Using Host Metrics

Oracle Pulse shows key metrics for each host in the selected environment. Host metrics are shown by default when you select an environment using the Select environment icon (Select instance Icon).

Depending on the data collected for the selected host, each record in the table may show the following information:

  • Max CPU (I/O Wait1 %): This metric represents the average number of jobs waiting for I/O in the last interval. The table shows the maximum number of such jobs over the last 24 hours.

  • Max CPU (Sys Mode %): For UNIX-based platforms, this metric represents the amount of CPU being used in SYSTEM mode as a percentage of the total CPU processing power. The table shows the maximum amount of CPU over the last 24 hours.

    For Windows, this metric represents the percentage of time the process threads spent executing code in privileged mode. The table shows the maximum percentage over the last 24 hours.

  • Max CPU (User Mode %): For UNIX-based platforms, this metric represents the amount of CPU being used in USER mode as a percentage of the total CPU processing power. The table shows the maximum amount of CPU over the last 24 hours.

    For Windows, this metric represents the percentage of time the processor spends in USER mode. This metric displays the average busy time as a percentage of the sample time. The table shows the maximum percentage over the last 24 hours.

  • Avg CPU (Util %): For UNIX-based platforms, this metric represents the amount of CPU utilization as a percentage of the total CPU processing power available. The table shows the average CPU utilization over the last 24 hours.

    For Windows, this metric represents the percentage of time the CPU spends to execute a non-idle thread. CPU (Util %) is the primary indicator of processor activity. The table shows the average percentage over the last 24 hours.

  • Max Mem (Util %): This metric represents the amount of used memory as a percentage of the total memory. The table shows the maximum amount of used memory over the last 24 hours.

  • Max Paged In (per sec): For UNIX-based systems, this metric represents the number of pages paged in (read from disk to resolve fault memory references) per second. This metric checks the number of pages paged in for the CPU(s) specified by the Host CPU(s) parameter, such as cpu_stat0 or * (for all CPUs on the system). The table shows the maximum number of pages paged in over the last 24 hours.

    For Windows, this metric is the rate at which pages are read from disk to resolve hard page faults. Hard page faults occur when a process refers to a page in virtual memory that is not in its working set or elsewhere in physical memory, and must be retrieved from the disk. When a page is faulted, the system tries to read multiple contiguous pages into memory to maximize the benefit of the read operation. The table shows the maximum page reading rate over the last 24 hours.

  • Max Paged Out (per sec): For UNIX-based systems, this metric represents the number of pages written out (per second) by the virtual memory manager. This statistic represents the amount of real I/O initiated by the virtual memory manager. This metric checks the number of pages paged out for the CPU(s) specified by the Host CPU(s) parameter, such as cpu_stat0 or * (for all CPUs on the system). The table shows the maximum number of pages written out over the last 24 hours.

    For Windows, this metric is the rate at which pages are written to disk to free up space in physical memory. Pages are written back to disk only if they are changed in physical memory, so they are likely to hold data, not code. A high rate of pages output might indicate a memory shortage. Windows writes more pages back to the disk to free up space when physical memory is in short supply. The table shows the maximum page writing rate over the last 24 hours.

  • Max Run Q Length (5 min avg, per core): This metric represents the average number of processes in memory and subject to be run in the last interval. It checks the run queue. The table shows the maximum number of processes over the last 24 hours.


    This metric is not available on Windows.

  • Max Swap (Util %): For UNIX-based platforms, this metric represents the percentage of swapped memory in use for the last interval. The table shows the maximum percentage over the last 24 hours.

    For Windows, this metric represents the percentage of page file environment used. The table shows the maximum percentage over the last 24 hours.

  • Max Total Processes: This metric represents the total number of processes currently running on the system. It checks the number of processes running on the system. The table shows the maximum number of processes over the last 24 hours.


For more information, see 1.2.1 How to Analyze Host Metrics in the Oracle Fusion Applications Performance and Tuning Guide.

Use the table to:

Using Host Metrics Charts

The Performance dashboard also displays graphical representations with detailed information about the corresponding host metric. By default, the chart corresponding to the first metric and host for which there is available data is displayed. However, charts cannot be displayed for metrics and hosts marked with NA, for which there is no data available.

Chart View: The chart view provides a visual representation of the data collected for the host metric, over the specified time interval:

  • Custom Timeframe: Use this option to show the data collected over a time interval of your choice for a period of up to 3 full months, as explained in the Using the Widget Time Selector section in Working with Oracle Pulse.

  • Last 24 hours: Use this option to show the data collected over the last 24 hours. By default, data is collected every 5 minutes.

    This is the default option. Click the other tabs to see the data collected for your desired time interval.

  • Last 7 days: Use this option to show the data collected over the last 7 days. By default, data is collected every hour.

  • Last 30 days: Use this option to show the data collected over the last 30 days. By default, data is collected every day, at the same time.

  • Last 90 days: Use this option to show the data collected over the last 90 days.

Click the legend items to control the information subject to the report.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view provides detailed information about the selected metric:

  • Date: Specifies the date and time (GMT time zone, by default) when the data was collected from Oracle® Enterprise Manager.


    For the Last 24 hours report, this column is called Date & Time.

  • Host: Specifies the host the data was collected for.


    For the Last 24 hours report, this column is called Host Name.

  • Metric: Specifies the name of the metric.

  • Value: Specifies the metric value at the date and time when the data was collected from Oracle® Enterprise Manager.


    This column is only available for the Last 24 hours report.

  • Avg.: Specifies the average metric value across the selected time interval.


    This column is only available for the Last 7 days, Last 30 days, and Last 90 days reports, as well as for reports generated for a custom time period.

  • Max.: Specifies the maximum metric value recorded across the selected time interval.


    This column is only available for the Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days reports, as well as for reports generated for a custom time period.

  • Min.: Specifies the minimum metric value recorded across the selected time interval.


    This column is only available for the Last 7 days, Last 30 days, and Last 90 days reports, as well as for reports generated for a custom time period.

  • Std. Deviation: Specifies the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values.


    This column is only available for the Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days reports, as well as for reports generated for a custom time period.

Use the table to:

Comparing Host Metrics

Oracle Pulse allows you to review the same metric for up to five different hosts, making it possible for you to compare load on different hosts. Metrics for which there is no data available for a specific time interval can be added for comparison, as data may be available for at least one of the available time intervals.

To compare metrics across different hosts:

  1. Click a host metric for which there is data available.

  2. Click Compare.

    The Metric Comparison window opens, showing the metric and the host you have selected.

  3. In the Select Hosts (Max 5) section, select the check boxes corresponding to the hosts that you would like to include in the comparison.

  4. Click Submit.

    The comparison chart for the selected metric and hosts is displayed.

    By default, the comparison chart shows data for one day. Click any of the 1 Week, 1 Month or 3 Months to display a comparison between the maximum values for the selected hosts over the specified time interval.

  5. (Optional) If you would like to display the comparison chart for a metric other than the one you have selected, use the Metric list to specify the desired metric.

    To change the hosts for which you would like to display the comparison chart, expand the Select Hosts (Max 5) section, select the desired hosts, then click Submit.

  6. Click Close Icon to return to the Performance dashboard.

Click the legend items to control the hosts subject to the report.

Click the Open Table View icon (Open Table View Icon) in the lower right corner of the chart to open the table view in expanded mode.

Table View: The table view provides detailed information about the compared metrics:

  • Date & Time: Specifies the date and time (GMT time zone, by default) when the data was collected from Oracle® Enterprise Manager.

  • Host: Specifies the host the data was collected for.

  • Metric: Specifies the name of the metric.

  • Value: Specifies the metric value at the date and time when the data was collected from Oracle® Enterprise Manager.


    This column is only available for the Last 24 hours report.

  • Max.: Specifies the maximum metric value recorded across the selected time interval.


    This column is only available for the Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days reports, as well as for reports generated for a custom time period.

Use the table to: