Set the Worksheet Title

If you plan to translate your integrated workbook, you can set the title of a worksheet in the Layout Designer so that the title is translated.

When you create a layout, Oracle Visual Builder Add-in for Excel uses the business object name (or parent-child names for a Form-over-Table layout) as the worksheet tab name. It does not, however, set the Worksheet Title property in the General tab of the Layout Designer.

You'll need to set the worksheet title in the Layout Designer to ensure the worksheet title key and value are included in the translation file.

If you decide to set a value for a worksheet title, keep in mind that Microsoft Excel imposes a number of limitations on worksheet tab names:

  • The length of worksheet tab name must not exceed 31 characters
  • It must be unique within the workbook
  • It cannot contain of the following characters: *[ ] \ / ?
  • It cannot start or end with an apostrophe
  • It cannot match any of the undocumented reserved words defined by Excel (example: "history")
  • It cannot be blank/empty

To set the worksheet title:

  1. Select the worksheet you want to update.
  2. From the Layout Designer's General tab, click the Edit icon (Edit icon) next to Worksheet Title and type in a title for the worksheet.

    The add-in resets the worksheet tab name to the value you provided.


    If the add-in fails to update the worksheet tab name, try a different value.

    You can also check the add-in logs for details on the failure. See Logging.

You can now translate your integrated workbook as described in Translate Your Integrated Workbook.

Once translated, the add-in updates the worksheet tab name to the translated value when the add-in detects a language change.


If you or a business user modifies the worksheet tab name, the workbook displays this value in the tab unless and until either the Worksheet Title property value or the language setting changes.