added:
Connectors The following new REST APIs have been added:
Tasks In the Upload a Task Document and Upload Process Document to Storage APIs, you can now upload an external URL link to storage. This link can contain documents that can be downloaded.

July 2022

REST API Category Changes in REST API
User Tasks
Structured Processes New isRetryAllowed property in the 200 Response has been added in the following APIs:

May 2022

REST API Category Changes in REST API
List Tasks The rootProcessId query parameter has been deprecated. Use the rootInstanceId instead. See List Tasks.

March 2022

REST API Category Changes in REST API
List Tasks The following parameters have been deprecated:
  • processInstanceBusinessKey
  • processInstanceBusinessKeyLike
  • dpInstanceBusinessKey
  • dpInstanceBusinessKeyLike

Use the following parameters instead:

  • businessKey
  • businessKeyLike
See List Tasks.