Delete a Service Instance



Deletes an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance.

If the service instance uses IP reservations on WebLogic Managed Server nodes (and local load balancer nodes, if OTD is configured), those IP reservations are released and returned to the pool of pre-allocated IP reservations with the status of UNUSED. Released IP reservations are not deleted when the service instance is deleted.

You cannot delete a service instance as long as the instance is associated with one or more cloned instances.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Provision Payload
Root Schema : InstanceDeProvisionPayload
Type: object
Show Source
  • This attribute is valid when component type is set to weblogic only.

    Username for the Oracle Database Cloud - Database as a Service instance administrator.

    For service instances based on Oracle WebLogic Server 11g (10.3.6), this value must be set to a database user with DBA role. You can use the default user SYSTEM or a user that has been granted the DBA role.

    For service instances based on Oracle WebLogic Server 12c (12.1.3), this value must be set to a database user with SYSDBA system privileges. You can use the default user SYS or a user that has been granted the SYSDBA privilege.

  • This attribute is valid when component type is set to weblogic only.

    Password for the Oracle Database Cloud - Database as a Service instance administrator.

  • Boolean indicating whether the Instance is deleted forcefully on errors.
  • Boolean indicating whether the Backup termination should be skipped.
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Supported Media Types

202 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : delete-response
Type: object
The response body contains information about the Delete operation.
Show Source
Nested Schema : details
Type: object
The details of the Delete operation.
Show Source
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The following example shows how to delete an Oracle SOA Cloud Service instance by submitting a PUT request on the REST resource using cURL. For more information, see Use cURL.

cURL Command

curl -i -X PUT -u username:Password1! -d @delete.json -H "Content-type:application/" -H "X-ID-TENANT-NAME:ExampleIdentityDomain" https://rest-server_url/paas/api/v1.1/instancemgmt/{identityDomainId}/services/SOA/instances/{serviceName}

Example of Response Header

The following example shows the response header:

-u '{userName}:{password}'
X-ID-TENANT-NAME: {identityDomainId}

Example of Request Body

The following example shows the request body in JSON format.

  "dbaName": "<dbaName>",
  "dbaPassword": "<dbaPassword>",
  "skipBackupOnTerminate": "true",
  "forceDelete": "true"

Example of Response Body

The following example shows the response body in JSON format.
  "details": {
    "message": "Submitted job to delete service [<InstanceName>] in domain [<DomainName>].",
    "jobId": "27618"
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