About Credentials

Credentials are used by connectors to authenticate and securely call other services.

You can use either application credentials or global credentials to secure your connector.

  • Application credentials are specific to a particular process application and can be used only in connectors configured for that particular process application. They can't be shared with other process applications. These credentials are usually created by Process Automation Designers while creating and securing connectors for a process application in design-time. See Secure the REST Connector.
  • Global credentials can be used in connectors across many process applications. These credentials are created by Process Automation Administrators in Workspace.

    It is recommended that you use global credentials. Once created these credentials can be used in connectors across many process applications in design-time. See Use Global Credentials. Also, when you update a global credential, the update is applied to all the connectors (across process applications) where the global credential is used.

As a Process Automation Administrator, you can edit application credentials, and manage global credentials from Workspace.


Credentials are stored centrally. They are separate from a process application’s metadata and aren’t exported or imported with a process application.