Use a Shared File System

By default, SOA Servers save adapter deployment plans on your local file system. Any changes made to adapter configuration generates a new deployment plan. In a multinode cluster, the deployment plan must be copied to all nodes of the cluster. To avoid this copy operation, you can save deployment plans in shared folders that are accessible to all nodes in a cluster. Similarly, it is recommended to use shared folders for other features such as File Adapter read/write. This can be achieved in either of the following ways:
  • Database File System (DBFS). Available on both Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic. A standard Oracle SOA Cloud Service or Managed File Transfer (MFT) Cloud Service instance in Oracle Public Cloud has the following DBFS-based shared file system mount points, configured by default during provisioning and scale out operations:
    • /u01/soacs/dbfs
    • /u01/soacs/dbfs_directio
    Store deployment configuration plans (and other shared files) in one or more DBFS folders to make them available across all nodes in a cluster.
  • File Storage Service (FSS). Available on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure only. It can be used with Oracle SOA Cloud Service only, not with Managed File Transfer (MFT) Cloud Service. To use FSS, you must complete the following manual configuration tasks post-provisioning:
    1. (If not already done) Create File Storage Service (FSS):
      1. Open the navigation menu and click Storage. Under File Storage, click File Systems.

        A list of the file systems in your tenancy is displayed.

      2. Click Create File System.
      3. In the Create File System dialog, click the File System Information Edit Details link, and enter a name for the file system.

        For example: FileSystem-SOAShare

    2. Configure security rules to allow network traffic to and from the mount target. You can set up security rules in subnet security lists, network security groups, or by using a combination of both.

      For more information, see Overview of File Storage in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation.

    3. Mount FSS on each node of the cluster and subsequently on newly added nodes after a scale out operation.

      For example:

      sudo mkdir -p /mnt/FileSystem-SOAShare
      sudo yum install nfs-utils
      sudo mount -v /mnt/FileSystem-SOAShare
      sudo chmod 777 /mnt/FileSystem-SOAShare

      To see the new mount point, enter: df -h


      Optionally, you can add an entry in /etc/fstab to mount FSS during node restarts. Enter the mount point entry for FSS using the following syntax:
      FSmount_location mount_point nfs defaults,proto=tcp,port=2049 0 0

      For example: /mnt/FileSystem-SOAShare nfs defaults,proto=tcp,port=2049 0 0

      After configuring FSS mount points, store deployment configuration plans (and other shared files) in one or more FSS folders to make them available across all nodes in a cluster. FSS mounts are accessible across availability domains in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region.