Analyzing Change Request Trends

This section describes how to use the charts on the Changes dashboard to analyze the change request trends, as explained in the following sections:

Change Request Activity Chart

Location: On the Changes Dashboard view (Dashboard View Icon) at Customer Level. For information on how to access the Changes Dashboard view, see Accessing the Changes Dashboard.

The Change Request Activity chart shows the trend in the number of change requests that have been created or closed on a date in the last 30 days or which are scheduled on a date in the last 30 days. The information is displayed for each week, with a maximum of 4 or 5 weeks displayed on the chart. For example, if you choose to see the open change request count on February 10, the chart shows information for the last two weeks in the month of January and the first two weeks in the month of February.

Select the Production Only check box to further customize your data, as explained in Filtering Records by Environment Type.

Chart View: The chart view shows a breakdown of change requests that have been created or closed on a date in the last 30 days or which are scheduled on a date in the last 30 days. Click the legend items to control the information subject to the report.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Change Request Activity table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view lists detailed records for the change requests that have been created or closed on a date in the last 30 days or which are scheduled on a date in the last 30 days, as explained in Using the Chart Table View.

Changes by Severity Chart

Location: On the Changes Dashboard view (Dashboard View Icon) at Service Level. For information on how to access the Changes Dashboard view, see Accessing the Changes Dashboard.

The Changes by Severity report shows the trend in the severity of the change requests for the selected service, created over the specified time interval.

By default, this report shows data as of the current day. Select the Production Only check box to further customize your data, as explained in Filtering Records by Environment Type.

Chart View: The chart view provides an overview of the open change requests, divided by severity, as defined in My Oracle Support:

  • 1-Critical

  • 2-Significant

  • 3-Standard

  • 4-Minimal

    Click the legend items to control the information subject to the report.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Changes by Severity table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view lists detailed records for the change requests for the selected service, created over the specified time interval, as explained in Using the Chart Table View.

Created vs. Closed Trend Chart

Location: On the Changes Chart view (Chart View Icon) at Customer and Service Level. The Created vs. Closed Trend chart is displayed by default. For information on how to access the Changes Chart view, see Accessing the Changes Dashboard and Navigating the Changes Dashboard.

The Created vs. Closed Trend chart shows the trend in the number of change requests created or closed over the specified time interval:

  • the last year

  • any of the last 12 months

By default, this report shows data for three omplete months prior to the current month. The reporting period can be changed from both the chart and the table view. To define a custom reporting period, click the page time selector in the upper right corner or the widget time selector above the chart, as explained in the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

Use the environment filter to further customize your data, as explained in Filtering Records by Environment Type.

Chart View: The chart view shows a breakdown of the change requests created or closed over the specified time interval.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Created vs. Closed Trend table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view lists detailed records for the change requests associated with your organization's services, which have been created or closed over the specified time interval, as explained in Using the Chart Table View.

Prod vs. Non Prod Trend Chart

Location: On the Changes Chart view (Chart View Icon) at Customer and Service Level. Click the Personalize charts icon (Personalize charts Icon) to open the Personalize list. In the Trend section, select Prod vs. Non Prod Trend, then click Apply. For information on how to access the Changes Chart view, see Accessing the Changes Dashboard and Navigating the Changes Dashboard.

The Prod vs. Non Prod Trend chart shows the trend in the number of change requests that have been created over the specified time interval for both your organization's production and nonproduction environments:

  • the last year

  • any of the last 12 months

By default, this report shows data for three months prior to the current month. The reporting period can be changed from both the chart and the table view. To define a custom reporting period, click the page time selector in the upper right corner or the widget time selector above the chart, as explained in the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

The environment filter does not apply to this report.

Chart View: The chart view shows the distribution of the change requests that have been created over the specified time interval between your organization's production and nonproduction environments.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Prod vs. Non Prod Trend table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view lists detailed records for the change requests that have been created over the specified time interval for both your organization's production and nonproduction environments, as explained in Using the Chart Table View.

Refreshes: Created vs. Applied Trend Chart

Location: On the Changes Chart view (Chart View Icon) at Customer and Service Level. Click the Personalize charts icon (Personalize charts Icon) to open the Personalize list. In the Trend section, select Refreshes: Created vs. Applied Trend, then click Apply. For information on how to access the Changes Chart view, see Accessing the Changes Dashboard and Navigating the Changes Dashboard.

The Refreshes: Created vs. Applied Trend report shows the trend in the number of change requests with the Refresh type in My Oracle Support, which have been created or scheduled over the specified time interval:

  • the last year

  • any of the last 12 months

By default, this report shows data for three months prior to the current month. The reporting period can be changed from both the chart and the table view. To define a custom reporting period, click the page time selector in the upper right corner or the widget time selector above the chart, as explained in the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

Use the environment filter to further customize your data, as explained in Filtering Records by Environment Type.

Chart View: The chart view shows the trend in the number of change requests with the Refresh type that have been created or scheduled over the specified time interval.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Refreshes: Created vs. Applied Trend table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view lists detailed records for the change requests with the Refresh type in My Oracle Support, which have been created or scheduled over the specified time interval, as explained in Using the Chart Table View.

Backups: Created vs. Applied Trend Chart

Location: On the Changes Chart view (Chart View Icon) at Customer and Service Level. Click the Personalize charts icon (Personalize charts Icon) to open the Personalize list. In the Trend section, select Backups: Created vs. Applied Trend, then click Apply. For information on how to access the Changes Chart view, see Accessing the Changes Dashboard and Navigating the Changes Dashboard.

The Backups: Created vs. Applied Trend report shows the trend in the number of change requests with the Backup type in My Oracle Support, which have been created or scheduled over the specified time interval:

  • the last year

  • any of the last 12 months

By default, this report shows data for three months prior to the current month. The reporting period can be changed from both the chart and the table view. To define a custom reporting period, click the page time selector in the upper right corner or the widget time selector above the chart, as explained in the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

Use the environment filter to further customize your data, as explained in Filtering Records by Environment Type.

Chart View: The chart view shows the trend in the number of change requests with the Backup type that have been created or scheduled over the specified time interval.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Backups: Created vs. Applied Trend table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view lists detailed records for the change requests with the Backup type in My Oracle Support, which have been created or scheduled over the specified time interval, as explained in Using the Chart Table View.

Created by Severity Trend Chart

Location: On the Changes Chart view (Chart View Icon) at Customer and Service Level. Click the Personalize charts icon (Personalize charts Icon) to open the Personalize list. In the Trend section, select Created by Severity Trend, then click Apply. For information on how to access the Changes Chart view, see Accessing the Changes Dashboard and Navigating the Changes Dashboard.

The Created by Severity Trend report shows the trend in the number of change requests divided by severity, which have been created over the specified time interval:

  • the last year

  • any of the last 12 months

By default, this report shows data for three months prior to the current month. The reporting period can be changed from both the chart and the table view. To define a custom reporting period, click the page time selector in the upper right corner or the widget time selector above the chart, as explained in the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

Use the environment filter to further customize your data, as explained in Filtering Records by Environment Type.

Chart View: The chart view provides an overview of the number of change requests that have been created over the specified time interval, divided by severity, as defined in My Oracle Support:

  • 1-Critical

  • 2-Significant

  • 3-Standard

  • 4-Minimal

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Created by Severity Trend table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view lists detailed records for all the change requests associated with your organization's services, which have been created over the specified time interval, as explained in Using the Chart Table View.

Created by RFC Type Trend Chart

Location: On the Changes Chart view (Chart View Icon) at Customer and Service Level. Click the Personalize charts icon (Personalize charts Icon) to open the Personalize list. In the Trend section, select Created by RFC Type Trend, then click Apply. For information on how to access the Changes Chart view, see Accessing the Changes Dashboard and Navigating the Changes Dashboard.

The Created by RFC Type Trend report shows the trend in the number of change requests divided by the change request type, which have been created over the specified time interval:

  • the last year

  • any of the last 12 months

By default, this report shows data for three months prior to the current month. The reporting period can be changed from both the chart and the table view. To define a custom reporting period, click the page time selector in the upper right corner or the widget time selector above the chart, as explained in the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

Use the environment filter to further customize your data, as explained in Filtering Records by Environment Type.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of change requests divided by the change request type, which have been created over the specified time interval.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Created by RFC Type Trend table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view lists detailed records for all the change requests associated with your organization's services, which have been created over the specified time interval, as explained in Using the Chart Table View.

Created by Service Trend Chart

Location: On the Changes Chart view (Chart View Icon) at Customer and Service Level. Click the Personalize charts icon (Personalize charts Icon) to open the Personalize list. In the Trend section, select Created by Service Trend, then click Apply. For information on how to access the Changes Chart view, see Accessing the Changes Dashboard and Navigating the Changes Dashboard.

The Created by Service Trend report shows the trend in the number of change requests divided by service, which have been created over the specified time interval:

  • the last year

  • any of the last 12 months

By default, this report shows data for three months prior to the current month. The reporting period can be changed from both the chart and the table view. To define a custom reporting period, click the page time selector in the upper right corner or the widget time selector above the chart, as explained in the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

Use the environment filter to further customize your data, as explained in Filtering Records by Environment Type.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of change requests divided by service, which have been created over the specified time interval.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Created by Service Trend table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view lists detailed records for all the change requests associated with your organization's services, as explained in Using the Chart Table View.

Change Request Activity Trend Chart

Location: On the Changes Chart view (Chart View Icon) at Customer and Service Level. Click the Personalize charts icon (Personalize charts Icon) to open the Personalize list. In the Trend section, select Change Request Activity Trend, then click Apply. For information on how to access the Changes Chart view, see Accessing the Changes Dashboard and Navigating the Changes Dashboard.

The Change Request Activity Trend report shows the trend in the number of change requests that have been created, applied or closed over the specified time interval:

  • the last year

  • any of the last 12 months

By default, this report shows data for three months prior to the current month. The reporting period can be changed from both the chart and the table view. To define a custom reporting period, click the page time selector in the upper right corner or the widget time selector above the chart, as explained in the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

Use the environment filter to further customize your data, as explained in Filtering Records by Environment Type.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of change requests that have been created, applied or closed over the specified time interval.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Change Request Activity Trend table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view lists detailed records for all the change requests associated with your organization's services, which have been created, applied or closed over the specified time interval, as explained in Using the Chart Table View.