2 What's New in Release 2.6.0

Here’s an overview of new features and enhancements added to Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel in Release 2.6.0. Take note also of some limitations when using the add-in.

New and Changed Features

  • Support for a list of values (LOV) on input text fields in addition to combo and choice fields. The behavior for input text fields is the same as for other fields. See Configure a List of Values for a Business Object Field.
  • Support for Descriptive Flexfields (DFFs) containing only global segments and no context-sensitive segments. No additional configuration steps are needed: if the service definition includes DFF metadata for "global-only" DFFs, the add-in makes these available automatically. See Use Descriptive Flexfields in a Layout.
  • Show or hide context-sensitive columns in a Table layout for a DFF discriminator field. To configure DFFs in a Table layout, use the Polymorphic Information tab of the DFF's Business Object Field Editor. See Use Descriptive Flexfields in a Layout.
  • Support for the WebView2 embedded web browser based on Edge/Chromium. The add-in uses an embedded web browser to display web pages such as the log-in web page for authenticating using JSON Web Token (JWT). See Embedded Browsers.

    In order for the add-in to use WebView2, the WebView2 runtime must be installed on each computer where the add-in runs. See Software Dependencies.

  • Use a Table layout instead of a Form-over-Table layout as the primary or "root" layout when you create a set of dependent layouts for multi-level business objects. A Table layout lets you choose more than one parent item to display in the primary layout and then view all the associated items (children, grandchildren, and so on) for each parent in the subordinate Table layouts. See Use Multiple Layouts for Multi-level Business Objects.
  • Improvements to the way the add-in handles batch requests when uploading changes. Rather than sending a static number of rows, the add-in now adjusts the number or rows per request based on the response times it gets from the service. This adaptive upload request sizing helps optimize performance and avoid timeouts. See Upload Changes Using Batch Requests.

Known Limitations

  • Review REST Service Support to understand the limitations around data type support.
  • Review Use Lists of Values in an Excel Workbook to understand limitations around using lists of values.
  • Review Custom Actions to understand custom action support.
  • Workbooks created or modified with version 2.6 are generally considered to be incompatible with prior versions of the add-in.