Add Block Storage to an Existing Oracle SOA Cloud Service

You can add block storage to an existing Oracle SOA Cloud Service, either through the user interface or through the command line. However, this process sometimes may result in DBFS mount failure. Under those circumstances, follow these steps to add block storage and remount the DBFS.

To add block storage to an existing Oracle SOA Cloud Service and remount the DBFS:
  1. Unmount the DBFS directories using the fusermount command.
    fusermount -u /u01/soacs/dbfs
    fusermount -u /u01/soacs/dbfs_directio
  2. Follow the steps in Scale an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Node to extend memory.
  3. Mount the above directories back again.
    The mount point is the logical file system and the actual file stays in the DBFS instance. To mount:
    1. Run sudo su - oracle to change to the oracle user.
    2. Run the following commands to recreate the DBFS mount points dbfs_directio and dbfs.
      -bash-4.1$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbfs_client -o wallet /@ORCL -o direct_io/u01/soacs/dbfs_directio
      -bash-4.1$ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbfs_client -o wallet /@ORCL -o direct_io/u01/soacs/dbfs 
    3. Run -bash-4.1$ df -h to validate the mount point setup.
      You get details such as File system, Size Used, Avail Use%, and Mounted on.