Description of the illustration dmn-context-loaneligibility.png

The image shows an expression decision called Loan Eligibility and two context decisions called Income and Expenses.

The value entered in the expression field is: Income.TotalIncome > Expenses.

Within the Income context decision, there are three context entries, an Add Entry button, and an Add Result button. Each context entry has a Key field and a Value field. For the first entry, Salary is entered in the Key field and 10000 is entered in the Expression field. For the second entry, Other income is entered in the Key field and 5000 is entered in the Expression field. For the third entry, Total Income is entered in the Key field and Salary+Other Income is entered in the Expression field.

Within the Expenses content decision, there are two context entries, an Add Entry button, and a result expression box. Each context entry has a Key field and a Value field. For the first entry, GeneralExpenses is entered in the Key field and 2000 is entered in the Expression field. For the second entry, RentExpenses is entered in the Key field and 1000 is entered in the Expression field. In the result expression field, GeneralExpenses+RentExpenses is entered.