Configure the REST-Framework-Version

You can change the value of the REST-Framework-Version request header, set to version 6 by default for Oracle ADF REST Resource services. The REST framework version determines functionality for accessing business objects.

To configure a specific REST-Framework-Version that overrides the default framework version:
  1. In the Oracle Visual Builder tab, click Manage Catalogs.
  2. Select the business object catalog, then click the Edit Business Object Catalog icon.
  3. In the Business Object Catalog Editor, click the Advanced tab.
  4. Specify the framework version you want to use in the REST API Framework Version property. This property is available only for Oracle ADF REST Resource services (not ORDS or other REST services).
    The default value is version 6 (the only supported value). If the value is empty or lower than 6, it is set to the default. Framework versions higher than 6 are not certified.
  5. Click Done.
Once you specify a framework version, it stays in effect until you manually change it again. Every request sent to any endpoint that belongs to this catalog includes the REST-Framework-Version header with the specified value. For details on framework versions, see About REST API Framework Versions.