Analyzing User Interaction Metrics

This section describes how to use the charts on the Transactions List view to analyze the performance of user interaction transactions and the sustained stress periods:

  • the Current View section describes how to use the charts on the Current View tab to see the performance chart for individual collection points or for all the associated collection points.

  • the Sustained Stress section describes how to use the charts on the Sustained Stress tab to see an overview of the beacon performance.

Current View

This section describes how to use the charts on the Current View tab to analyze the response time for the user interaction over the specified reporting interval for one or more of your collection points. Click any user interaction record to see detailed information about the performance of your collection points, as explained in the following sections:

The performance charts on the Current View tab allow you to determine when the performance issue started, as well as the user zone affected by the issue. The performance threshold and the historical median are included on the chart for reference. The performance threshold is the longest acceptable response time set for the user interaction transaction. You can set the threshold in Oracle Enterprise Manager in consultation with your Oracle SDM. The historical median is the value lying at the midpoint of the range of response times measured.

Collection Point

Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any user interaction record associated with an environment. The Current View tab is displayed by default, showing the Collection Point subtab. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

The Collection Point subtab shows the performance chart for each individual collection point. Use the drop-down list at the top of the dashboard to select the collection point of your focus.

By default, information on the Collection Point subtab is displayed for the current day. For more information on how to change the time period for your reports, see the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

The chart name uses the following format:

{Location} {Transaction Long Name} {Beacon Name}


  • Location is @Oracle or @Customer.

  • Transaction Long Name is the long name of the transaction.

  • Beacon Name is the name of the beacon running the transaction.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the table view in expanded mode, then click the Export icon (Export Icon) in the upper right corner to export the data, as explained in the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

Depending on the selected time period, different information is available for each record in the performance profile flip view, as explained below:

  • the one-day report shows the following information:

    • Collection Point: Specifies the name of the Oracle Enterprise Manager beacon monitoring the user interaction transaction.

    • Date/Time: Indicates the time when the metrics displayed were collected.

    • Time (sec): Specifies the length of time between the moment when the user interaction start request was received and the moment when the user interaction transaction was completed, in seconds.

    • 30 Day Avg (sec): Specifies the running mean of all response times for the user interaction transaction over the preceding 30 days.

    • Threshold: Specifies the longest acceptable runtime for the transaction, in seconds.

    • Metric Status: Indicates where the transaction resides in the resolution process.

    • Transaction Type: Indicates the category the transaction is organized into.

  • the one-week report shows the following information:

    • Collection Point: Specifies the name of the Oracle Enterprise Manager beacon monitoring the user interaction transaction.

    • Date/Hour: Indicates the time when the metrics displayed were collected.

    • Avg (sec): Specifies the average runtime for transaction responses in the past hour for the given transaction or beacon.

    • 30 Day Avg (sec): Specifies the running mean of all response times for the user interaction transaction over the preceding 30 days.

    • Threshold: Specifies the longest acceptable runtime for the transaction, in seconds.

    • Historical Median: Specifies the median runtime value for all transaction responses in the past 90 days.

  • the one-month report shows the following information:

    • Collection Point: Specifies the name of the Oracle Enterprise Manager beacon monitoring the user interaction transaction.

    • Time (Average): Specifies the daily average value of responses for the transaction, in seconds.

    • Threshold: Specifies the longest acceptable runtime for the transaction, in seconds.

    • 30 Day Average: Specifies the running mean of all response times for the user interaction transaction over the preceding 30 days.


Location: On the Transactions dashboard at Customer and Service Level. The Transactions List view (List View Icon) is displayed by default. Click any user interaction record associated with an environment, then click Compare. For more information on how to access the Transactions dashboard, see Accessing the Transactions Dashboard.

In the case of transactions for multiple beacons, the Compare subtab shows the performance chart for all the collection points.

By default, information on the Compare subtab is displayed for the current day. For more information on how to change the time period for your reports, see the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

The chart name uses the following format:

{Location} {Transaction Long Name} {Beacon Name}


  • Location is @Oracle or @Customer.

  • Transaction Long Name is the long name of the transaction.

  • Beacon Name is the name of the beacon running the transaction.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the table view in expanded mode, then click the Export icon (Export Icon) in the upper right corner to export the data, as explained in the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

Depending on the selected time period, different information is available for each record in the performance profile flip view, as explained below:

  • the one-day report shows the following information:

    • Collection Point: Specifies the name of the Oracle Enterprise Manager beacon monitoring the user interaction transaction.

    • Date/Time: Indicates the time when the metrics displayed were collected.

    • Time (sec): Specifies the length of time between the moment when the user interaction start request was received and the moment when the user interaction transaction was completed, in seconds.

    • 30 Day Avg (sec): Specifies the running mean of all response times for the user interaction transaction over the preceding 30 days.

    • Threshold: Specifies the longest acceptable runtime for the transaction, in seconds.

    • Metric Status: Indicates where the transaction resides in the resolution process.

    • Transaction Type: Indicates the category the transaction is organized into.

  • the one-week report shows the following information:

    • Collection Point: Specifies the name of the Oracle Enterprise Manager beacon monitoring the user interaction transaction.

    • Date/Hour: Indicates the time when the metrics displayed were collected.

    • Avg (sec): Specifies the average runtime for transaction responses in the past hour for the given transaction or beacon.

    • 30 Day Avg (sec): Specifies the running mean of all response times for the user interaction transaction over the preceding 30 days.

    • Threshold: Specifies the longest acceptable runtime for the transaction, in seconds.

    • Historical Median: Specifies the median runtime value for all transaction responses in the past 90 days.

  • the one-month report shows the following information:

    • Collection Point: Specifies the name of the Oracle Enterprise Manager beacon monitoring the user interaction transaction.

    • Time (Average): Specifies the daily average value of responses for the transaction, in seconds.

    • Threshold: Specifies the longest acceptable runtime for the transaction, in seconds.

    • 30 Day Average: Specifies the running mean of all response times for the user interaction transaction over the preceding 30 days.

Sustained Stress

Click the Sustained Stress (Last 24 Hours) icon (Sustained Stress Icon) in the Alert column and navigate to the Sustained Stress tab, showing an overview of the transaction performance, as follows:

  • the Response Time (sec) table shows an overview of the transaction performance for a specified beacon, with information about the duration of the stress period, as well as the minimum and maximum thresholds which show the usual response time range for the transaction. The following details are displayed on mouse-over:

    • Date/Time

    • Performance(sec)

    Use the zoom-in option in the Response Time (Sec) table to gain a closer view of interesting issue periods, their duration, and proximity to previous issue periods.

  • the Proximate Events table shows information about the possible events contributing to the sustained stress periods. Depending on the event type, the following details are displayed on mouse-over:

    • functional events (outages and service interruptions):

      • Outage ID

      • MOS Ref#

    • change requests and service requests:

      • MOS Ref#

      • Subject


To see information about change requests and service requests in the Sustained Stress tab, you must have the applicable Request for Change (RFC) and Service Request (SR) privileges for your organization in MOS. Please contact your SDM for more details.

By default, information on the Sustained Stress tab is displayed for the last 24 hours, with the option to see details over the last 6 months. For more information on how to change the time period for your reports, see the Generating Reports for Different Time Periods section in Working with Oracle Pulse.