Decisions at a Glance

Start by familiarizing yourself with these decision concepts.

How do decisions work in process applications?

In business, decisions are everywhere. Should this loan application or document change be approved? Should emergency vehicles be dispatched to this incident? How many bonus shopping points is this shopping cart worth? Use decisions to automate and reuse decisions throughout your business processes.

Use the Decision editor as a canvas to define, test, and output decision logic for process applications. The editor supports the Decision Modeling and Notation (DMN) standard, version 1.1, and uses FEEL (Friendly Enough Expression Language) to make decision modeling easier and more intuitive.

To learn more about creating decision tables or complex logic structures such as functions, relations, or contexts, see Model Decision Logic.

To learn how to use FEEL to define expressions within all notations of decision logic, see Define Expressions with the Friendly Enough Expression Language (FEEL).

What are the types of decisions that you can use in your processes?

You can use two types of decisions in processes - local decisions and external decisions.

Local decisions can only be used in the context of the process application in which they're created. They are typically used for simple use cases.

External decisions can be used to automate complex decision logic in business processes. External decisions are standalone decisions that are created and activated in decision applications. They can be called in more than one process applications as external decisions. In addition, you can also use these type of decisions in external applications by calling the active REST API endpoints exposed by the decision services.

See Understand Local and External Decisions.

How do I add a decision component?

Add a decision as you would add any other Process Automation component. See Create a Local or External Decision.

What do DMN and FEEL stand for?

The editor supports the Decision Modeling and Notation (DMN) standard, version 1.1, and uses FEEL (Friendly Enough Expression Language) to make decision modeling easier and more intuitive.

See Define Expressions with the Friendly Enough Expression Language (FEEL).

How do I model the actual decision?

You'll select from a variety of decision elements, define their input and types, and model your decision logic.

Can I test a configured decision?

While modeling a decision, quickly test its logic by entering sample input values and viewing test outcomes.

See Test Decision Models.

Why do I need a decision service?

Creating a service exposes one or more output decisions as public REST APIs. A decision service consists of a set of input data and a set of output decisions from the containing decision model. You then use the decision service in your structured process to implement the decision.

See Expose Decisions as Services.

How do I add a decision service to a structured process?

After exposing your decision as a decision service, add the decision service in your structured process where it's needed.

See Add Decision Services to Processes.

What should I know before I create a decision?

  • Decisions are supported for structured processes.
  • Nested or subdecisions are not supported.
  • You can create multiple decision services for a decision.