Understanding the Pulse Dashboard and Levels of Information

Oracle Pulse presents a comprehensive view of all your organization's services using the Customer and Service levels. This section describes how to use these dashboards and the lists to navigate Oracle Pulse.

Pulse Dashboard - The Pulse Dashboard, which is the Oracle Pulse home page, analyzes the recent performance of all your organization's services. Click any metrics to see the table view.

To improve your Oracle Pulse experience on smaller screens, such as iPhones or other smartphones, the Pulse Dashboard widgets stack vertically.

Customer Level - The Customer Level shows the health of all your organization's services. Click any of the options in the navigation menu to see corresponding metrics for all your organization's services in that area:

  • Calendar

  • CSU

  • Availability

  • Storage

  • Transactions

  • Business Insight

  • Performance

  • Incidents

  • Changes

Service Level - The Service Level presents key information for the selected service. Similar to the Customer Level, the service navigation menu provides a range of options that open specific pages with the following metrics:

  • Availability

  • Storage

  • Transactions

  • Self Healing

  • Incidents

  • Changes

To differentiate between the navigation menu at the customer level and

To see the Service Level page for another service, simply select the service you want to view from the navigation menu. Click the Oracle Pulse icon (Oracle Pulse Icon) on any dashboard at the Service Level to return to the Customer Level.

Navigating to the Service Level

The Service Level in Oracle Pulse presents key information for the selected service. To access Service Level data:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Pulse as explained in the Accessing Oracle Pulse section in Introduction.

    The Pulse Dashboard is displayed by default.

  2. Open the navigation menu and select the service you want to access.

    The Availability dashboard at the Service Level opens by default.

  3. Click any of the functionalities in the navigation menu to access the required data.

Navigating to Information for Environments

Oracle Pulse presents key information related to availability, storage, Business Transaction Monitoring, service requests, and change requests for the selected environment, as explained in the following sections:

Accessing Availability, Incident Management and Change Management Information for an Environment

To access availability information and information related to the service requests and change requests associated with an environment:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Pulse as explained in the Accessing Oracle Pulse section in Introduction.

    The Pulse Dashboard is displayed by default.

  2. Follow the steps in Navigating to the Service Level to access the Availability, Incidents or Changes dashboard for the service the environment is associated with.

  3. Click the List view icon (List View Icon) to see information for all the environments associated with the selected service.

    By default, information is shown for all the environments associated with the selected service.

  4. Click the environment filter (Filter Icon), then select the Individual Environment option.

  5. Select an environment from the drop-down list to see information for the environment of your focus.

Accessing Storage Information for an Environment

To access storage information for a specific environment:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Pulse as explained in the Accessing Oracle Pulse section in Introduction.

    The Pulse Dashboard is displayed by default.

  2. Follow the steps in Navigating to the Service Level to access the Storage dashboard for the service the environment is associated with.

    By default, information is shown for all the environments associated with the selected service.

  3. Click the environment filter (Filter Icon), then select the Individual Environment option.

  4. Select an environment from the drop-down list to see information for the environment of your focus.

Accessing BTM Information for an Environment

To access BTM-related information for a specific environment:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Pulse as explained in the Accessing Oracle Pulse section in Introduction.

    The Pulse Dashboard is displayed by default.

  2. Follow the steps in Navigating to the Service Level to access the Transactions dashboard for the service the environment is associated with.

    By default, information is shown for all the environments associated with the selected service.

  3. Select an environment from the drop-down list to see information for the environment of your focus.