Update the Backup Configuration



Updates the backup configuration for an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance. Specifically, you can update the following details:
  • Schedule for full and incremental backups
  • Default retention time for incremental backups and full on-demand backups; note that full scheduled backups are retained until their last related incremental backup is no longer available, if any
  • URI and user name for the object storage container or bucket that is used to store backups

To disable a scheduled full or incremental backup, set the fullBackupSchedule or incrementalBackupSchedule value, respectively, to null. For example: {"fullBackupSchedule": null}.

To disable and reenable the backup service for a service instance, use the backups parameter. When disabled, both on-demand and scheduled automated backups cannot be performed.

If you specified a notification email address when you created the service instance, Oracle Java Cloud Service automatically disables backups and notifies you after three consecutive scheduled backups failures of the same error. You must correct the cause of the failure before you reenable backups for the service instance.

For complete information about scheduled automated backups, contents of backups, and where backups are stored, see Back Up and Restore an Oracle SOA Cloud Service Instance in Administering Oracle SOA Cloud Service.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
Body ()
The request body defines the details of the backup configuration update request. Specify only those attributes that you want to update.
Root Schema : backupconfig-postrequest
Type: object
The request body defines the details of the backup configuration update request. There are no required attributes, but you must specify the backups parameter to disable or reenable the backup service for the specified service instance.
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  • State of the backup service you want to set for the specified Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance. Valid value: DISABLE, ENABLE, or UNCHANGED (default).

    When the backup service is disabled, both on-demand and scheduled automated backups are disabled. The following operations are also not permitted on the service instance when the backup service is disabled:

    • Update the backup configuration
    • Restore from an existing backup
    • Apply a patch
    • Rollback a patch

  • Where to store service instance backups.

    This is the URI of an existing object storage container or bucket.

    On Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic, specify the container using one of the following formats:

    • Storage-<identitydomainid>/<containername>
    • <storageservicename>-<identitydomainid>/<containername>
    • <restEndPointURL>/<containerName>
    The format to use to specify the container name depends on the URL of your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic account. To identify the URL of your account, see Finding the REST Endpoint URL for Your Cloud Account in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic.

    On Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, specfiy the object storage bucket using the following format:


    To find out your namespace, sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure web console, click the tenancy name, and look for the Object Storage Namespace field.



    Also note the following on all cloud deployments:

    • If you change the object storage container or bucket name, any existing backups in the previous container or bucket will remain there and be available for service restoration until the retention period has elapsed.
    • The existing backups should be deleted before you switch the Storage Container to a new URL, you may get an error if the instance has existing backups taken using older storage URL.
    • The older backups will not be available after switching to new storage URL.

  • Password for the object storage user.

    On Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic, this is the password for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic user who has read and write access to the container that is specified in cloudStorageContainer.

    On Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, this is the Auth token generated in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for the user specified in cloudStorageUser.

  • User name for the object storage user.

    On Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic, this is the user name for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic user who has read and write access to the container that is specified in cloudStorageContainer.

    On Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, this is the user name for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage user.

  • Number of days incremental backups and full on-demand backups are retained. This value defaults to 30. Full scheduled backups are retained until their last related incremental backup is no longer available, if any.

    Any change to the default retention value will affect new backups as well as existing backups. This means if you change the value to smaller number, existing backups that meet the updated retention policy will be deleted at the next scheduled maintenance cycle.

    Set the default retention value to null to retain backups indefinitely or until you manually delete them.

  • Flag that specifies whether a scheduled Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance backup will include a backup of the associated Oracle Database Cloud Service database deployment.

    Default value is false (which means a backup of the associated database deployment is coordinated and enabled). Set the value to true to disable coordinated database deployment backups during scheduled backups of this service instance.

  • fullBackupSchedule
    Schedule for the next full backup.

    By default, full backups are initiated weekly starting 12 hours after an instance was created, rounded to the nearest five-minute interval.

    Note: Though not recommended, you can disable full backups temporarily by setting this attribute to null.

  • incrementalBackupSchedule
    Schedule for the next incremental backup.

    By default, incremental backups are initiated every day except the day that full backups are initiated.

    Note: Though not recommended, you can disable incremental backups temporarily by setting this attribute to null.

Nested Schema : fullBackupSchedule
Type: object
Schedule for the next full backup.

By default, full backups are initiated weekly starting 12 hours after an instance was created, rounded to the nearest five-minute interval.

Note: Though not recommended, you can disable full backups temporarily by setting this attribute to null.

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Nested Schema : incrementalBackupSchedule
Type: object
Schedule for the next incremental backup.

By default, incremental backups are initiated every day except the day that full backups are initiated.

Note: Though not recommended, you can disable incremental backups temporarily by setting this attribute to null.

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Nested Schema : backupschedule
Type: object
Attributes for fullBackupSchedule and incrementalBackupSchedule.
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Supported Media Types

202 Response

Accepted. The Location header returns a URI that can be used to view the job status, as described in View the Status of an Operation by Job Id.
Body ()
Root Schema : postrequest-response
Type: object
The response body contains information about the operation.
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400 Response

Bad Request. Returned when you try to update the backup configuration when the backup service for the service instance has been disabled.
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The following example shows how to update the backup configuration for an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL.

Note: The command in this example uses the URL structure https://rest_server_url/resource-path, where rest_server_url is the REST server to contact for your identity domain (or Cloud account). See Send Requests.

cURL Command

curl -i -X POST -u username:Password! -d @backupconfig.json -H "Content-type:application/json" -H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:ExampleIdentityDomain" https://rest_server_url/paas/api/v1.1/instancemgmt/{identityDomainId}/services/SOA/instances/ExampleInstance/backupconfig

Example of Request Body

The following example shows the request document in JSON format to change the automatic backup schedule. Include only those parameters that you want changed.

   "disabledScheduledCoordinatedBackups": "true"

Note: You cannot change the backup configuration when the backup service for the specified service instance is in a DISABLED state.

The following example shows the request document in JSON format to disable the backup service for the specified service instance.

Note that the request payload should not include other parameters as supported in the backup configuration because you are disabling the backup service.

    "backups": "DISABLE"

The following example shows the request document in JSON format to enable the backup service for the specified service instance.

    "backups": "ENABLE"

Note that the request payload can include other parameters as supported in the backup configuration when you reenable the backup service.

Example of Request Body when Updating Storage Credentials

The following example shows the request document in JSON format to update the storage credentials. Include these parameters only when you want to update the storage credentials.

  "cloudStorageContainer": "https:\/\/swiftobjectstorage.us-phoenix-1.oraclecloud.com\/v1\/storagecontainer\/mybackup",
  "cloudStorageUser": "UserName",
  "cloudStoragePassword": "password"

Example of Response Header and Body

The following example shows the response. The Location header returns the URI that can be used to view the job status. See View the Status of an Operation by Job Id.

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2019 19:38:50 GMT
Location: https://rest_server_url/paas/api/v1.1/activitylog/ExampleIdentityDomain/job/1882092
Content-Type: application/json
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