Analyzing PeopleSoft Metrics

This section describes how to use the charts on the Transactions List view to analyze PeopleSoft metrics:

Analyzing PeopleSoft Batch Job System Metrics

This section describes how to use the reports on the Run By tab to analyze PeopleSoft batch job system metrics. Click any PeopleSoft batch job transaction record to see detailed metrics for batch jobs at system level, as explained in the following sections:

Current Status

The Current Status subtab shows the current process status breakdown, the jobs currently in alert state since the last data collection, and the jobs in alert state within the last 7 days, as explained in the following sections:

Process Status Breakdown Table

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any PSFT batch job transaction record associated with an environment. The Run By tab is displayed by default, showing the Current Status subtab, with the Process Status Breakdown table at the top. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Process Status Breakdown table provides a list of the processes that execute the requests and their assigned statuses, offering a starting point from where to analyze a batch issue. Each record in the Process Status Breakdown table provides the following information:

  • Process Name: Specifies the name of each batch process in each process scheduler domain supporting the selected environment.

  • Domain Name: Specifies the name of the domain of the process scheduler.

  • Host: Specifies the host where the process is run.

  • Status: Specifies the state of the process. Available options include:

    • Up

    • Down

Jobs in Alert State Table

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any PSFT batch job transaction record associated with an environment. The Run By tab is displayed by default. Scroll down the Current Status subtab to see the Jobs in Alert State table. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Jobs in Alert State table shows the jobs that have failed, the jobs that have had the InitiatedPendingJobs, InPostingJobs, UnableToPostJobs or QueuedPendingJobs status for more than 30 minutes, or the jobs that are running for more than 10% of the average runtime. Each record in the Jobs in Alert State table provides the following information:

  • Job ID: Specifies the identification number of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Status: Specifies the current run request state of the PeopleSoft batch job. Knowing the status of a job helps you determine where it is in the queue or identify a problem if the process has an error. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Distribution: Specifies the distribution status of the PeopleSoft batch job. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Name: Specifies the name of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Type: Specifies the type of the PeopleSoft job.

  • User: Specifies the user ID of the person who submitted the PeopleSoft batch job request.

  • Start: Specifies the date and time when the PeopleSoft batch job started.

  • End: Specifies the date and time when the PeopleSoft batch job ended.

  • Running Time (Mins): Specifies the duration required for the PeopleSoft batch job to end, in minutes.

  • Host: Specifies the host where the PeopleSoft batch job is run.

  • Transaction ID: Specifies the identification number of the transaction.

Jobs in Alert State History - Last 7 Days Table

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any PSFT batch job transaction record associated with an environment. The Run By tab is displayed by default. Scroll down the Current Status subtab to see the Jobs in Alert State History - Last 7 Days table. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Jobs in Alert State History - last 7 Days table shows a 7-day history of the Jobs in Alert State report, allowing you to look at the history of the jobs that have failed, the jobs that have had the InitiatedPendingJobs, InPostingJobs, UnableToPostJobs or QueuedPendingJobs status for more than 30 minutes, or the jobs that are running for more than 10% of the average runtime over the last 7 days, and providing historical context to the current report. Each record in the Jobs in Alert State History - last 7 Days table provides the following information:

  • Job ID: Specifies the identification number of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Status: Specifies the current run request state of the PeopleSoft batch job. Knowing the status of a job helps you determine where it is in the queue or identify a problem if the process has an error. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Distribution: Specifies the distribution status of the PeopleSoft batch job. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Name: Specifies the name of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Type: Specifies the type of the PeopleSoft job.

  • User: Specifies the user ID of the person who submitted the PeopleSoft batch job request.

  • Start: Specifies the date and time when the PeopleSoft batch job started.

  • End: Specifies the date and time when the PeopleSoft batch job ended.

  • Running Time (Mins): Specifies the duration required for the PeopleSoft batch job to end, in minutes.

  • Host: Specifies the host where the PeopleSoft batch job is run.

  • Transaction ID: Specifies the identification number of the transaction.

Process Scheduler

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any PSFT batch job transaction record associated with an environment, then click Process Scheduler. The Process Scheduler table is displayed at the top of the tab. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Process Scheduler subtab shows the jobs that are currently queued in the job system, providing important details on the scheduling processes. Export information on the offending schedulers and send it to concerned parties to gather information about the function of the scheduling processes. This will further allow you to determine whether it is safe to restart the DOWN processes in order to free the resources currently being consumed and to have the system return to normal execution.

Each record in the Process Scheduler table provides the following information:

  • Scheduler: Indicates the process scheduler for the jobs in the specified environment.

  • Host: Specifies the host where the PeopleSoft batch job is run.

  • Status: Specifies the current run request state of the PeopleSoft batch job. Knowing the status of a job helps you determine where it is in the queue or identify a problem if the process has an error. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Max CPU %: Specifies the current CPU usage as a percentage of the total CPU available.

  • Disk Space Used (MB): Specifies the amount of disk space used by the Process Scheduler, in megabytes.

  • Start: Specifies the date and the time when the PeopleSoft batch job started.

  • Queued Jobs: Specifies the number of jobs that are in line to run by the process scheduler but have not been started yet.

24HR Summary

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any PSFT batch job transaction record associated with an environment, then click 24HR Summary. The 24 Hours Summary table is displayed at the top of the tab. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The 24HR Summary subtab shows the number of job requests of various statuses within the last 24 hours, allowing you to determine whether a slowdown in the system performance is related to a certain scheduled process or to a process occuring during regular working hours.

Chart View: The chart view shows the count of each status hour by hour for the last 24 hours.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the 24 Hours Summary table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view shows the count of each status hour by hour for the last 24 hours and those that have completed within the median, 75th percentile, and 95th percentile of historical runtime in the last 24 hours.

Each record in the 24 Hours Summary table provides the following information:

  • Collection Date: Shows the date and time when these metrics were collected from Oracle Enterprise Manager and PeopleSoft.

  • Error: Shows the number of jobs that encountered an error while processing transactions within the program.

  • Failed: Shows the number of jobs that failed.

  • Successful With Warnings: Shows the number of jobs that finished successfully but with warnings.

  • Pending: Shows the number of jobs that are waiting for the previous item in the PeopleSoft job before being released by the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

  • Initiated Pending: Shows the number of jobs that have been initiated to run and are gathering runtime parameters.

  • Unposted: Shows the number of jobs for which the Distribution Agent was not able to transfer the reports to the Report Manager.

  • Processing: Shows the number of jobs that are currently running.

  • Posted: Shows the number of jobs that finished and were posted.

  • Success: Shows the number of jobs that completed successfully.

  • Not Successful: Shows the number of jobs that encountered an error while processing transactions within the program and are marked as restartable.

  • Total: Shows the total number of jobs run every hour in the last 24 hours.

  • Normal Runtime: Shows the number of jobs run every hour in the last 24 hours that completed successfully and whose runtime is below the 75th percentile of the historical runtime.

  • Above Avg. Runtime: Shows the number of jobs run every hour in the last 24 hours that completed successfully, whose runtime is greater than or equal to the 75th and less than the 95th percentile of the historical runtime.

  • High Runtime: Shows the number of jobs run every hour in the last 24 hours that completed successfully, whose runtime is greater than or equal to the 95th percentile of the historical runtime.

Analyzing PeopleSoft Batch Job Metrics

This section describes how to use the charts on the Transactions dashboard to analyze PeopleSoft batch job metrics. Click any PeopleSoft batch job transaction record to see recent and historical status reports for a specific batch job, as explained in the following sections:

Request History

The Request History subtab shows the last 10 runs of a specific job, as well as the runs of each status of a specific job in the last 24 hours and 31 days, as explained in the following sections:

Request Summary - Latest Table

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any PSFT batch job transaction record associated with an environment, then click Status. The Request History subtab is displayed by default, with the Request Summary - Latest table at the top. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Request Summary - Latest table shows the last 10 runs of each status of a specific job. Each record in the Request Summary - Latest table provides the following information:

  • Job ID: Specifies the identification number of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Status: Specifies the current state of the PeopleSoft batch job. Knowing the status of a job helps you determine where it is in the queue or identify a problem if the process has an error. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Distribution: Specifies the distribution status of the PeopleSoft batch job. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Name: Specifies the name of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Type: Specifies the type of the PeopleSoft job.

  • User: Specifies the user ID of the person who submitted the PeopleSoft batch job request.

  • Start: Specifies the date and time when the PeopleSoft batch job started.

  • End: Specifies the date and time when the PeopleSoft batch job ended.

  • Running Time (Min): Specifies the duration required for the PeopleSoft batch job to end, in minutes.

  • Host: Specifies the host where the PeopleSoft batch job is run.

Request Summary History - Last 24 Hours Chart

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any PSFT batch job transaction record associated with an environment, then click Status. Scroll down the Request History subtab to see the Request Summary History - Last 24 Hours table. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Request Summary History - Last 24 Hours chart shows the runs of each status of a specific job in the last 24 hours.

Chart View: The chart view shows a series for each status hour by hour for the last 24 hours, with the count of jobs and the time based on the start time:

  • Successful With Warnings: Shows the number of jobs that finished successfully but with warnings.

  • Pending: Shows the number of jobs that are waiting for the previous item in the PeopleSoft job before being released by the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

  • Not Successful: Shows the number of jobs that encountered an error while processing transactions within the program and are marked as restartable.

  • Success: Shows the number of jobs that completed successfully.

  • Initiated Pending: Shows the number of jobs that have been placed in the pending queue.

  • Unposted: Shows the number of jobs jobs for which the Distribution Agent was not able to transfer the reports to the Report Manager.

  • Posted: Shows the number of jobs that finished and were posted.

  • Processing: Shows the number of jobs that are currently running.

  • Failed: Shows the number of jobs that failed.

  • Error: Shows the number of jobs that encountered an error while processing transactions within the program.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Request Summary History - Last 24 Hours table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view shows the runs of each status hour by hour for the last 24 hours.

Each record in the Request Summary History - Last 24 Hours report provides the following information:

  • Job ID: Specifies the identification number of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Status: Specifies the current state of the PeopleSoft batch job. Knowing the status of a job helps you determine where it is in the queue or identify a problem if the process has an error. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Distribution: Specifies the distribution status of the PeopleSoft batch job. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Name: Specifies the name of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Type: Specifies the type of the PeopleSoft job.

  • User: Specifies the user ID of the person who submitted the PeopleSoft batch job request.

  • Start: Specifies the date and the time when the PeopleSoft batch job started.

  • End: Specifies the date and the time when the PeopleSoft batch job ended.

  • Running Time (Min): Specifies the duration required for the PeopleSoft batch job to end, in minutes.

  • Host: Specifies the host where the PeopleSoft batch job is run.

Request Summary History - Last 31 Days Chart

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any PSFT batch job transaction record associated with an environment, then click Status. Scroll down the Request History subtab to see the Request Summary History - Last 31 Days table. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Request Summary History - Last 31 Days chart shows the runs of each status day by day for the last 31 days, with the count of jobs and the time based on the start time.

Chart View: The chart view shows a series for each status day by day for the last 31 days, with the count of jobs and the time based on the start time:

  • Successful With Warnings: Shows the number of jobs that finished successfully but with warnings.

  • Pending: Shows the number of jobs that are waiting for the previous item in the PeopleSoft job before being released by the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

  • Not Successful: Shows the number of jobs that encountered an error while processing transactions within the program and are marked as restartable.

  • Success: Shows the number of jobs that completed successfully.

  • Initiated Pending: Shows the number of jobs that have been placed in the pending queue.

  • Unposted: Shows the number of jobs for which the Distribution Agent was not able to transfer the reports to the Report Manager.

  • Posted: Shows the number of jobs that finished and were posted.

  • Processing: Shows the number of jobs that are currently running.

  • Failed: Shows the number of jobs that failed.

  • Error: Shows the number of jobs that encountered an error while processing transactions within the program.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Request Summary History - Last 31 Days table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view shows the runs of each status day by day for the last 31 days.

Each record in the Request Summary History - Last 31 Days table provides the following information:

  • Job ID: Specifies the identification number of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Status: Specifies the current state of the PeopleSoft batch job. Knowing the status of a job helps you determine where it is in the queue or identify a problem if the process has an error. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Distribution: Specifies the distribution status of the PeopleSoft batch job. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Name: Specifies the name of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Type: Specifies the type of the PeopleSoft job.

  • User: Specifies the user ID of the person who submitted the PeopleSoft batch job request.

  • Start: Specifies the date and the time when the PeopleSoft batch job started.

  • End: Specifies the date and the time when the PeopleSoft batch job ended.

  • Running Time (Min): Specifies the duration required for the PeopleSoft batch job to end, in minutes.

  • Host: Specifies the host where the PeopleSoft batch job is run.

Error History

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any PSFT batch job transaction record associated with an environment, then click Status and go to the Error History subtab. The Request Summary History table is displayed at the top of the tab. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Error History subtab shows the errors reported on a specific day for a specific job. Each record in the Request Summary History table provides the following information:

  • Job ID: Specifies the identification number of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Status: Specifies the current state of the PeopleSoft batch job. Knowing the status of a job helps you determine where it is in the queue or identify a problem if the process has an error. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Distribution: Specifies the distribution status of the PeopleSoft batch job. For more information, see Analyzing Performance for PeopleSoft Process Schedulers and Jobs.

  • Name: Specifies the name of the PeopleSoft batch job, as available in PeopleSoft.

  • Type: Specifies the type of the PeopleSoft job.

  • User: Specifies the user ID of the person who submitted the PeopleSoft batch job request.

  • Start: Specifies the date and the time when the PeopleSoft batch job started.

  • End: Specifies the date and the time when the PeopleSoft batch job ended.

  • Host: Specifies the host where the PeopleSoft batch job is run.

  • Log File: Specifies the destination and file name of the log generated by PeopleSoft during execution of the jobs.