Link and Refresh List of Value Fields

Use the Refresh Connector control action in an event so that each time an end user makes a selection in a List of Value (LOV) field, REST call data is refreshed and reflected in another LOV field. For example, in an order application form, after a user selects from a Category drop-down field, the list of products for that category only displays in a Product drop-down field.

To refresh an LOV field:
  1. In a web form, configure two LOV controls (select, checklist, or checkbox) to use the same REST connector to populate and return values such as categories and products. See Populate Controls Using REST Calls.
    In this LOV use case, the Product control has query parameters set to search for the Category control’s value.
  2. Select the first control (for example, Category field). On the Properties pane, scroll down to the Events field and add or edit an event. For example, add an On Change event and click Edit Edit icon to edit the event.
  3. In the event window, add an action by clicking the +Action button.
  4. In the Action field that displays, select Refresh Connector. This setting means that each time users make a selection in the Category field, the Product field’s REST call is refreshed to return product values for the selected category.
  5. Click OK to close the event window. Click Preview to test the function.