Understanding the Service and Environment Configuration

Click the Configuration link in the navigation menu to see lay-of-the-land information on your services, environments and associated hosts, as explained in the following sections:

Starting with Pulse release 20.3, you can use the Configuration page to see information and details on environments that are currently being provisioned. These are indicated by an orange Provisioning icon.

The Configuration page further enables you to search for a specific service, environment or host. To do this, type the name of the service, environment or host, then click the Search icon (Search Icon) or press Enter. Partial strings return all services, environments, or hosts containing the searched text.

Accessing the Configuration Page

To access the Configuration page

  1. Sign in to Oracle Pulse as explained in the Accessing Oracle Pulse section in Introduction.

    The Pulse Dashboard is displayed by default.

  2. Click Configuration in the navigation menu, under Governance.

    The Configuration page opens.

Analyzing Environments

This section describes how to use the widgets on the Configuration page to analyze your services and production and non-production environments, as explained in the following sections:

Environments Widget

Location: On the Configuration page. For more information on how to access the Configuration page, see Accessing the Configuration Page.

The Environments widget displays your total number of environments and their percentage split into production and non-production environments.

Environments KPI/donut - Shows environments as Production/NonProduction, taking into account the Instance Prioritization value. In this KPI, what is shown as Production is calculated based on Instance Type and Instance Prioritiation.

Status Widget

Location: On the Configuration page. For more information on how to access the Configuration page, see Accessing the Configuration Page.

The Status widget displays the environment status per environment type. Available statuses are:
  • Production.
  • Implementation.
  • Migration and Upgrade.
  • Provisioning.

Status KPI/chart - Shows environment and their type: Production, Development, etc. and for each, it also shows the value of Instance Prioritization. In this KPI, what is shown as Production is the Instance Type. You can see the value of the Instance Prioritization in a tooltip.

Disaster Recovery Widget

Location: On the Configuration page. For more information on how to access the Configuration page, see Accessing the Configuration Page.

The Disaster Recovery widget displays the total number of active Disaster Recovery environments.

Managed Security Service Widget

Location: On the Configuration page. For more information on how to access the Configuration page, see Accessing the Configuration Page.

The Managed Security Service widget displays the total number of environments with associated Managed Security services.

Service and Environment Configuration

The Configuration table displays all active services associated with your customer. For each service, you can see active environments, provisioning environments (if available), and associated child services, such as Disaster Recovery services.

Use the filter to display all active environments, or only display services that have active environments or that are currently being provisioned. Select one of the following options:

  • All environments
  • Active environments
  • Provisioning approval

Use the Expand icon (Expand Icon) to the left of a service name in the Configuration table to display service information, including the:

  • Service details.
  • Associated environments and their details.
  • Managed Security Service label, if an environment has the Managed Security Service associated.
  • Associated hosts.
  • Disaster Recovery services, if available. These are marked with a light green Disaster Recovery icon at the parent service level.
  • Provisioning environments, and their associated details, if available. These are marked with an orange Provisioning icon at the parent service level.
Detailed information for services incudes the:
  • Service Description: Specifies the service type.

  • Service Name: Specifies the service name. The light green Disaster Recovery icon next to the service name indicates that the service has been recovered through disaster recovery procedures.
  • Service Delivery Manager: Specifies the email address of the Service Delivery Manager associated with the service.
  • Phase: Specifies the service phase. Available options include:

    • Development
    • Implementation

    • Initalization

    • Production

    • Stabilization

  • Go Live Date: Specifies the date when the service went live.
  • Support Identifier: Specifies the customer support identifier associated with the service.

Expanding a service also displays detailed information about its associated environments. You can see the:

  • Environment Label/Name: Specifies the environment label and name and label. An orange Provisoning icon next to the environment name indicates that the environment is currently being provisioned.

  • Type: Specifies environment type. Available options are:

    • Development
    • Implementation

    • Initalization

    • Production

    • Stabilization

  • Available Date: Specifies the date when the environment became available.
  • Lifecycle: Specifies the environment lifecycle. Use the slide button to select one or more environments to approve (even from different services) for instances with the Lifecycle status of "Awaiting Customer Approval".


    The slide button is only displayed for users with Architect Approval role and if the environment lifecycle is Pending Customer Approval.

  • (Optional) Managed Security Services (MSS): Where applicable, lists the Managed Security Services service types associated with an environment. These are marked with a dark green MSS icon at the parent service level.
  • Hosts: Specifies the names of the hosts associated with the environment.


Users with the Architect Approver role can also see additional details about the environments that are currently being provisioned , such as the Tier, Tenancy-Region, URL, Software Components, Oracle Product Version and OS Version..

Viewing Environment Details

Location: On the Configuration page. For more information on how to access the Configuration page, see Accessing the Configuration Page.

Click any environment name in the Configuration table to display the environment’s information at a glance:

  • Environment name and label: Specifies the environment name and label. An orange Provisioning icon next to the environment name indicates that the environment is currently being provisioned.
  • Type: Specifies environment type. Available options are listed in the Service and Environment Configuration section.

  • Available date: Specifies the date when the environment became available.

  • Lifecycle: Specifies the environment lifecycle. Available options are listed in the see Service and Environment Configuration section.

  • Hosts: Specifies the names of the host associated with the environment.