Delete One or More Backups



Deletes a backup of an Oracle SOA Service instance.


Path Parameters
Body ()
The request body to delete the backup.
Root Schema : deletebackup-request
Type: object
The request body to delete the backup.
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Supported Media Types

202 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : backup-response
Type: object
The response body contains information about the Backup operation.
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404 Response

Not found. Returned if the backup does not exist.
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The following example shows how to delete a backup of an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance by submitting a POST request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information, see Use cURL.

cURL Command

curl -i -X POST -u username:Password1! -d @backup.json -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:ExampleIdentityDomain" https://rest-server_url/paas/api/v1.1/instancemgmt/{identityDomainId}/services/SOA/instances/{serviceName}/deletedbackups

Example of Request Body

The following example shows the request body in JSON format.

	"backupId": "bc1b13d4-9a0f-4f99-8701-e203f645f732" 

Example of Response Header

The following example shows the response header:

-u '{userName}:{password}'
X-ID-TENANT-NAME: {identityDomainId}
Accept: application/json

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the response body in JSON format, including the backup URI that you can use to view, update, or delete the backup.

	"operationName": "delete-backup", 
	"target_uri": "http://{host}:{port}/paas/api/v1.1/instancemgmt/{identityDomainId}/services/SOA/instances/{serviceName}/deletedbackups/2632",
	"job_id": "2632"

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