Move OPSS Data

Move OPSS data by exporting from the source, and then copy the exported file to the newly provisioned target environment and import.

OPSS consists of the following:

  • OPSS policies application roles and permissions

    These are mostly seeded automatically but in some cases customers can create their own roles and policies. Also, customers will define role memberships.

  • Keys, certificates and trust certificates

    These are used for authentication, signing, encryption and SSL. Trust certificates are public certificates of certificate issuing authorities to establish the trust chain.

  • Credentials

Note the following when you move OPSS data:

  • Bootstrap credentials and bootstrap keys must be preserved in the target environment domain and should not be overlayed with import and export.

    If nothing was done to specifically import/export keys into the system keystore in the source system, it is recommended that you do not migrate the source system keystore since the same contents will get seeded when the destination domain is created.

  • Migration of the OPSS audit service is not required.

  • Server SSL key must be preserved in the target environment domain and should not be overlayed with import and export.


Source environment deployment server certificates with host names in the certificates cannot be reused.