Install Using the All Users Installer

To install Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel for all users, download the All Users installer from the Oracle Downloads page and run the installer.

If any required software is missing, the installation terminates without installing the add-in. Refer to Software Dependencies for details including information on how to check for and install required components.

You must have elevated privileges for this installation.

The add-in includes designer tools for developing workbooks by default. If the user doesn't need these tools, you can disable them when you install the add-in. If these tools are needed later on, simply rerun the installer and enable them.

This installation is available to all users on the Windows machine. You do not need to install the add-in separately for each user profile.

  1. Double-click the vbafe-installer-all-users.msi file that you downloaded previously to launch the installation wizard.
    If you are not logged in with elevated privileges, you’ll be prompted to provide credentials with elevated privileges.
  2. To install the add-in without the available developer tools, click Developer Options and select Disabled.
    If you need to enable these tools after initial installation, re-run the installer, choose the option to repair your installation, and select Enabled.
  3. Click Install to install the add-in.
    When the installation is complete, click Close.
  4. Start Excel and open a new workbook.

    A new Oracle Visual Builder ribbon tab appears, with commands to integrate the Excel spreadsheet with a REST service. If you disabled the design tools during installation, you won't see the Design options in the first pane on the ribbon.

    Description of ribbontab.png follows
    Description of the illustration ribbontab.png


    If you are unable to install the add-in, refer to the installation log. See Installation Logs.