Conversion Functions

Name(parameters) Parameter Domain Description Example


date string

convert from to a date

date("2012-12-25") - date("2012-12-24") = duration("P1D")


date and time

convert from to a date (set time components to null)

date( date and time("2012-12-25T11:00:00Z")) = date("2012-12-25")

date and time(from)

date time string

convert from to a date and time

date and time("2012-12-24T23:59:00") + duration("PT1M") = date and time("2012-12-25T00:00:00")


time string

convert from to time

time("23:59:00") + duration("PT2M") = time("00:01:00")


time, date and time

convert from to time (ignoring date components)

time( date and time("2012-12-25T11:00:00Z")) = time("11:00:00")

number(from, grouping separator, decimal separator)

number, separator, decimal notation

convert from to a number

number("1 000,0", " ", ",") = number("1,000.0", ",", ".")



convert from to a string

string(1.1) = "1.1" string(null) = null


duration string

convert from to a days and time or years and months duration

  • date and time("2012-12-24T23:59:00") - date and time("2012-12-22T03:45:00") = duration("P2DT20H14M")

  • duration("P2Y2M") = duration("P26M")

years and months duration(from, to)

both are date and time

return years and months duration between from and to

years and months duration( date("2011-12-22"), date("2013-08-24") ) = duration("P1Y8M")