1 What's New in Release 3.3.0

Here’s an overview of new features and enhancements added to Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel in Release 3.3.0. Take note also of some limitations when using the add-in.

New and Changed Features

  • A new Send Only Changed Data for Updates check box that determines which values in a table row marked for update are included in the payload during upload. When this check box is enabled, only values in cells that have changed since the last download or upload are included. Send Only Changed Data During Upload.
  • The Refresh Field Titles command is now available for all supported REST services. See Refresh All Field Titles.
  • Support for using fields in searches that have lists of values (LOV) that use dynamic filters. You can now create a search in the Search Editor that includes two fields and then filter the values in the second field's list based on the value selected for the first. See Use Search to Limit Downloaded Data.
  • A new Workbook Info viewer that provides status information for a workbook. If a workbook is unusable, the business user can open this viewer to determine the cause and troubleshooting steps. See Resolve Workbook Issues.
  • Improvements to the Refresh Catalog command. You can now refresh a catalog that includes business objects that you have imported separately and that have their own service description documents. When you refresh a catalog, Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel reads the metadata path for each business object and issues a request that returns the business object details from each service description document. See Refresh a Business Object Catalog.
  • A new Metadata Path field in the Business Object Editor that displays the relative path to the business object's service description document. See Service Descriptions.
  • Support for adding ancestor columns from the form part of the root Form-over-Table layout to a descendant layout. See Add Ancestor Columns to a Dependent Layout.
  • An update to the log-in page to display the URL of the service the business user is logging in to. By showing the URL, business users can decide whether they want to provide their log-in credentials to proceed.
  • Improvements to the user experience such as freezing header rows in new table layouts When you create a new table layout, the add-in freezes the top row so you always see the column headers when you scroll through your table. See Create a Table Layout in an Excel Workbook. The add-in also now allows business users to navigate through editors and wizards by double-clicking.

Known Limitations