Style Form Controls

You can style different components of a specific control using corresponding CSS selectors.

The best practice to styling a control is to define a control class name for it. The control class name serves to identify the control in the CSS file, and you can use this name as a class name and modify the control’s selectors within that class.

The following table lists all customizable controls and associated selectors that you can style using CSS.

UI Control Selectors Description

Identity Browser


Specify a style for the Identity container.

. .oj-opa-cc-identity-browser__input-search .oj-combobox-input Specify a style for the identity input.
.oj-opa-cc-identity-browser__input-search.oj-invalid .oj-combobox-input Specify a style for the invalid identity input.
.oj-opa-cc-identity-browser__input-search.oj-disabled .oj-combobox-input Specify a style for the identity input when the control is disabled.
.oj-combobox-open-icon Specify a style for the Drop-Down Icon container.
.oj-combobox-open-icon:before Specify a new signifier instead of the default Drop-Down icon/signifier.
.oj-opa-cc-identity-browser-container Specify a style for the Identity container when multiple selection is enabled.
.oj-opa-cc-identity-browser-container .oj-combobox-selected-choice Specify a style for selected options when multiple selection is enabled.
.oj-opa-cc-identity-browser-container .oj-combobox-selected-choice-label Specify a style for the selected option label.
.oj-opa-cc-identity-browser-container .oj-combobox-clear-entry:before Specify a new signifier instead of the default Remove icon/signifier on the selected options.


.tab-container-control Specify a style for the Tabs container.
.tab-container-control .oj-tabbar-item Specify a style for the tab header.
.tab-container-control .oj-tabbar-item.oj-selected Specify a style for the selected tab header.
.tab-container-control .oj-tabbar-item.oj-disabled Specify a style for the disabled tab header.
.tab-container-control .oj-tabbar-item-label Specify a style for the tab title.


.table-container .add-row Specify style for add button.
.table-container .remove-row Specify style for remove/delete button.

Repeatable section

.repeatable-control-renderer-buttons .add-row Specify style for add button.
.repeatable-control-renderer-buttons .remove-row Specify style for remove/delete button.

File manager

.file-upload-control Specify a style file picker.
.opa-forms-file-list-renderer__label-container .oj-label. Specify a style for file list label.
.opa-forms-file-list-renderer__refresh-icon Specify a style for file list refresh button.
.opa-forms-file-list-renderer__list Specify a style for file list view.
.opa-forms-file-list-renderer__list-item .opa-forms-file-list-renderer__file-icon Specify a style for list item file icon.
.opa-forms-file-list-renderer__list-item .opa-forms-file-list-renderer__list-file-name Specify a style for list item file name.
.opa-forms-file-list-renderer__list-item .opa-forms-file-list-renderer__list-file-create-details Specify a style for file list item created by and date details.
.opa-forms-file-list-renderer__list-item .opa-forms-file-list-renderer__delete-icon Specify a style for list item delete button.

Document understanding

.document-understanding-file-picker Specify a style the file picker part of document understanding.
.document-understanding-container Specify a style for container having image and controls of document understanding.
.document-understanding-image-container Specify a style image preview of document understanding.
.document-understanding-controls-container Specify a style for document understanding controls container.

Rich text editor

proc-form-rich-text-editor .tox-tinymce Specify style for styling the rich text editor like height and border.


t.rain-overflow-wrapper .oj-train Specify style for train container.
.oj-train .oj-train-step-list-item Specify style for train item.
.oj-train-step-list-item.oj-selected Specify style for selected train item.
.oj-train .oj-train-button-connector Specify style for train item button.
.oj-train .oj-train-label Specify style for train item label.