Rename an Application

You can change an application’s title and description only. You can’t change its identifier or version.

Rename from the All Applications, Process Applications or Decision Applications page

  1. From the list of applications, hover at the far side of the application you want to rename and choose Info from the Menu menu.
  2. In the Application Info pane, change the application name and description. Note that these changes apply only to the selected application version.
  3. Click Save. The newly saved application changes appear in the list of applications.

Rename from within a selected application

  1. At the top of the page, click Main menu menu and choose Info.

    Alternatively, click the down arrow after the application name and version on top of the page. In the Version pop up that appears, click View more optionsView more options and choose Info.

  2. In the Application Info pane, change the application name and description. Note that these changes apply only to the selected application version.
  3. Click Save. The newly saved application appear in the list of applications.