Transition from Old Deployment to New Deployment

After migration, you can transition your production system from old deployment to new deployment. You can do this by transitioning: HTTP Clients, inbound adapters where the address is the same for old and new, clients of inbound adapters where the address is different for old and new, and clients who are reading from the old environment (such as a JMS queue) but now need to read from the target environment.

Note that the transition from old to new deployment will not work if the following are used:

  • BPEL correlation sets or message ordering.

  • Mid-process receives from clients in BPEL.

  • If SOA composites have human workflow elements.

To transition from old to new deployment:
  1. Deactivate the inbound composite/adapter/channel/transport in the old deployment if the inbound address in both old and new deployment is same.

    For FTP inbound, delete any processed file left behind after processing.

  2. Switch the DNS.

    The DNS switch is not instantaneous and may take a while (depending on TTL settings in routers) to propagate across the internet.

  3. Enable inbound composite/adapter/channel/transport in the target environment system.

    For some inbound adapters like WLS Java Messaging Service (JMS), the address is different and clients have to change the address and switch.

  4. Terminate all ESS jobs in the source environment and schedule them in the target environment.
  5. Ensure that callback and loopback invokes in SOA must come to the domain that initiated it. So the old deployment continues processing callbacks/loopbacks while new requests are processed by the new deployment.

    When all callbacks/loopbacks are processed and all backlog messages are processed and there is no need for a rollback, then you can destroy the old deployment. External clients who read from, for example, local weblogic JMS queues in the source deployment will switch to the target deployment after all messages are processed.