Analyzing SOA Metrics

This section describes how to use the charts on the Transactions List view to analyze Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) metrics:

Analyzing SOA Environment Metrics

This section describes how to use the reports on the Run By tab to analyze SOA environment metrics. Click any SOA transaction record to see detailed metrics for SOA environments, as explained in the following sections:

Composite Status

The Composite Status subtab shows information about the status of SOA service targets and of the monitored SOA composites, as explained in the following sections:

Service Status Table

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any SOA transaction record associated with an environment. The Run By tab is displayed by default, showing the Composite Status subtab, with the Service Status table at the top of the tab. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Service Status table shows the UP/DOWN status of the following SOA service targets:

  • weblogic_j2eeserver - The WebLogic server used to run SOA Infrastructure.

  • weblogic_cluster - A WebLogic Server cluster consists of multiple WebLogic Server server instances running simultaneously and working together to provide increased scalability and reliability.

  • oracle_soainfra - SOA Infrastructure is a Java EE-compliant application running in Oracle WebLogic Server. The application manages composites and their lifecycle, service engines, and binding components.

  • oracle_soainfra_cluster - A SOA Infrastructure application cluster consists of multiple SOA Infrastructure application instances running simultaneously and working together to provide increased scalability and reliability.

Each record in the Service Status table provides the following information:

  • Target Name: Specifies the name of the SOA infrastructure target where composites run.

  • Target Type: Specifies the type of target.

  • Status: Specifies the status of the target. Available options include:

    • Target Down

    • Target Up

Composite Status Table

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any SOA transaction record associated with an environment. The Run By tab is displayed by default. Scroll down the Composite Status subtab to see the Composite Status table. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Composite Status table provides a high-level view of the latest status for the SOA composites being monitored.

Each record in the Composite Status table provides the following information:

  • Partition Name: Specifies the name of the the group the composite target belongs to.

  • Composite Name: Specifies the name of the composite target.

  • Last Instantiated Name: Specifies the time when the composite target was last started.

  • Composite Revision: Specifies the version of the composite target.

  • Status: Specifies the status of the target. Available options include:

    • Target Down

    • Target Up

  • Total Instance Since Startup: Specifies the total number of times the composite target was run since the SOA server startup.

  • Asynchronous Response Time (s): Specifies the response time for the composite target's asynchronous operations.

  • Synchronous Response Time (s): Specifies the response time for the composite target's synchronous operations.

Tablespace Usage

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any SOA transaction record associated with an environment, then click Tablespace Usage. The Tablespace Usage table is displayed at the top of the tab. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Tablespace Usage subtab allows you to monitor SOA storage space growth. This report shows both a chart and a table view for overall tablespace usage and tablespace usage specifically for the FUSION_TS_TOOLS tablespace, the main tablespace for storing SOA metadata and runtime data.

Chart View: The chart view shows a breakdown of the average storage usage by tablespace, in GB.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the Tablespace Usage table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view lists all your organization's tablespaces. It displays the name of each tablespace and the average storage used by the tablespace.

Each record in the Tablespace Usage table provides the following information:

  • Tablespace: Specifies the name of the database tablespace.

  • Used Storage Avg (GB): Specifies the average amount of space used, in GB.

Analyzing SOA Partition Metrics

This section describes how to use the reports on the Status tab to analyze SOA environment metrics. Click any SOA transaction record to see recent and historical status reports for a specific SOA partition, as explained in the following sections:

Partition Status Table

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any SOA transaction record associated with an environment, then click Status. The Partition Status subtab is displayed by default, with the Partition Status table at the top of the tab. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Partition Status table provides a high-level view of the latest status for each composite within a partition.

Each record in the Partition Status table provides the following information:

  • Target Name: Specifies the name of the SOA infrastructure target where composites run.

  • Target Type: Specifies the type of target.

  • Status: Specifies the status of the target. Available options include:

    • Target Down

    • Target Up

Component Performance Summary Last 2 Hours Table

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any SOA transaction record associated with an environment, then click Status and go to the Component Performance Summary Last 2 Hours subtab. The Component Performance Summary Last 2 Hours table is displayed at the top of the tab. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Component Performance Summary Last 2 Hours table provides a high-level summary of the status of each component in the last 2 hours, broken down by partition name, composite name and composite revision.

Each record in the Component Performance Summary Last 2 Hours table provides the following information:

  • Partition Name: Specifies the name of the group the composite target belongs to.

  • Composite Name: Specifies the name of the composite target.

  • Composite Revision: Specifies the version of the composite target.

  • Component Name: Specifies the name of the component.

  • Component Type: Specifies the type of the component (BPEL/Mediator).

  • Avg Response Time (ms): Specifies the average response time of the component, in milliseconds.

  • Total Faults: Specifies the total number of faults for the component.

  • Total Instances Last Collection: Specifies the total number of times the component has run since the last time information was collected.

  • Business Faults: Specifies the total number of business faults for the component, which are caused by a failure to meet a certain business rule.

  • System Faults: Specifies the total number of system faults for the component, which are caused by errors in the underlying infrastructure or middleware components on which applications run.

  • Recoverable Faults: Specifies the total number of recoverable faults for the component.

  • Total Recoverable Faults Since Startup: Specifies the total number of recoverable faults for the component since the SOA server startup.

  • Avg Response Time (s): Specifies the average response time for the component, in seconds.

  • Collection Timestamp: Specifies the date and time when the information was collected.

Component Performance Summary Last 24 Hours Table

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any SOA transaction record associated with an environment, then click Status and go to the Component Performance Summary Last 24 Hours subtab. The Component Performance Summary Last 24 Hours table is displayed at the top of the tab. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Component Performance Summary Last 24 Hours table provides a high-level summary of the status of each component in the last 24 hours, broken down by partition name, composite name and composite revision.

Each record in the Component Performance Summary Last 24 Hours table provides the following information:

  • Partition Name: Specifies the name of the group the composite target belongs to.

  • Composite Name: Specifies the name of the composite target.

  • Composite Revision: Specifies the version of the composite target.

  • Component Name: Specifies the name of the component.

  • Component Type: Specifies the type of the component (BPEL/Mediator).

  • Avg Response Time (ms): Specifies the average response time of the component, in milliseconds.

  • Total Faults: Specifies the total number of faults for the component.

  • Business Faults: Specifies the total number of business faults for the component, which are caused by a failure to meet a certain business rule.

  • Total Instances Last Collection: Specifies the total number of times the component has run since the last time information was collected.

  • System Faults: Specifies the total number of system faults for the component, which are caused by errors in the underlying infrastructure or middleware components on which applications run.

  • Recoverable Faults: Specifies the total number of recoverable faults for the component.

  • Total Recoverable Faults Since Startup: Specifies the total number of recoverable faults for the component since the SOA server startup.

  • Avg Response Time (s): Specifies the average response time for the component, in seconds.

  • Successful Instances Since Startup: Specifies the number of times the composite target ran successfully since the SOA server startup.

  • Long Running Instances: Specifies the number of instances that have been running for longer than a predefined threshold.

Faulted Components Table

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any SOA transaction record associated with an environment, then click Status and go to the Faulted Components subtab. The Faulted Components table is displayed at the top of the tab. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Faulted Components table allows you to review the current status of processes in SOA domains, and helps with the faster identification of the issue. This table provides details about all the faulted environments, including the error message.

Each record in the Faulted Components table provides the following information:

  • Partition Name: Specifies the name of the group the composite target belongs to.

  • Composite Name: Specifies the name of the composite target.

  • Component Type: Specifies the type of the component (BPEL/Mediator).

  • Composite Revision: Specifies the version of the composite target.

  • Component Name: Specifies the name of the component.

  • Environment: Specifies the name of the related database instance.

  • Fault Type: Specifies the type of fault that has occured.

  • Error Message: Specifies the error message associated with the fault.

  • Collection Timestamp: Specifies the date and time when the information was collected.

Long Running Components Table

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any SOA transaction record associated with an environment, then click Status and go to the Long Running Components subtab. The Long Running Components table is displayed at the top of the tab. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Long Running Components table allows you to review the current status of processes in SOA domains. This table provides details about all the components running above the normal run time.

Each record in the Long Running Components table provides the following information:

  • Partition Name: Specifies the name of the group the composite target belongs to.

  • Composite Name: Specifies the name of the composite target.

  • Component Type: Specifies the type of the component (BPEL/Mediator).

  • Composite Revision: Specifies the version of the composite target.

  • Component Name: Specifies the name of the component.

  • Last Instantiated Time: Specifies the time when the composite target was last started.

  • Environment: Specifies the name of the related database instance.

  • Running Time: Specifies the length of time the component has been running for.

  • Collection Timestamp: Specifies the date and time when the information was collected.