Oracle by Example brandingCreate a Project for Visual Applications in Visual Builder Studio

section 0Before You Begin

This 15-minute tutorial shows you how to create a project for a visual application, which serves as the foundation to build a basic web application in Oracle Visual Builder Studio.


Visual Builder Studio (VB Studio) is a development platform that helps you plan and manage your application's lifecycle, from design and build right through test and deploy. It lets you create engaging web and mobile applications using a visual application template, which provides everything you need to develop a visual web or mobile application.

In this tutorial series, we'll build a very simple Human Resources visual application, using a project as a starting point. Every project in VB Studio is devoted to a discrete software effort, and the project we create in this tutorial is exclusive to the HR visual application. A project brings together all the tools you need to create your application, such as a Git repository to store your source code, a pipeline to provide continuous integration and delivery, an issue tracking system, wikis, and more.

Once we have our project, we'll create a workspace, a completely private area for you to work on your visual application. All your work within this space is stored in a clone of the project's Git repository, and is not visible to others until you share or publish your changes. A workspace also connects you to the development environment where you plan to deploy your application, which must be a separate Visual Builder instance.

What Do You Need?

  • Access to VB Studio

    This tutorial does not provide access to a VB Studio instance. Talk to your administrator to get the URL of a VB Studio instance as well as user credentials to access the instance.

  • A supported browser
  • The name of a separate Visual Builder instance used for development
  • The credentials of a user who can deploy to the Visual Builder instance

section 1Create a Project for a New Visual Application

The first thing you'll do is create a project. As someone who creates a project, you'll automatically become the project's owner, responsible for project management. For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll assume that you're also the developer who will create the HR web application.

  1. In the web browser, log in to VB Studio. If you're logging in for the first time, you'll see a Welcome screen with a link to an introductory video, along with a news feed of additional screens. You can dismiss the news feed at any time, or keep it around.

    You are on the Organization page, which has a list of the projects you own or are a member of. Click + Create.

          of welcome.png follows
    Description of the illustration welcome.png
  2. On the Details page of the New Project wizard, enter:
    • Project Name: Tutorial HR Project (you may want to add your name to the project name if you're in a large organization)
    • Description: Tutorial project
    • Security: Private (the default)
    • Preferred Language: the language of your choice

    Click Next.

  3. On the Template page, select Visual Application and click Next.
  4. On the Properties page, click Select an instance to choose the Visual Builder development instance where you plan to deploy your application. If only one Visual Builder instance is associated with your VB Studio instance, it is automatically selected as your development instance.
  5. Change the Workspace Name from the default Workspace1 to HR Visual Application. Also change the Working Branch Name from branch1 to hrbranch.
  6. Leave other fields to their default settings and click Finish.

    Wait for the project to be provisioned. Once provisioning completes, you'll see the Project Home page, which serves as a window to the Designer, as well as to your environments, repositories, and a recent activities feed. On the left are a series of tabs showing all the project components that are available.

          of project_home.png follows
    Description of the illustration project_home.png

section 2Explore the Project Environment

Everything you need to start building a visual application is now created for you in this project. Let's step through some key components to better understand your project environment.

  1. On the Project Home page, you'll see the tutorial-hr-project.git repository on the right in the Repositories tab. This Git repository stores your visual application's source files and is also known as the project's remote repository. Click the tutorial-hr-project.git link to see your project's remote branches, master and hrbranch, created with initial content for your visual application.
          of repo.png follows
    Description of the illustration repo.png
  2. In the left navigation, click WorkspacesWorkspaces iconto view the HR Visual Application workspace. This workspace contains your working branch, hrbranch, and serves as your local repository. The hrbranch initially has the same set of source files as the master branch, but as you work with your visual application, it will include the changes you make. Your changes can't be seen by others until you save them from the local branch to a remote branch.
          of workspace.png follows
    Description of the illustration workspace.png
  3. Click Environments Environments icon in the left navigation to view the Development environment that points to your Visual Builder instance. Here, you can view details of your Development instance and the applications that you deploy to this instance.
          of env.png follows
    Description of the illustration env.png
  4. Click Builds Builds 
                  icon in the left navigation to view two build jobs that package and deploy your visual application to the Development instance. The Visual-Application-Package job generates the visual application's artifact files. The Visual-Application-Deploy job deploys the artifact files to the Development instance.
          of build_jobs.png follows
    Description of the illustration build_jobs.png
  5. On the Builds page, click Pipelines to view the sequence of build jobs that package and deploy your application to your Development environment.
          of build_pipeline.png follows
    Description of the illustration build_pipeline.png

section 3Add Credentials to Deploy the Visual Application

Now that your project is provisioned, let's set up the credentials that VB Studio will use to deploy your visual application to the Visual Builder Development instance.

  1. Click Jobs on the Builds page, then click Configure Configure 
                  icon for the Visual-Application-Deploy job.
          of build_auth.png follows
    Description of the illustration build_auth.png
  2. On the Job Configuration page, click Steps.
  3. In the Username and Password fields, enter the credentials of a user who can deploy to the Visual Builder Development instance. Click Save.
          of build_auth_credentials.png follows
    Description of the illustration build_auth_credentials.png

section 4Add Team Members to the Project

For the purposes of this tutorial, let's assume that other members of your team will work with you on this visual application, which means you'll need to add them to this project. As the project owner, you can restrict what others can do in this project by granting them membership as a Developer Full Access, Developer Limited Access, or Contributor.

  1. Click Project Home Project Home icon in the left navigation.
  2. On the Project Home page, click Team, then + Add Member.
    Description          of team.png follows
    Description of the illustration team.png
  3. In the Add Member dialog box, select the new user's membership, enter the username of a teammate, and click Add. For demonstration purposes, this tutorial adds Clara Coder with the Developer Limited Access role, which lets her access most project components but limits management actions.
    Description          of team_add_member.png follows
    Description of the illustration team_add_member.png

    An email containing project details is sent to Clara Coder. Your recent activities feed is also updated.