About Lists of Values

When you configure a list of values in your workbook, Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel displays a drop down list of values when a business user selects the field.

If a filter with a search term parameter is configured, a business user can also search for values in the list by typing a search term in the search-and-select window and clicking the Search icon.

In this image, the search-and-select window on the left is populated with a list of values drawn from a Jobs business object. The search-and-select window on the right shows the result of entering S in the search box and clicking the Search icon.

The search-and-select window

When a business user clicks the Search icon, the list of values displays only job titles that begin with S such as "Sales Manager", "Sales Representative", and so on. Business users can also enter the full value in the search box, assuming it's a valid value such as "Sales Manager".

Lists of values can also be configured to show more than one display field in the search-and-select window. The add-in shows all the display fields, in separate columns, in the search-and-select window but concatenates those values configured for display when shown in the Excel cell.

In this image, the search-and-select window on the left shows separate columns for first and last names. The search-and-select window on the right shows the result of entering Jo in the search box and clicking the Search icon.

The search-and-select window showing two columns

The list of values displays all first or last names that match the string. In this example, the add-in matches the search string "Jo" to the first name "Joshua" but also the last name "Johnson".

Each item in the list of values has a display value (which appears in the Excel workbook) and an identity value that is retrieved and posted to the business object field. For example, the Jobs business object used for the list of values might contain these display and identity values:

Display value (jobTitle) Identity value (jobId)
President PRES
Finance Manager FIN_MGR
Sales Manager SAL_MGR

On download, the identity values are replaced by the display values; On upload, the display values are replaced by the identity values.