Scale In an Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace Instance Cluster

Scaling in an Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace instance cluster removes the selected node from the cluster.

You cannot scale in a cluster that contains only the node for the Administration Server and first Managed Server. If you no longer require that node, you must delete the entire instance. See Deprovision an Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace Instance.


If an attempt to scale in a cluster fails, you can try rerunning the Terraform Apply operation.

To scale in an Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace instance cluster, first complete prerequisite steps:

  1. Use the ssh command to connect to the Administration Server VM (as the opc user):
    ssh -i private_key opc@AdminServerVM_IP_address
  2. Change to the oracle user:
    sudo su - oracle
  3. Change the current working directory to /opt/scripts and execute a shell script that prompts for the Managed Server name and the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration password:
  4. At the prompt, enter the name of the Managed Server that you want to remove as part of the scale in. This name can be obtained from the WebLogic Server Administration Console Servers section.


    The shell script performs the following operations on your Oracle WebLogic Server:
    • Deletes the Managed Server.
    • Deletes the Unix machine.
    • Deletes JMS servers and other resources associated to this node.

    It does not delete the VM and block volumes associated with the instance.

    Example script output:

    Shell script output

After completing the prerequisite steps, perform the following steps to scale in an Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace instance cluster:

  1. Go to the Stack Details page of the instance you want to scale out, as described in View Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace Instance Details.
  2. Click Edit Stack.
  3. In the Edit Stack wizard, click Next to go to Configure Variables.
  4. Decrement the Cluster Node Count value by 1.


    Remove only one node at a time.
  5. Follow steps 5-13 in Scale Out an Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace Instance Cluster.

If the scale in operation fails, you can try rerunning the Terraform Apply operation.