REST Service Support Limitations

Refer to these limitations when planning to integrate a workbook with a REST service using Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel.


Many different request and response schema types are possible and Oracle cannot list all that are compatible with the add-in. If a particular structure is not listed explicitly as supported, it may not work.
  • The add-in supports REST response payloads up to 1 billion characters in size.
  • Only REST services that return application/json media types as response payloads are supported. The add-in supports application/octet-stream for attachments. Other media types such as XML are not supported.
  • Asymmetrical field lists. Since download, editing, and upload all occurs in the same Excel rectangular grid, the add-in counts on having a single set of field IDs (JSON member names) for both download and upload. If the REST service uses different field IDs for the same information when completing different operations, it cannot be used effectively with the add-in.
  • Fields with forward slash ('/') in the member name:
    • OpenAPI documents contain schema properties that are represented in JSON as something like "memberName" : { . . . properties describing the field ... }
    • When creating the business object field from the JSON member, the add-in uses the member name as the field ID.
    • Field IDs that include the / character are incompatible with the add-in, so such members will not be represented as fields in the business object.
  • URLs longer than 8000 bytes may fail due to limitations in various network devices between the add-in and the server.

If a REST service owner makes significant changes to the service after the workbook is configured to integrate with the service, the integration may not function as expected. In such cases, you can either re-import the service metadata and create a new layout, or refresh the business object catalog. If the change is minor, you can update the business object details to match the change in the service. See Manage Catalogs and Business Objects.