Manage Content in Oracle Sales Accelerator


Oracle Sales Accelerator provides a one-stop shop for sales enablement content. It allows sales teams to readily access a wide variety of information and resources that make selling products and services easier.

This tutorial explains how to manage content in Oracle Sales Accelerator as a contributor or content administrator. You’ll learn how to create new assets, manage pages, and more.

You may also want to check out the tutorials on using Oracle Sales Accelerator as a viewer or, if you’re an application administrator, setting up and administering Oracle Sales Accelerator.

This image shows the Oracle Sales Accelerator home page.

Login and URL

You need a user account to access Oracle Sales Accelerator. Your system administrator will set up your user account, along with user privileges that define what you can do in Oracle Sales Accelerator.

The Oracle Sales Accelerator URL and your user login name and password are provided in one or more welcome emails after you’ve been added to the system. You’ll get one welcome email for each application role that you’ve been assigned. If you don’t have this information, check your email or contact your system administrator.

Application Roles

What you can do in Sales Accelerator depends on the application role(s) that you’ve been assigned. If you can’t perform some of the content management tasks below, you’ll likely not have the required privileges. You may need several roles to perform all your tasks in Sales Accelerator.

Contact your system administrator if you need a Sales Accelerator role that you currently don’t have.

Task Viewer Contributor Content Administrator Report Administrator
View published assets Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark
View unpublished assets Checkmark
Only content that you own yourself.
Also content owned by other people.
View asset properties and analytics Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark
Create assets Checkmark Checkmark
Publish your own assets Checkmark Checkmark
Publish other people’s assets Checkmark
Edit your own assets Checkmark Checkmark
Edit other people’s assets Checkmark
Activate/deactivate your own assets Checkmark Checkmark
Activate/deactivate other people’s assets Checkmark
Update assets in bulk Checkmark
View published pages Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark
Preview unpublished pages Checkmark Checkmark
View page properties and analytics Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark Checkmark
Create pages Checkmark Checkmark
Create customer stories Checkmark Checkmark
Publish your own pages Checkmark Checkmark
Publish other people’s pages Checkmark
Edit your own pages Checkmark Checkmark
Edit other people’s pages Checkmark
Activate/deactivate your own pages Checkmark Checkmark
Activate/deactivate other people’s pages Checkmark
Configure home pages Checkmark
View system-wide analytics and reports Checkmark

View Modes

Oracle Sales Accelerator can be accessed in different view modes:

Which view mode(s) you have access to depends on the user privileges assigned to you by your system administrator. All users can view content, but you need special contributor privileges to manage content and pages in the system.

Seller View

Most users will access Sales Accelerator in seller view, which allows you to access sales enablement information and resources in Sales Accelerator that make selling products or services easier. You search for content, navigate to content, filter content, view assets and pages, share assets, and more.

If you’re in seller view, you can’t add new assets or manage pages in the system. To do that, you need to be in contributor view.

See Use Oracle Sales Accelerator for further details on what you can do in seller view.

Partner View

Partner view is basically like seller view, but what you can see is limited to content whose visibility is set to ‘Partner and internal’ and ‘Public’. You won’t see any content marked as ‘Internal only’. This allows content contributors to make some content available to people outside the organization, but restrict access to confidential information and other content not intended for third parties.

Partner view limits content access in the following ways:

As a contributor, you can restrict the visibility of assets and pages for partners by setting them to ‘internal only’. That essentially makes the items invisible to partners on pages and in searches.

The table below shows content visibility to partners for a number of scenarios.

Page Page Section Asset Partner View
Internal Only Internal Only Internal Only The page, page section, and asset aren’t visible to partners.
Internal Only Internal Only Partner and Internal / Public The page and page section aren’t visible to partners. The asset will appear via search.
Internal Only Partner and Internal Internal Only The page and asset aren’t visible to partners. Also, the page section isn’t visible to partners, since the page isn’t tagged as Partner and Internal.
Internal Only Partner and Internal Partner and Internal / Public The page isn’t visible to partners. Also, the page section isn’t visible to partners, since the page isn’t tagged as Partner and Internal. The asset will appear in searches.
Partner and Internal Internal Only Internal Only The page is visible to partners via navigation and search. The page section and asset aren’t visible to partners.
Partner and Internal Internal Only Partner and Internal / Public The page and asset are visible to partners via navigation and search. The page section isn’t visible to partners.
Partner and Internal Partner and Internal Internal Only The page and page section are visible to partners. The asset isn’t visible to partners.
Partner and Internal Partner and Internal Partner and Internal / Public The page, page section, and asset are visible to partners.

See Use Oracle Sales Accelerator for further details on what you can do in partner view.

Contributor View

If you’re assigned the contributor role, you can turn on contributor view, which allows you to manage content in Sales Accelerator, including:

There will typically only be a limited number of contributors compared to other users in Sales Accelerator.

This tutorial focuses on contributor view and describes what you can do as a contributor and content administrator. See Use Oracle Sales Accelerator for further details on what you can do in seller and partner view.

Turn on Contributor View

To get started managing content in Oracle Sales Accelerator, you must first switch to contributor view:

  1. Log in to Oracle Sales Accelerator.

  2. Open your user menu in the top-right corner.

  3. Toggle the Contributor View switch on.
    If you don’t see this option, then you don’t have the required access privileges.

    This image shows the user menu with the Contributor View option enabled and highlighted.

After you enable contributor view, you can access the Create Content submenu in your user menu, which allows you to create assets and pages:

This image shows the user menu with the Contributor View option enabled and the Create Content menu highlighted and opened.

Understand the Interface

First, let’s help you find your way around the user interface:

Home Page

After logging in to Oracle Sales Accelerator, you see the home page.

If you’re a partner, you may see a different home page than internal users. Also, your home page may look different from the example below if your system administrator made any customizations.

This image shows the Oracle Sales Accelerator home page with various features marked with numbers, which are explained in the table following this image.

Item Description
1 Click this icon to return to the home page from anywhere in the application.
2 This shows your profile picture (if defined). Click it to open your user menu, which shows options you have access to based on your assigned user privileges.
3 This is the search bar, where you can enter words or phrases to find the content you’re looking for.
4 After performing a search, you can click this link to save your search, so you can easily perform the same search again or be notified if any new or updated content meets your search criteria. Your saved searches are included on your My Content page.
5 This is the filter bar, which allows you to filter the content based on content type, product, industry and/or location. Depending on where you are in the application, you may see more filtering options.
6 When searching for content, you can flip the My Content switch to limit your searches to your own content only or all content in the system. This switch is visible only in contributor mode.
7 This is the navigation menu, where you can browse to content based on defined categories.
8 This area shows one or more page banners, as defined by the system administrator.
9 This is the featured content area, which shows any items that you or content contributors have selected for highlighting.
10 This is your favorites panel, which shows any items that you’ve marked as favorites. Your favorites are also included on your My Content page.
Depending on your screen width, this panel will be displayed either below or to the right of the featured content.
11 This is your saved searches panel, which shows all previous search queries that you’ve chosen to save, so you can easily run them again. Your saved searches are also included on your My Content page.
Depending on your screen width, this panel will be displayed either below or to the right of the featured content.
12 If enabled, click this Feedback link to open a page where you can report any issues or provide other comments.

To learn how to find content by searching, browsing, or filtering, have a look at the Use Oracle Sales Accelerator tutorial.

User Menu

Access your user menu by clicking your profile icon in the top-right corner of the screen. The options available to you depend on the application role(s) that have been assigned to you.

This image shows the user menu with all available options, which are explained in the table following this image.

Option Description
My Content Click this option to open your My Content page, where you have easy access to all your favorites, saved searches, and view history.
Create Content Click this option to create new assets or pages. This option is available only if you’ve been assigned the contributor role and turned on contributor view.
Internal Homepage Click this option to configure the home page that internal audiences see. This option is available only if you’ve been assigned the content administrator role.
Partner Homepage Click this option to configure the home page that partners see. This option is available only if you’ve been assigned the content administrator role.
Analytics and Reports Click this option to view analytics and reports, which may be helpful for monitoring and tracking system usage. This option is available only if you’ve been assigned the report administrator role.
Administration Click this option to set a number of configuration options. This option is available only if you’ve been assigned the application administrator role. See Set Up and Administer Oracle Sales Accelerator for further details.
Contributor View Click this option to turn on contributor view, which allows you to manage assets and pages in the system. This option is available only if you’ve been assigned the contributor or content administrator role.
Sign Out Click this option to sign out of Oracle Sales Accelerator.

My Content Page

The My Content page provides a personalized view of your favorites, saved searches, and view history.

To access your My Content page, open your user menu and click My Content.

This is what the My Content page looks like:

This image shows the My Content page with various features marked with numbers, which are explained in the table following this image.

Item Description
1 Click this icon to return to the home page.
2 Click this icon to open your user menu, where you see relevant options for your assigned role. This menu basically replicates your user menu on the home page.
3 This shows your name (which you can change in your user profile) and your email address.
5 These are side-by-side panels that show your favorites, saved searches, and view history.
6 If enabled, click this Feedback link to open a page where you can report any issues or provide other comments.

You can use the Sort icon icon in each panel on the My Content page to change the sort order of the items in your list.

On the history panel, click Sort icon to filter your history by downloaded or viewed items, or Delete icon to clear your history.

When you hover over an item on the My Content page, you see options that are relevant for that item, depending on the panel you’re on, for example view an asset or run a search.

Content Pages

As a content contributor, you can create content pages in Oracle Sales Accelerator and make them available to users. Content pages typically focus on a specific product, industry, sales play, or competitor, but you can also create custom pages. You browse to content pages, search for them, or filter content to get to them.

Content pages consist of sections, which may include featured content, assets, related pages, and other resources. What you see exactly on a content page depends on how the page owner set it up, but here’s a typical example:

This image shows an asset page in Oracle Sales Accelerator, with various features marked with numbers, which are explained in the table following this image.

Item Description
1 This is a breadcrumbs trail that shows where you are in the hierarchy. Click any of the items in the trail to go to that page.
2 Click this icon to make the page a favorite, so you can easily access it again later.
3 Click this icon to open the edit menu, where you can see tasks that you can perform based on your assigned role, such as edit, publish, deactivate, or delete the page. You’ll only see this menu when contributor view is turned on.
If you’re a contributor, you only see the edit menu for your own pages.
If you’re a content administrator, you’ll also see this menu for other people’s pages.
4 Click this icon to view page properties and analytics, including who owns the page, when the page was created and last updated, how it’s categorized, and how many times it’s been viewed.
5 This shows your profile picture (if defined). Click it to open your user menu, which shows options you have access to based on your assigned user privileges.
6 This is the jump bar, which allows you to quickly go to a specific page section. You can also scroll down the page to the various page sections.
7 This shows the names of the owner(s) of the page. If there are more than two owners, you’ll see the others in a dropdown list.
8 This shows when the page was last updated with new or updated content.
9 This is the overview section, which may provide a description, featured content, and links to other resources.
10 This is the featured content section, which shows any items that the page owner has selected for highlighting. Scroll down to see additional asset or page sections defined for the page, for example related products, sales plays, etc.
11 Below the featured content section are one or more additional asset or page sections that are defined for the page, for example asset lists, related products, sales plays, etc. Scroll down to see all the sections or use the jump bar to go straight to a section.
12 If enabled, click this Feedback link to open a page where you can report any issues or provide other comments.

Asset Viewer

When you click the title of an asset on a page or in a list, it opens in the asset viewer.

An asset won’t open in the viewer if it’s in an unsupported file format, is more than 158 MB in size, or contains more than 300 pages. You’ll then have to download it to your local computer and open it there.

This image shows a PDF file in the asset viewer, whose features are explained in the table following this image.

Item Description
1 Click the X icon to close the asset viewer and return to the page that you were on before.
2 This area shows the content of the file if its format can be displayed in the viewer. Supported file formats include PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, PPT, PPTX, XLS, XLSX, JPG, PNG, MP4, MOV, and more.
If the asset is in an unsupported file format, you’ll have to download it to your local computer to view it.
3 This shows the visibility scope of the asset, such as ‘Public’ or ‘Partner and Internal’.
4 This shows the status of the asset, such as ‘Published’ or ‘Draft’.
5 Move this slider to zoom in to or out of the asset view.
6 Click this icon to edit, publish, deactivate, or delete the asset. You see this only if you own the asset and you’re in contributor view. You can only delete an asset if it hasn’t been published yet.
If you’re a content administrator, you’ll also see this menu for other people’s assets.
7 Click this icon to show the asset in full screen.
8 Click this icon to download the asset file to your local computer.
9 Click this icon to favorite or unfavorite the asset.
10 Click this link to copy a direct link to the asset file in the system to the clipboard, which you can paste into a document or email.
Please note that any people you send this link to must also have access to Oracle Sales Accelerator.
11 Click the information icon to show or hide the side panel for the asset, which shows asset properties and analytics.
12 Click the About link to see properties and metadata for the asset, such as the asset owner, creation date, last update date, and more.
13 Click the Analytics link to see access information for the asset, such as the number of views and downloads over time.
14 This is the panel content for the asset, which either shows asset properties or analytics.

Manage Assets

As a contributor in Oracle Sales Accelerator, you can manage assets in the system:

Create Assets

Assets provide the sales enablement content in Oracle Sales Accelerator. They may include data sheets, white papers, sales presentations, price lists, product images, introductory videos, and much more. They can be in a wide variety of file formats, including PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, JPG, PNG, MP4, and more.

To create a new asset in Oracle Sales Accelerator:

  1. Log in to Oracle Sales Accelerator as a contributor or content administrator.

  2. Turn on contributor view.

  3. Open your user menu on the home page or your My Content, choose Create Content, and then Create Asset.

    This opens the Create Asset panel.

  4. Click Add and then Add from this computer.

    Select the file on your computer that you want to add and complete the upload. The new asset will automatically be included in the Sales_Accelerator asset repository.

    A new panel opens with the asset you just uploaded.

  5. Make sure the asset type is set to SA-Asset. This should already be the case, but if it isn’t, select the asset, click Assign Type in the actions bar, and choose SA-Asset.

    This image shows the Create Asset panel, with the Asset Type dropdown menu for the newly created asset.

  6. Note that the status icon is currently red. This is because you must first edit some attributes.
    Select the newly uploaded asset and click Edit Attributes in the actions bar.

    This opens the Edit Attributes panel.

    This image shows the Create Asset panel, with the Asset Type dropdown menu for the newly created asset.

  7. Provide a title and description for the asset, and set metadata so users will be able to find the asset in the right context (based on asset type, product, industry, location, etc.). You can also set an expiration date, after which the asset will no longer be available to users.

    Important! Pay particular attention to the metadata that you set for the asset as that’s what helps users find your asset in the right context.

    When you’re done, click Overflow menu (three horizontal dots). and choose Done.

  8. The Status column will now show a green check mark to indicate it’s good to go.

    This image shows a green status for the newly uploaded asset.

  9. Click Done to complete the upload process.

The asset is now in the system, but it’s not yet available for users to find. To do that, you must publish the asset.

Publish Assets

After you create an asset in Oracle Sales Accelerator, it’s not available to users until you publish it. As a contributor, you can only publish an asset if you own it (that is, created yourself) or if someone else assigned you as an owner.

If you’ve been assigned the content administrator role, then you can manage any assets in the system, including ones that you don’t own yourself.

A new asset that hasn’t been published yet has version number v0.1. After publishing, the version number changes to v1.0. If you subsequently upload a new version of that same asset, the version goes to v1.1 while it’s unpublished and v2.0 after you publish it, and so on. Users will always see the latest published version of an asset.

There are two ways to publish an asset:

After the publishing process completes, users can find the asset in the system by searching for it, browsing to it, or filtering content. See Use Oracle Sales Accelerator for further details.

View Assets

To view an asset, click its title in a search list or on a page. You can also view your own assets from your My Content page. This opens the asset viewer, where you can see the contents of the asset as well as asset properties and analytics.

An asset won’t open in the viewer if it’s in an unsupported file format, is more than 158 MB in size, or contains more than 300 pages. You’ll then have to download it to your local computer and open it there. Supported file formats include PDF, DOC, DOCX, TXT, PPT, PPTX, XLSX, XLSX, JPG, PNG, MP4, MOV, and more.

In addition to viewing an asset, you can also do these things in the asset viewer:

Note that any unpublished asset will show a minor version number (for example, v0.1), which is incremented every time you edit and save the asset. Then, when you publish the asset, this turns into the next major version number (for example, v1.0). Users will always see the latest published version of an asset.

This image shows an asset in the viewer.

View Asset Properties and Analytics

To view asset properties or analytics, open an asset in the asset viewer, click the info icon to open its side panel, and then click About or Analytics. You can see who owns the asset, when it was created and last updated, how it’s categorized, how many times it’s been viewed and downloaded, and more.

If you’re in contributor mode, you may also see options to view links to the asset and its version history.

Click the owner name to send an email to that person.

Click the Download icon to download the analytics data of the graph as a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which can be opened in a spreadsheet application for viewing or further processing.

If you’re a partner, then you can’t download analytics data for assets.

This image shows an asset in the viewer, with the About tab open in the side panel.

Edit Assets

As a contributor, you can always edit content that you own—that is, that you created yourself or were explicitly assigned ownership to by a content owner. For example, you may want to change or update asset metadata to optimize how users can find the asset. Or you may want to extend the expiration date, or reassign ownership of the asset to someone else.

If you’ve been assigned the content administrator role, then you can also edit assets that you don’t own. This gives you full access to all content in Sales Accelerator.

There are two ways to edit an asset:

The asset opens in an edit panel. Click Edit and make changes as needed. When you’re done, click Overflow menu (three horizontal dots). and choose Done.

If you want to save the changes without committing them to a new asset version, then click Save instead of Done.

After you edit an asset, it’s in the unpublished state and its minor version number changes (for example from v1.0 to v1.1). You must publish the updated asset to make it available to users. The version number will then go up to the next major number (for example, to v2.0). Users will always see the latest published version of an asset.

Update Assets in Bulk

There may be circumstances where you may want to modify assets in bulk rather than individually. If you were granted the content administrator role, then you can do this directly in Sales Accelerator.

You can modify the following in bulk:

Update Taxonomy Values in Bulk

After assigning assets to categories (taxonomy values), you may want to reassign them to different categories to adjust how users can find them in the system.

To update taxonomy values of assets in bulk:

  1. Log in to Oracle Sales Accelerator as a content administrator.

  2. Open your user menu in the top-right corner and choose Administration.
    If you don’t see this option, then you don’t have the required privileges.

  3. Click Content Updates.

  4. Under Update Type, choose Taxonomy Values.

  5. Click Download Template to get a sample Excel spreadsheet that you can use to create a list of taxonomy value changes that should be made in the system.

    Don’t change any of the worksheet names in the spreadsheet, and don’t remove or change the first row (header).

    The template spreadsheet contains these columns:

    • Action: This is the action that should be performed. It can be ‘Add’ or ‘Remove’—that is, add a new category (taxonomy) value to an asset or remove one.

    • ContentID: This is the content ID of the asset whose taxonomy values should be modified. It will typically look like a long string of letters and numbers, for example: CONTD6EAF552FB5048449383F4946D1B99CA.
      You can obtain this information in Oracle Content Management:

      • In the asset properties (on the API tab).
      • On the Analytics page (in Reports and Metrics > Asset Details).

      Tip: You can also find out the content ID of an asset in Sales Accelerator by clicking the clipboard icon in the asset viewer. This copies a link to the item to the clipboard. The alphanumeric string at the end of the URL is the asset’s content ID, for example

    • TaxonomyType: This is the taxonomy type where a value should be added or removed for the specified asset. You can see all available taxonomy types for your system in the taxonomy_details worksheet in the spreadsheet.

    • TaxonomyCategoryName: This is the taxonomy value that should be added or removed for the specified asset. You can see all available taxonomy values for your system in the taxonomy_details worksheet in the spreadsheet.

    • TaxonomyCategoryId: This is the taxonomy ID that’s affected by the changes. You can find the taxonomy ID in the taxonomy_details worksheet in the spreadsheet.

    • UpdateFieldType: At the moment, this value should always be ‘Taxonomy’.

    For example, in the sample file below, the action on line 2 says that the value ‘Battle Card’ should be added as an asset type for the asset with the specified content ID.

    This image shows an example of the template file for taxonomy value updates in bulk.

  6. Once you’ve created the Excel spreadsheet that contains all the changes to be made, click Browse to select that Excel file and then click Upload.

  7. Click Continue to confirm the operation.

    The spreadsheet is now processed and all required changes are made in the system.

  8. After all actions in the spreadsheet have been completed, the Content Update page is refreshed to show the file that was processed, along with a status indicator.
    If everything was processed without any errors, then you’ll see the status ‘Success’ in green (this may take a few minutes). You can download the results file to have a closer look at the changes that were made in the system.
    If the process completed but there were some issues that need attention, then you’ll see the status ‘Partially Successful’ in orange. Open the results file to see the issues so you can address them. For example, one or more records couldn’t be processed.

This image shows the Content Update page after the spreadsheet has been processed.

Update Metadata in Bulk

If you need to modify metadata values of multiple assets (for example, ownership), you can do that in bulk rather than individually if you have the content administrator role.

To update asset metadata in bulk:

  1. Log in to Oracle Sales Accelerator as a content administrator.

  2. Open your user menu in the top-right corner and choose Administration.
    If you don’t see this option, then you don’t have the required privileges.

  3. Click Content Updates.

  4. Under Update Type, choose Bulk Assets Update.

  5. Click Download Template to get a sample Excel spreadsheet that you can use to create a list of asset metadata changes that should be made in the system.

    Don’t change any of the worksheet names in the spreadsheet, and don’t remove or change the first row (header).

    The template spreadsheet contains these columns:

    • Id: This is the content ID of the asset whose metadata values should be modified. It will typically look like a long string of letters and numbers, for example: CONTD6EAF552FB5048449383F4946D1B99CA.
      You can obtain this information in Oracle Content Management:

      • In the asset properties (on the API tab).
      • On the Analytics page (in Reports and Metrics > Asset Details).

      Tip: You can also find out the content ID of an asset in Sales Accelerator by clicking the clipboard icon in the asset viewer. This copies a link to the item to the clipboard. The alphanumeric string at the end of the URL is the asset’s content ID, for example

      Make sure there are no rows in your spreadsheet with duplicate Id values.

    • Title: Enter the new title of the asset. Leave this field empty if no change is required.

    • Asset Description: Enter the new description of the asset. Leave this field empty if no change is required, or enter BLANK to remove the existing description.

    • URL Type: Set this to TRUE if you want the asset URL to be a required field.

    • Asset URL: Enter the new URL for the asset. Leave this field empty if no change is required, or enter BLANK to remove the existing URL.

    • Owners: Enter the new owner(s) of the asset. Leave this field empty if no change is required, or enter BLANK to remove the existing owner(s). Specify the new owner with their email address and display name separated by |. You can use a comma-separated list to specify multiple owners. For example:|John Smith,|Michael Jones

      Make sure that the email addresses in your spreadsheet are formatted as plain text, not hyperlinks.

    • Visibility: Enter the new visibility level of the asset (for example, ‘Public’). Leave this field empty if no change is required.

    • Asset Language: Enter the new language of the asset (for example, ‘German’). Leave this field empty if no change is required, or enter BLANK to remove the existing language.

    • Asset Level: Enter the new asset level of the asset (for example, ‘Introductory’). Leave this field empty if no change is required. Leave this field empty if no change is required, or enter BLANK to remove the existing asset level.

    • Expiry Date: Enter the new expiration date of the asset. Leave this field empty if no change is required, or enter BLANK to remove the existing expiration date.

    • Asset Notes: Enter the new notes for the asset. Leave this field empty if no change is required, or enter BLANK to remove the existing notes.

    For example, in the sample file below, the action on line 2 says that the title, owner, and visibility level of the asset with the specified content ID should be updated, and its current description should be removed. The asset URL will remain untouched.

    This image shows an example of the template file for asset metadata updates in bulk.

  6. Once you’ve created the Excel spreadsheet that contains all the changes to be made, click Browse to select that Excel file and then click Upload.

  7. Click Continue to confirm the operation.

    The spreadsheet is now processed and all required changes are made in the system.

  8. After all actions in the spreadsheet have been completed, the Content Update page is refreshed to show the file that was processed, along with a status indicator.
    If everything was processed without any errors, then you’ll see the status ‘Success’ in green (this may take a few minutes). You can download the results file to have a closer look at the changes that were made in the system.
    If the process completed but there were some issues that need attention, then you’ll see the status ‘Partially Successful’ in orange. Open the results file to see the issues so you can address them. For example, one or more records couldn’t be processed.

This image shows the Content Update page after the spreadsheet has been processed.

Deactivate Assets

Assets may have a limited lifespan. To prevent obsolete assets in the system, you can deactivate them, so they’re no longer available to users. They remain in the system, but they’re invisible to users.

Content administrators will still see deactivated assets in their search results and lists.

There are two ways to deactivate an asset:

A deactivated asset will no longer be available to users, but it’s still included on your My Content page in Unpublished | Inactive state. You can activate an asset again by clicking Activate.

Content administrators will continue to see deactivated assets in their search results.

Delete Assets

After creating an asset, you can delete it and remove it from the system completely.

To delete an asset, open it in the asset viewer, open the edit menu (Edit icon), and click Delete. This option will be available only if contributor view is turned on and the asset hasn’t been published yet.

Once an asset has been published, you can’t delete it. However, you can deactivate it, so it’s no longer visible to users (though it remains in the system and accessible to contributors and administrators).

Manage Assets Owned by Other People

As a contributor, you can always edit or delete assets that you own—that is, that you created yourself or were explicitly assigned ownership to by an asset owner. However, if you were granted the content administrator role, then you can also manage assets owned by other users in the system. That means you have full access to all content in Sales Accelerator.

Here are some considerations:

Limit Asset Visibility for Partners

Your application administrator may designate some users as partners, which means they have more limited access to the content in Sales Accelerator.

If you want to make an asset available to partners, make sure to set its visibility to either ‘Public’ or ‘Partner and Internal’. If you set visibility to ‘Internal Only’, then partners won’t be able to access the asset in the system; it simply won’t exist for them.

If you change the visibility of an existing asset, your changes won’t take effect until you publish the asset.

This image shows an asset in edit mode, with the visibility field higlighted.

Manage Pages

As a contributor, you can create pages in Oracle Sales Accelerator to help users find various types of sales enablement content. Pages will typically focus on specific areas: customer stories, products, sales plays, industries, or competitors. Users can easily go to these pages through the navigation menu on the left, or they can access them through search results.

In addition, you can also create custom pages, which are standalone pages that aren’t directly mapped to any of the categories (taxonomies) available in the navigation menu. Users can navigate to these custom pages through a Custom tab in a Related Pages section of other pages, or by searching for content type ‘Custom’.

Managing pages in Oracle Sales Accelerator consists of these tasks:

Create Content Pages

Product, sales play, industry, and competitor pages are all very similar, even though they focus on different areas. They’re created in basically the same way, with small variations depending on the page type.

There’s typically an overview page with featured content, along with one or more additional sections that provide lists of assets, sales stories, contacts, related resources, and more. You move between sections using the jump bar or by scrolling down the page.

Here’s an example of what a product page could look like:

This image shows an example of a product page in Oracle Sales Accelerator.

To create a new page in Oracle Sales Accelerator:

  1. Log in to Oracle Sales Accelerator as a contributor or content administrator.

  2. Turn on contributor view.

  3. Open your user menu on the home page or your My Content page, choose Create Content, and then the type of page you want to create.

    This opens a new panel where you can define what the new page should look like and how it should be categorized, so users can find it in the right context.

    This image shows a Create Product panel, where users can define what the page should include.

  4. Provide a title and description for the page, which will both be displayed on the page in Sales Accelerator.

  5. Assign one or more categories (taxonomies) to the page so users can find it or navigate to it in the right context. Depending on the page type, you can associate the page with a specific product, sales play, industry, and/or competitor.
    These fields are not mandatory for custom pages.

    For custom pages, select one or more subtypes, which provide a grouping mechanism for these pages (since they aren’t typically associated with any of the standard taxonomies).

  6. Configure the location, URL, owner, and visibility for the page:

    • Location: Specify the location(s) that this page should apply to, so users will be able to filter for it. The available locations have been set up by your system administrator.
    • Owner: This field defaults to the user creating the page. You can add owners, delete owners, or transfer ownership to someone else.
    • Public URL: Enter the URL to an associated page outside of Oracle Sales Accelerator (for example, a product page on the company website).
    • Hidden in Search (competitor pages only): Select this check box to hide the page from searches.
    • Visibility: Specify in what contexts the page should be available to users (for example, internal or public). The available options have been set up by your system administrator. Users who’ve been designated as partners will not see any pages marked as ‘internal’ only.
  7. Add featured assets, pages, or stories to the page. These allow you to highlight specific content on your page. You can point to existing items in the system or create new ones.

    This is what featured content looks like on a page:

    This image shows an example of featured content on a product page in Oracle Sales Accelerator.

  8. Add related products, sales playes, industries, competitors, or custom pages to the page. These allow you to provide information that’s may not be directly related to the page you’re creating, but may still be helpful to users.

    This is what related content looks like on a page:

    This image shows an example of related content on a product page in Oracle Sales Accelerator.

  9. Add asset sections. This allows you to add or create asset portlets as part of your page. You can choose to add an existing asset section or create a new one.

    It’s recommended that you only add existing asset sections if you own them yourself. Any changes you make to an existing asset section will be reflected on all pages where that asset section is used.

    This is what an asset section looks like on a page:

    This image shows an example of an asset section on a product page in Oracle Sales Accelerator.

  10. Add page sections. This allows you to include content portlets as part of your page. You can choose to add an existing page section or create a new one based on a number of predefined layout templates, including Contact, Column, Table, Card Single, Cards Side-by-Side, and more. Here are examples of the Card Single and Table layouts.

This image shows an example of a Card Single layout.

This image shows an example of a Table layout.

  1. Click Done when you’ve completed the page and close the panel.

The page is in the system now, and you’ll see it on your My Content page. However, the page won’t be available to users until you publish it.

Create Customer Stories

Customer stories are a powerful tool in the sales process. They can highlight successful implementations of your products or services, or showcase use cases or features. Oracle Sales Accelerator allows you to create engaging customer stories that will help sales teams be successful.

Here’s an example of what a customer story looks like:

This image shows an example of a product page in Oracle Sales Accelerator.

To create a new customer story in Oracle Sales Accelerator:

  1. Log in to Oracle Sales Accelerator as a contributor or content administrator.

  2. Turn on contributor view.

  3. Open your user menu on the home page or your My Content page, choose Create Content, and then Create Customer Story.

    This opens a new panel where you can define what the new customer story should look like and how it should be categorized, so users can find it in the right context.

    This image shows the definition panel for a customer story.

  4. When creating a customer story, you can provide a wide variety of information, including:

    • Title and description
    • Customer
    • Story content
    • Public story URL
    • Use case
    • Reference quotes
    • Partners
    • Related products
    • Related customer stories
    • Related sales plays
    • Related industries
    • Related competitors
    • Related custom pages
    • Related partners
    • Competitors
    • Replaced vendors
    • Featured assets
    • Asset sections
    • Content sections

    For many of these items, you can choose to create a new one or add one already in the system.

  5. Click Done when you’ve completed the customer story and close the panel.

The customer story is in the system now, and you’ll see it on your My Content page. However, the customer story won’t be available to users until you publish it.

Preview Pages

While you’re working on a page or customer story, you can preview it to see what it would look like in the actual Sales Accelerator environment after publishing:

  1. Log in to Oracle Sales Accelerator as a contributor or content administrator.

  2. Turn on contributor view and open your My Content page.

  3. Find the page or customer story you want to preview in the My Pages panel.

  4. Hover the mouse cursor over the item in the list and click the Preview icon.

    This image shows the Publish option for an unpublished assets on the My Content page.

  5. In the page previewer, you can edit or publish the page, make it a favorite, or look at its properties and analytics.

Tip: On a preview page, click the copy link icon in a page section to copy an anchor link that you can use elsewhere on the page to open that page section directly, for example in a list of links.

Note that any unpublished pages will show a minor version number (for example, v0.1), which is incremented every time you edit and save the page. Then, when you publish the page, this turns into the next major version number (for example, v1.0). Users will always see the latest published version of a page.

This image shows a page in the page previewer.

Publish Pages

After you create a page or customer story in Oracle Sales Accelerator, it’s not available to users until you publish it. As a contributor, you can only publish pages that you own.

If you’ve been assigned the content administrator role, then you can also publish pages that you don’t own. This gives you full access to all content in Sales Accelerator.

There are two ways to publish a page:

Users can now find the page or customer story in the system by searching for it, browsing to it, or filtering content. See Use Oracle Sales Accelerator for further details.

View Page Properties and Analytics

To view page properties or analytics, turn on contributor view, go to the My Content page, and open the My Pages panel. Click the Preview icon to view the page and then click the info icon. You can see who owns the page, when it was created and last updated, how it’s categorized, how many times it’s been viewed and downloaded, and more.

If you’re in contributor mode, you may also see options to view links to the page and its version history.

Click the owner name to send an email to that person.

Click the Download icon to download the data of the graph as a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which can be opened in a spreadsheet application for viewing or further processing.

If you’re a partner, then you can’t download analytics data for pages.

This image shows an asset in the viewer, with the About tab open in the side panel.

Edit Pages

As a contributor, you can always edit and delete pages that you own—that is, that you created yourself or were explicitly assigned ownership to by a content owner. For example, you may want to change or update page metadata to optimize how users can find the page. Or you may want to extend the expiration date, or reassign ownership of the page to someone else.

If you’ve been assigned the content administrator role, then you can also edit pages that you don’t own. This gives you full access to all content in Sales Accelerator.

There are two ways to edit a page:

The page opens in an edit panel. Click Edit and make changes as needed. When you’re done, click Overflow menu (three horizontal dots). and choose Done.

If you want to save the changes without committing them to a new page version, then click Save instead of Done.

The edited page is now in the unpublished state and its minor version number changes (for example from v1.0 to v1.1). You need to publish the updated page to make it available to users. The version number will then move to the next major version (for example, to v2.0). Users will always see the latest published version of a page.

Deactivate Pages

Content pages may have a limited lifespan. To prevent obsolete pages in the system, you can deactivate them, so they’re no longer available to users. They remain in the system, but they’re invisible to users.

There are two ways to deactivate a page:

A deactivated page will no longer be available to users, but it’s still included on your My Content page in Unpublished | Inactive state. You can activate a page again by clicking Activate.

Content administrators will continue to see deactivated pages in their search results.

Delete Pages

After creating a page, you can delete it and remove it from the system completely.

To delete a page, preview the page, open the edit menu (Edit icon), and click Delete. This option will be available only if contributor view is turned on and the page hasn’t been published yet.

Once a page has been published, you can’t delete it. However, you can deactivate it, so it’s no longer visible to users (though it remains in the system and accessible to contributors and administrators).

Manage Pages Owned by Other People

As a contributor, you can always edit or delete pages that you own—that is, that you created yourself or were explicitly assigned ownership to by a page owner. However, if you were granted the content administrator role, then you can also manage pages owned by other users in the system. That means you have full access to all content in Sales Accelerator.

Here are some considerations:

Limit Page Visibility for Partners

Your application administrator may designate some users as partners, which means they have more limited access to the content in Sales Accelerator.

If you want to make a page available to partners, make sure to set its visibility to either ‘Public’ or ‘Partner and Internal’. If you set visibility to ‘Internal Only’, then partners won’t be able to access the page in the system; it simply won’t exist for them. If you include internal-only assets on a page or page section that’s available to partners, then those assets won’t be visible on the page.

If you change the visibility of an existing page, your changes won’t take effect until you publish the page.

This image shows a page in edit mode, with the visibility field higlighted.

Configure Home Pages

If you’ve been assigned the content administrator role, you can define what’s on the internal and partner home pages in Sales Accelerator. These are the first pages that users see after logging in. The partner home page is presented to users who are designated as partners. They will typically have a more limited view of the available content than regular users, who will see the internal home page.

To update a home page:

  1. Log in to Oracle Sales Accelerator as a content administrator.

  2. Turn on contributor view.

  3. Open your user menu on the home page or your My Content page, choose Internal Homepage or Partner Homepage, and then Edit.

    This opens the Edit Homepage panel, where you define what’s on the home page.

    The home page version will show a minor version (for example, v3.1) to indicate it’s being changed, but has not yet been published. Your changes won’t be visible to users until you publish the home page.

This image shows the Edit Home Page page.

  1. Change the site name and set the home page visibility as needed.

  2. Add or modify the banner(s) on the page. If you add multiple banners, they’ll automatically rotate as a banner carousel.

    • To add a new banner, click Add Banner. Select an existing banner or create a new one. When ready, click OK. If you have multiple banners, you can use the drag-and-drop icons to drag and drop the banners into the order you want them to appear on the site.

    • To edit an existing banner, click its edit icon. Make changes as necessary and click Done.

    Tip: To ensure a banner displays well on high-resolution screens, where the banner may not be wide enough, you may want to add a transparent gradient on the left edge of the banner, so it blends into the background.

This image shows the Edit Home Page page, with the banner selection panel.

  1. Add or modify the featured content on the home page. Click Add Features to select an existing item or create a new one. Click OK when you’re done.

  2. Add or modify links in the page footer. You can group links into separate sections.

This image shows the Edit Home Page page, with the footer definition panel.

  1. When you’re done, click Done and close the panel.

  2. After you’ve edited a home page, it’s not available to users until you publish it. In your user menu, choose Publish for either the internal or partner home page. The latest draft page will now be published. It may take a bit of time for your changes to take effect on the site.

View Analytics and Reports

You may want to monitor access and usage information for the content in Oracle Sales Accelerator. This may help you analyze your users’ needs and optimize their user experience. You need the SAReports application role to be able to see system-wide analytics and reports in Oracle Sales Accelerator.

In addition to system-wide analytics and reports, you can also view analytics for individual assets and pages.

To view analytics and reports:

  1. Log in to Oracle Sales Accelerator as a report administrator.

  2. Open your user menu in the top-right corner and choose Analytics and Reports.
    If you don’t see this option, then you don’t have the required privileges.

  3. The Analytics and Reports page provides a lot of useful information that will help you track how Oracle Sales Accelerator is being used. There are various tabs, each focusing on different areas:

    • Site
    • Pages
    • Assets
    • Reports
    • User engagement (stickiness) metrics
Site, Pages, and Assets

You can see access information for the site as a whole, as well as its individual pages and assets, including:

Click the Download icon to download the data of any graph as a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which can be opened in a spreadsheet application for viewing or further processing.

If you’re a partner, then you won’t be able to download graph data.

This image shows the Analytics and Reports page with the Sites tab open, showing a bar graph of access metrics.


In addition to site, pages, and assets analytics, you can also view and download reports on various metrics, including content usage, favorites, and searches.

Select the report type you want to create and then click View Sample to see the first ten entries in the report. To view the entire report, click Download Report and open the comma-separated values (csv) file on your computer.

You can create a metrics report for a time period of no more than thirty days.

This image shows the pages and Content analytics page with the Reports tab active.

User Engagement (Stickiness) Metrics

You can track how much your users interact with Oracle Sales Accelerator over time, if necessary differentiated by employees and partners. Information is available for these metrics:

In addition, you can see the ratios over time between daily and monthly users (DAU/MAU), weekly and monthly users (WAU/MAU), and daily and weekly users (DAU/WAU). These ratios help you track how frequently your users engage with the Oracle Sales Accelerator platform—in other words, its “stickiness” level.

Click the Download icon to download the data of any graph as a comma-separated values (CSV) file, which can be opened in a spreadsheet application for viewing or further processing.

If you’re a partner, then you won’t be able to download graph data.

This image shows the pages and Content analytics page with the User Engagement Metrics tab active.


Should you run into any issues, here are some tips:

I can’t log in

To access Oracle Sales Accelerator, you need a user account, which is set up by your system administrator. You may have a separate user login for Oracle Sales Accelerator, or it may be your single sign-on (SSO) for your organization. The user name will often be your email address.

Your user login name and password are provided to you in a welcome email. If you can’t find that information or if you forgot your password, contact your system administrator.

I can’t find the content I’m looking for

Here are some considerations if you can’t find the content you’re looking for:

I can’t view an asset

There may be several reasons why you can’t view an asset:

In most cases, if you can’t open an asset in the asset viewer, you can download it to your local computer and open it there (providing your computer has an application that can handle the file format).

I don’t see contributor options in my user menu

You need to have special access privileges to see the contributor options in your user menu and to manage content in the system. Your system administrator assigns access privileges to users when they’re added to the system.

If you feel you need contributor access to Oracle Sales Accelerator, contact your system administrator.

The Create Content options on my user menu aren’t available

To activate the Create Content options in your user menu, make sure to turn on contributor view.

Users can’t find content I’ve added to the system

Here are some things to consider if users can’t find content that you’ve added to the system:

People can’t access content I’ve shared with them

When viewing an asset in the asset viewer, you can copy a direct link to that asset in the system, and then send that link to other people. Anyone who receives a link to an asset must also have access to Oracle Sales Accelerator (that is, have a user account) to view the asset. If they don’t, they won’t be able to access the asset you shared with them.

If you’re sharing a link with a partner in Sales Accelerator, they must have access to that item—that is, it can’t be marked as internal-only. Otherwise they won’t be able to see it.

When sharing content with other people, please abide by your organization’s policies in this area.

Someone has made changes to an asset that I own

If someone made changes to an asset that you own, then here are some considerations: