Perform a JNDI Lookup of JMS Resources Deployed on the Administration Server

For a Java client to perform a JNDI lookup of JMS resources deployed on the Administration Server, an SSH tunnel must be established between the client and the Administration Server that has a public IP address.

To perform a JNDI lookup of JMS resources:


An SSH tunnel cannot be established between a client and a host that does not have a public IP address. This prevents a Java client from performing a JNDI lookup of JMS resources deployed on the servers.
  1. Create an SSH tunnel to the Administration Server:
    ssh -v -i opc_rsa -L 7001:AdminHostIP:7001 opc@AdminHostIP -N

    where AdminHostIP is the IP address of the Administration Server.

  2. Create an SSH tunnel to the Managed Server.
    ssh -v -i opc_rsa -L 8001:MS1IP:8001 opc@MS1HOSTNAME -N

    where MS1IP is the IP address of the Managed Server and MS1HOSTNAME is the host name of the Managed Server.

See Creating an SSH Tunnel to a Port in the Virtual Machine.