The image shows the Add User Account page, which has been filled out. Users has been selected in the tree view to the left. In the Associated Person Information section, the Associated Person type selector shows None. In the Account Information section, the Active check box has been selected and the Locked one has not. The User Information section is filled out with the following information: the User Category is DEFAULT, First Name is Alex, Last Name (required) is Cloud, Email is, User Name (required) is Alex.Cloud, the Password (required) is masked with six asterisks, and Confirm Password (required) is masked with six asterisks as well. There is an information icon to the right of the Password field. There are three buttons below the User Information area, from left to right: Add Role, Add Auto-Provisioned Roles, Remove All Roles. Below the buttons and to the left side of the page is the Roles area. An information icon precedes the following text: "Updates involving more than twenty role memberships are processed using the user-to-user role membership transfer job." The four-column table has the following headings: Role, Role Code, Assignable, Auto-Provisioned. The sole table role contains the following text: "No data to display." Two buttons, Save and Close, Cancel are at the upper right of the page.